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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. If they are planning to take on Apple I doubt this is going to be at the top of their list, you don't see many hardcore games on the iPhone afterall. Though Bejewelled Blitz is a bitch.
  2. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    I can't recall walking through boring and repetitive corridors in Wii Music and then having to backtrack for power ups which I had in the first place - so Wii Music wins. No, in all seriousness, I know Metroid is a quality game and I'm sure it's great but it's really not my cup of tea. I'm just trying to prove a point that not EVERYONE thinks Wii Music is a pile of shit because some people actually played it for more than 10 minutes. Before you ask, I did indeed buy and play a LOT of Metroid Prime before I finally gave up due to being bored shitless.
  3. It's just progression really, we naturally want everything to be improved. I for one would love improved graphics, the reason people want better graphics is because it draws them in and makes the experience a whole lot better. I don't think anyone would want a photo realistic Mario but imagine a Mario game that had graphics similar to a Disney Pixar film!
  4. July 30th is the day that all of my dreams come true.
  5. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    I don't think every single game that Nintendo makes has to be original though and whilst EA and Ubi Soft do make a lot of these games, like you've just said, most of them are shit. Maybe Nintendo just want to make a definitive party game on Wii.
  6. I would have agreed with you in the past but since the DSi I think Nintendo might actually head in that direction. The DSi plays music, takes pictures and can browse the internet, the only problem is... it doesn't do any of those very well :P As long as the 3DS has all of those features but improved (the ability to play MP3'S! a decent camera and possibly 3G?) then I think it could rival the iPhone without needing to be... a phone. I've worded that terribly but I hope I got my point across
  7. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    So your just assuming this will be bad? I'd agree that a lot of 'party' games aren't of a great quality but to just assume this game will be rubbish is stupid. Especially when you consider this is a 'Wii ---' game, all of those, bar Wii Music, have been fun and enjoyable. Heck, I actually like Wii Music. Shit, did I just say that? Don't judge me!
  8. This sounds nearly as fun as My Aquarium on Wiiware! I'm hoping this has Motion Plus support!
  9. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    I wanted a Mario Party 9! The Wii seems like the perfect system for a Mario Party with motion controls yet all we got was Mario Party 8, which started out as a Gamecube game I believe? Despite the fact this won't have Mario and co, the other Wii something games have been good so hopefully this one will be too! Online would be great but I doubt it.
  10. Make Mario Kart 64 online with Wii Speak, then I will pay any amount. ANY.
  11. It's something that everyone has to go through I suppose, just look at Ash, Misty and Brock! (Slits wrists over misty) I've always found saying goodbye hard but like a lot of you have said, recently it's been much easier to keep in touch with people through the use of Facebook and so whilst I don't see my friends everyday, every month or two I arrange a day to meet them all, have muchos fun and bask in their amazingness. If you really like these people that you speak of i'm sure that you can stay in touch no matter how little you see them. Sure, it's not as good as seeing them everyday but at least they will still be a part of your life. People move on, move away, have their own lives and sadly it's just something you have to deal with.
  12. Smash Bros Brawl. It's no Melee. I was SO hyped for the game because Melee is my all-time favourite! With great characters and brilliant music I don't know why I didn't enjoy this as much... Oh wait, I do. IT WAS SLOWED DOWN! After recently playing Melee I realised! Your character and the levels are much faster in Melee and I actually found out that Brawl was slowed down so that it is ''more accessible''. Melee is just so much more fun and fast paced and the levels have much more charm! Melee also has a HUGE Nintendo feel, whereas Brawl is less ''In your face'' Nintendo with Pikmin and Isle delfino levels as oppose to Poké floats and Princess Peach's castle. Also, there are less items on screen! One of my all time favourite things to do on Melee was to go on multiplayer, set the items to Pokéballs only, with the item setting as ''very high'' and have a crazy Poké filled match with sometimes up to 7 Pokémon at once! I try it on brawl and there are only 3 Pokémon at once at the most!
  13. That bottom right controller is one crazy wavebird!
  14. The anticipation is actually killing me.
  15. I'm not sure if this has already been posted but it blew my mind:
  16. I'm gonna' go for the Lib Dems. I've been undecided as to if I should go for Lib Dems or back to Labour but I've made up my mind... my only worry is that, as far as I can see, the Conservatives are going to win. This isn't an educated prediction though, i'm just going off what the majority of my friends and the people around me are going to do. Why do people like these homophobic, posh twats so much? Even my parents are voting for them!
  17. I used to wake up the Strong bad freaking way - "I wake up every morning feeling AWESOME!" But the last few days I've been getting progressively worse to the point where I was sneezing so much in college yesterday I had to just leave the room because I was being too disruptive :P Of my own accord of course, my tutor didn't force me to go out or anything. Anyway, I wake up this morning with an incredibly sore throat, so sore in fact that it feels like i've been giving a blow job to a huge black man and so I decide to not go into college but instead, rest at home like the sick boy that I am. Usually on a day off I would put on Jeremy Kyle but i'm not going to subject myself to such shit tv today and instead am going to whack on a F.R.I.E.N.D.S dvd! After all this time I've finally made my way to Series 10. "Ichiban! Lipstick for men!"
  18. I'm on virgin and for the last week or so my connection has been awful! Youtube video's taking ages to buffer and even N-Europe taking a while, I thought maybe it was my computer so I checked on my Wii and... Awful connection. Usually I can watch a program on the BBCiplayer channel and it doesn't have to buffer once but now it has to buffer every minute or so!
  19. @RedShell - Real life WiiMusic FTW!
  20. Diddy Kong Racing 2. Diddy Kong Racing is my all time favourite racer, even more so than any MarioKart! It probably won't happen as Rare are no longer with us but we can always dream. When I think of my favourite Nintendo games, most of them are actually made by Rare. a sequel to Donkey Kong 64 would be a dream come true but again, I don't see it happening. Nintendo forgot about Donkey Kong when Rare left. What have we had since? Donkey Konga which was fun but nothing compared to a full adventure. Oh and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat which was good but far too short. Then, just to piss me off that bit more, Nintendo ruined Donkey Kong by giving him the most retarded voice ever in Mario Kart Wii.
  21. I don't often skive from work just because my Manager is so scary when you tell him your going to be off sick. He is so intimidating and then gets all sarcastic and asks if you've been out drinking, then says that I don't sound ill. So in the 2 years, I've pulled a sickie twice because I can't deal with the dreadful call
  22. Do it, I dare you. Make sure you record it too, for both reactions. The coming out reaction and the ''NOT REALLY'' one
  23. I feel like a complete noob, I've never drank the stuff. I might give it a try when it comes to the UK because from what you've said it sounds amazing - Sugary, penis reducing, calorific, ALL IN ONE!
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