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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. WAIT. Am I to believe that you don't like the recent rumours about the next Pokémon game?
  2. YISS. In all seriousness, seems like you made the right choice. Hope you'll find a new job quickly
  3. Amazing. "Let's just allow more people to play" might be my favourite quote when it comes to video games these days.
  4. drahkon


    Fortnite BR has been incredible for me the last two weeks. Buying the Battle Pass was a good idea The challenges you get really make you change how you play (i.e. use a variety of weapons, land at different spots, explore the map) and while the rewards are entirely cosmetic, they are actually pretty cool. Had a lot of fun playing with mates. Managed to win in Squad Mode two days ago. We started with three and in the end I managed to secure the win against two opponents. My heart was beating quite fast
  5. Read about the controller a couple of days ago. Sony and Nintendo should follow suit (unless they have and I missed it somehow). Maybe they could all work together with Microsoft. Would be awesome.
  6. drahkon

    Rage 2

    Should've just used this trailer from the start. Well...I need to see much more gameplay to make a decision whether I'd like it or not.
  7. Borrowed my mate's copy (he gets to enjoy my copy of God of War in the meantime ). Played the Prologue and Chapter 1 last night. It's basically Uncharted 4 so far and after a long break from the series it's exactly what I need. Still...it's insane how God of War looks even better than this. Can't wait to see what Naughty Dogs are able to give us with The Last of Us 2.
  8. Now I have the original stuck in my head. Probably for the next few weeks. Bless me with your gift of lights Righteous cause on judgment nights Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed Feel the freedom like no tomorrow One of the most important songs of my teenage-video-game-history. The last two minutes are sooooo good.
  9. Photo Mode has been released...
  10. To rephrase what @Kav said: Back up saves locked behind paywall... I think no one is criticizing the fact that cloud saves cost money, it's just that Nintendo doesn't offer any alternative right now and there's no indication that an alternative will be available soon. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing that you aren't able to back up saves to an external storage device...
  11. via gematsu.com @Hero-of-Time will be pleased
  12. Well...gonna be a looooooong time until I get a Switch, then, if ever.
  13. No more Pokémon games. Finally.
  14. I don't know what that is.
  15. There's no way Pokémon won't be behind the subscription service. As we all know, it's a system seller and if it has online modes it will also be a subscription seller.
  16. Can be both. Technically "Schildkröte" would translate to "shield toad". Can be. In zoology "Panzer" is actually "shell", though.
  17. The German words for toad and frog
  18. It's actually armoured toad. Get your German right, bob.
  19. Just tried the demo for Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. Controls are a little awkward, but once I got used to them the game sucked me in with the tactical stealth gameplay. The perfect genre for me. It's currently on sale for 12.50€ (down from 50€) in the PSN store. Guess I'll buy it now
  20. A couple of friends and I gave a copy of God of War to one of my best mate's for his birthday. I watched him play the first few hours today. Oh boy, the joy on his face during The Stranger fight. Pure happiness.
  21. Turn-based combat all the way. It's all I need. Just hook it to my veins. Pretty sure @Kav agrees
  22. Sounds good. Maybe the next game I'll buy. Have to wait until June, though. Lots of stuff to do in real life (urgh ) and until that is finished it's only backlog for me
  23. I think I started Yakuza 4 of them on PS3 years ago (I might even have a physical copy somewhere) but never played more than 20 minutes. No idea why. Probably because it's not the beginning of the story. I guess Zero is basically the start of the entire saga?
  24. Time well spent, I assume?
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