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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Ive been friends with this girl in college for a few months now. Everyone kinda took the piss out of her because she had an insane love for Michael Jackson and she was pretty fat. But me, being a big Michael Jackson fan and not being a shallow prick decided to go talk to her one day as she was sat by herself in the canteen (and there's surely nothing worse!) Anyway, we ended up being quite good friends and hanging out fairly often which brings me to a few days ago. We were at a party and rather drunk she runs up to me and says "I love you!". I just assumed, in her drunken state, that she was being overly friendly, like most people do, so I laughed and hugged her back. Then she suddenly went all serious and said "Josh, I like, really like you, I've liked you for months, your so funny and we have so much fun together, can't we perhaps take things further, be more than just friends?" Then, shocked and confused, I wasn't quite sure how to put it, so I just said "Surely, after all this time, you know I'm gay right?" "No" She says "Oh" I say, then someone shouts me and says "WE NEED ANOTHER PERSON ON SINGSTAR!" Saved by the Sony. I ran off to play Singstar and we haven't spoken since.
  2. I remember I took part in something like this back on Euro-Fusion way back when. I think I lasted about 9 days and it nearly killed me. On the 9th day... it was like a volcano erupting.
  3. I wanted my name changed ages ago but alas, much like nintendo-master I realised I couldn't change it. I made my name when I was joining the old Nintendo website, I wrote in 'txt spk' (my god) and a fair few people from the official Nintendo site (remember those terrible forums) were joining Cube-Europe and so I kept my name so that I didn't lose my online friends. Revo-Europe was created and once again I didn't want to lose said online friends so I kept the name. Now I don't know what has happened to any of them and I'm stuck with a terrible name that makes me sound like a chav. Damn! EDIT: That random user name site is amazing, my favourite so far being "Pillow Stick"
  4. That's the exact feeling I got! It reminds me so much of the Goonies! And I think that it's set in caves only adds to that feeling.
  5. The two things that were almost 100% confirmed to be there, Vitality Sensor and Pikmin 3, weren't. Though having a new Donkey Kong game and that epic looking Kirby game, I don't care.
  6. THIS! And whilst very unlikely, there is a glimmer of hope as he just recently left Rare!
  7. Incredible! I was so blown away when I saw this! It will kick New Super Mario Bros. ass!
  8. I love the art style! I just hope they win me back tonight with an awesome trailer!
  9. A NEW DONKEY KONG GAME?! If this turns out to be just a rumour I may just top myself. And what do you guys suggest as the best place to view the conference? I think I went with Nintendo's own servers last year! I'll be sure to join in the chatroom this time too! For now, I'm going to get some more stars on Galaxy, see you all at 5! >.<
  10. I adore this game! Even more than I thought I would! I'm also at about 25 stars now and have loved every single one. I thought I would hate the world map too but I much prefer it, it's so much easier to get into levels, the old hub world was quite confusing and I forgot which levels were in which area, which was annoying because it took a few minutes to get to each area of the hub world. I also love the fact that characters you've met come along for the ride on your planet. I've been recently joined by one of those wooden things, they are uber cute.
  11. Oh, I can't explain how much I love Cammie. She makes me laugh so much, her and that bad wrist. I actually hope she's like that again this year, instead of that lifeless drone she turned into last year! And woah, that professional drummer, I remember thinking it was bad at the time but looking back it's even worse than I remember!
  12. Picked up Mercury Meltdown for a mere £2.99 today! I don't know much about it but for that price, it'll do for a night of mercury based fun! And I remember reading a review way back saying it was pretty good! Awesome!
  13. Damn it! I spent the last year losing weight! I think NHS should pay me back. And I agree with a lot of you, especially serebii, that I'm now constantly worrying that I may put the weight back on! Whenever I have something unhealthy I feel terrible and have to go and exercise else im just full of anxiety.
  14. Meh, I suppose you're right. That roster has always been a bit weird. Like, they have characters from Earthbound, a game Europeans never had, yet it took until the 3rd game to have Diddy Kong included, who is obviously quite a big character. I just hope that when/if the new Smash Bros is released in a few years time, King K Rool will be playable! How could such an intense character not be included?! Bowser's rival for sure.
  15. Ha, I remember the days of ''OMG KID ICARUS IS COMNNIG!1!!1" I was so excited for that game but then... My dreams were shattered. Why make such a big deal out of him in Smash Bros if they're not going to continue the series!?
  16. Whoops! Sorry about the previous post, I was here thinking this was the official Wii E3 thread! Not the Zelda one, it's late, I need some sleep I think But been as I'm here, I'll spurt my views on what I'd love the next Zelda to be like. I would LOVE a direct sequel to WindWaker, I really liked it, even the sea sections. In fact, the sea sections were some of my favourite, I've never felt on such an adventure compared to when I was riding the waves and finding secret islands, I still find it crazy how people found that to be the worst part of the game! So yeah, Wind Waker 2, here's hoping!
  17. Stage Debut on Wii as a 'Home' type channel. MAKE IT HAPPEN, NINTENDO!
  18. But it must be agreed that it did have great graphics. Most Wii games fail to look that good.
  19. Yes but my love for Donkey Kong is so strong that I would have adored it anyway. ...And in my opinion it looked great, riding Rambi about some mountains, riding Enguardé in under water races, what could be better?!
  20. Well it would, only releasing one game I still hate the fact that Donkey Kong Racing was never released. GOD DAMN IT!
  21. Thank god it wasn't then, else the emo trend would have started a few years earlier than it did.
  22. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    I love the mii style animals!
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