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Everything posted by bob

  1. I also wish I had spent more time in Japan when I went there. It was defo my favourite place on my trip; just so weird at every turn.
  2. Finished Annihilation last night. Started reading it because I was curious about the film, and thought I'd read the book first. After finishing the book I don't think I'll bother with the film. Just awful. Just a weirdly waffly mess with no ending or fully formed ideas. Nothing is explained or thought through. Imo it's just had sci-fi writing when you just make stuff up for the purpose of being mysterious with no idea of how to explain any of it. Apparently there are two more books which explore and reveal more, but since the first book made no effort to do so at all, why should I bother.
  3. If it lasts for more than a couple of days, you should probably go see a real doctor about it. Either there's something still in there, or it's become infected.
  4. It might be an eyelash that got trapped under there and irritated the skin, causing it to swell and cause discomfort. Source: i'm a dr
  5. Something that you very clearly are not.
  6. Go on then, who do you think was the most wokest developer?
  7. It's something that has filled the news and conversations for so long, that it's hard to sum everything up into one post. Basically, you can probably fit me into the Bored of Brexit category. I just want it to end now. If they end up cancelling it, great, we can finally move onto to more important things. If they go ahead with the deal, fine, most of it won't affect me anyway, and we'll just continue on as normal. If we end up with No Deal, well it'll certainly be interesting. I don't think we've ever had a group of such incompetent politicians all at once though, it's astonishing.
  8. I understand the need to make this game bigger and better than all the previous ones (it is called Ultimate after all), but it's all very confusing. There are just too many aspects of it - I feel it could have done with some streamlining. I mean, you have the spirits, which you upgrade with snacks, but you can also upgrade them with cores. The spirits have levels, but also power amounts. You collect gold coins, SP tokens, tickets, spirits (main and support), snacks, EXP, mii fighter costumes, normal points, battle and spirit items, golden hammers and god know what else. You can spend the SP on spirits, but also spend cores on new spirits? I don't even know what you spend the gold coins on. Continues? But also you can get continues with tickets. How do you replenish tickets? Probably by selling snacks to gain EXP and unlock more golden SP costumes. Why are there so many currencies?!
  9. Honestly, it's cheaper doing it the other way though.
  10. This is all a disaster! I just don't know what to do with myself.
  11. Found my first stage in Adventure mode that I couldn't get past. It's one where you fight Sonic in stamina mode, and he has this pink, bubbly, bitch helping him. I can't beat him. The closest I got was getting him down to around 15hp, and then he somehow got a final smash from nowhere and destroyed me. I'll probably go back with more appropriate spirits and try again later, but it was infuriating.
  12. I would love to play Subnautica, but don't think I would get very far due to my thalassophobia. The game looks terrifying.
  13. Went to see The Favourite last night. Didn't know anything about it or what to expect. It was pretty good. My criticisms are that it is about 15 minutes too long, the music is weird and the ending is complete trash. Other than that, I enjoyed it.
  14. I know how you're all in awe of my totals.
  15. Who isn't a fan of TayTay? Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
  16. It is a bit depressing unlocking all these characters I know i'm never going to use.
  17. Ah, a festival for Spanish films, held near where you live. Not a film festival, held in Spain, which you went all the way to, to watch a single film and fly home again. Got it. Bye!
  18. You went to a Spanish film festival and only watched one film?
  19. What do the colours signify in your pi link?
  20. That joke is as old as the invention of doors and borrowing money.
  21. My copy of Smash didn't come with any sort of code or scratch off thingy. How do I register it so that I can get the plant?
  22. My backlog isn't too bad right now. One of my resolutions last year was to stop buying too many games at once, and I think I stuck to it pretty well. Currently have Smash ready to play, and the final Spider-Man DLC downloaded. I put down Yakuza 0 a while back, and haven't found the enthusiasm to pick it back up again. Hopefully I will at some point. I was intending to at least complete my Let's Go Pikachu Pokédex, and maybe find and catch a shiny, but it looks like the first wasn't to be, and I don't know if the second is possible without the first. Never mind. Should be getting Just Cause 4 in a couple of weeks for my birthday, so hopefully I'll have done one of the above by then, to free up some time to play it.
  23. My free online subscription ran out just before Christmas, with two pokemon still to get, so it didn't look like I'll be completing my Pokédex either. Such a shame, the online trading system ruins an otherwise brilliant game.
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