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Everything posted by bob

  1. Congratulations@Serebii! I would make a joke about your outdated website design, but I've never visited it.
  2. I didn't have any consoles growing up really as they weren't really a thing. However, when i moved to this country, it was around the time of the N64, which i played at a friend's house and was transfixed. I knew i had to have one! So i saved up my pocket money and bought one with Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie. I don't ever really remember being jealous of anything the ps1 had to offer, especially since I only read Nintendo magazines and so didn't really know of any ps exclusive games. It wasn't until the internet that i started to take notice of games on other systems. By that point I'd had both the GameCube and Wii, and eventually i bought an Xbox 360 to play multiformat games as well as halo and gears of war. None of the ps exclusives around that time really interested me though, so i was happy with my Wii plus 360. When the Next Gen rolled around, i weighed up getting either the PS4 or the XBone, and went with the ps4 i think just because so many others on here had it. Again, none of the exclusives on the XBone really turned my head, while I'm pretty happy with all the games i have on ps4 that i couldn't get anywhere else.
  3. The lengths i had to go to in order to buy a Diglett plush in Tokyo... We must have gone to 15 shops! Finally found my boy at the bottom of a bargain bin.
  4. How long do we have to wait before using this argument?
  5. Christ, this is like a bad fan made Pokémon game, using crappy Deviantart versions of gen 1 pokemon.
  6. Weren't you complaining in a different thread about companies releasing games with no marketing, or without talking about them?
  7. I don't know why you're all whining about there not being enough games that cater to your needs while you all have backlogs a mile long.
  8. Aaaah, brilliant, thank you. Been bugging me for ages.
  9. I can't for the life of me work out what this icon means on my new phone - the one on the left. I've tried turning various things on and off, and it won't go away, so I'm assuming it's something important? Anyone else have this? Its on Android 9.
  10. This guy is incredible, i can't even fathom how he does this.
  11. Anyone else watch The Capture on BBC1? Really gripping start, but the finale on Tuesday was a bit.....meh. It wasn't a bad ending, but not particularly satisfying.
  12. I suppose one difference between phones/tablets and consoles is that once you've spent £400 in a console, you will want to spend £30-£50 on each game to play on it, so over the lifetime of the console, you could end up spending double that.
  13. For something like VR, it makes sense, as it will add to the immersion of reading out and touching an item, or running your hands through liquid etc. For console gaming in front of a TV, it's just a gimmick.
  14. Yeah, but I didn't realise that the thing that was chasing me after that was the same fish!
  15. Sometimes certain things just fall through the gaps - I remember when I played Wind Waker, I didn't realise you could actually talk to that fish that chases your boat around in the sea. I thought it was an enemy, so I just ran away from it each time, and then never got the advice that it gives you (can't remember what it says, but I know I spent ages sailing around trying to work out where to go next).
  16. Recently watched both The Boys on Amazon and The Politician on Netflix. Both were ok, although I enjoyed The Boys more. One thing that annoyed me about both, which seems to be happening more and more, is the way that many shows seem to spend more time setting up season 2 than they do actually creating a satisfying season 1. I'm all for a bit of a cliffhanger to pique interest, but The Boys basically wrapped nothing up - it was almost like a mid-season finale than a end of season one. The Politician actually could have finished at episode 7, but spent the whole of episode 8 seeing up the next season, which just ruined the whole pacing of the show.
  17. Almost all the top teams having a bit of a shit start to the season. I genuinely think that it might actually be Liverpool's year this year...
  18. Is that PSVR only? Sent from my motorola one action using Tapatalk
  19. Seriously tempted to buy this, but it's still like £38. Even on eBay.
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