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Everything posted by bob

  1. The problem with Sean Bean (other than his name; it should be Shaun Baun or Seen Been, not both!) is that he always seems to be putting on a bad Sheffield accent. Even though that is his real accent. How can a man go through life like that?
  2. You didn't mention Dexter? That's very good. And only one more season to go, so you might finish just in time to watch the final series as it comes out (in the summer). Also, House is good, and complete. Although i thought the first few season were the best. House isn't really a drama - like the ones you mentioned above, there isn't really that much progression from episode to episode (not until later on at least) but it's still good.
  3. Dr Doom looks so smug! Like he just realised he saved £50 on his car insurance.
  4. So apparently Van Persie has only scored once in his last 7 games. Some say he's having a dry spell and maybe there is too much pressure on him etc. I say it's because i made him my captain. It's a curse i tell you!
  5. I would defo do it gradually. Do 2.5 days in your current job, while doing 2.5 days freelance, and see which you prefer. Then after a year decide whether to drop the remaining days. I'm sure you could still do the animation even if you weren't working in weeklong blocks. Also, might you be able to get more contacts from your current job if you stay there?
  6. Our local cinema has changed from being an Apollo to a Vue. No changes as far as i can see other than the prices have gone up by 30%. Ridiculous. Would boycott it, but there really is nowhere else to go...
  7. Civil engineering is 10% inspiration, 10% concrete and 80% thinking you're better than all the other types of engineers.
  8. Are we talking about when that mob of unruly children ruined that guys dance? Yeah, very awkward to watch.
  9. Reading this thread makes me realise that i don't have a single gaming achievement to be proud of. Most of the time i count it as an achievement if i complete a game. Having said that, i got all but one of the collectables on Spiderman 2, and i maintain that the last one wasn't there for some glitchy reason.
  10. I need to watch this again i think. It's out on DVD now right?
  11. bob


    Thanks for the impromptu German lesson! But yeah, i understand what the Dative case is (it's one of the easier ones, i think), it's just that it makes remembering all the damned genders even harder. That and that some verbs are seemingly randomly dative as well. *exasperated gesture* The Dative case is actually the best one for guessing, since the neutral and masculine ones are the same so you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right if you choose dem/einem.
  12. bob


    Just passed the test for the first stage of German, and reached level 8. Only just though, i had no hearts left and just about scraped through on my second try. Every single mistake i made was due to forgetting the fucking gender. I hate it. Anywho, next step - the Dative case. Woo! Random gender changes! Die becomes Der for no reason whatsoever!
  13. I'm feeling pretty damned nervous about this match, and i don't support either team. Hopefully it'll be a good game!
  14. The postman yesterday dropped a package i was signing for, in front of me. 'Don't worry' he joked 'it's not fragile'. I laughed, and then after he'd gone, i noticed the package had 'care' and 'fragile' written on the side.
  15. The David Attenborough one is so true.
  16. They probably said QT, it's police speak for Questionable Thug.
  17. Wow, i didn't realise there was that much you could do. I also didn't realise that there were referee ratings, i thought they were just an avenue for hilarious pun names. I would never put 'bruise', i always put 'careful' because playing to injure other fantastical players seems a bit mean. Same with cheating, cheating is wrong. If i've played the person before, i sometimes check to see what formation they used against me last time and counter it, but if they're new to the league (like the last few i've played) i obviously haven't played them before and so can't do that. I wasn't aware that the other team could see who i chose to be playmaker! I might swap that around in the future too....although i don't have that many players who could do that. i will see. I considered marking certain people from the other team, but since i didn't know who they are going to play, i thought it would be a waste of time since i'd probably end up marking someone who is sat on the bench. Maybe in the next game i'll completely change all my tactics. I probably won't EDIT: I just went and completely changed up all my tactics! I didn't know who @Charlie will play, so obviously i just marked the guy with the stupidest name. He's not going to know what hit him. Mwahahahahahahaaaaaaa!
  18. Nope, I normally just add a win bonus and maybe switch my forwards round. Everything else I usually keep the same. I'm probably just having a bad form run.
  19. Does it punish you for not setting tactics? What if you log in, but then choose to keep the tactics the same? I feel like i've not changed anything in a while, and my form seems to have dropped. Maybe i should shake things up just to let the game know i'm still around...
  20. I absolutely loved Spiderman 2. Played that for hours and hours. Or possibly Pokemon Red, got a lot of memories of that game too. Also, the title of this thread is overconstrained.
  21. As long as I'm top 5, i'm happy. To be fair I've only played OoT, TP and SS, and i only finished TP, so that doesn't qualify me to comment on all of them. I like the idea of Zelda games, but then I start playing them and get stuck about a third of the way through and then just give up. I came to the conclusion that perhaps they just aren't for me. But I can see that they are very well made games!
  22. I think I caught a noselfish once. Nofisherman. Oh man now I've offended loads of fisherman by implying that i don't want to be one...
  23. It's happening again! Only this time to rekar.at
  24. Yeah that's what i will try, but it's the captions that always seem to play up. Just now they wouldn't stay attached to the picture, rather ending up on different pages. When i did try to link them, they ended up stuck to the one below rather than the one above...
  25. .....i watch the Great British Bake Off...... Anyway, back to the rugger.
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