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Everything posted by bob

  1. I've used LaTex before (albeit using a template) and found that you and the images very rarely wanted the same thing, even if it was for their own good. You mean what am i having problems with? Everything. And nothing. Nothing right now, currently everything is as it should be, but it takes so long to get it to be how you want. Just now it took me half an hour to get the section heading numbers to increment; they weren't playing ball. Before that the equation numbering wasn't in the right format. Before that, field codes wouldn't update. I fear the worst problems i'm going to have will be formatting images - but i'm putting that off for now as i can't handle it in my weakened state. EDIT: My problems look ridiculous now against martinist's. Sorry dude that's a horrible bit of news.
  2. Fucking Microsoft Word. I feel like i've been physically wrestling with it for the past few hours. Why is it so fucking difficult?! Why does stuff happen for no reason at all!? How did Microsoft manage to create a program that no-one seems to know anything about! You think there would be someone, somewhere who knew all of its features and how to use them. I thought i'd write my thesis in Word rather than LaTex since it would be easier. i've used Word loads of times, i thought. It'll be much quicker to write it in Word rather than learn how to use LaTex. Nope. Craptacular.
  3. Doesn't that end your ridiculously long unbeaten run?
  4. I don't mind DLC really. Sometimes if a game is good, and you want to get more content, you can buy more. If the game is craptacular, don't buy the extra content. Borderlands does this really well i think. With regards to the AC DLC, as long as the version without it still functions as a game, then that should be fine. If Sony and Ubisoft want to agree a fee to give extra content on their version of a game to get more people to buy it on that platform, i say go for it. No-one complains that it's unfair that Halo isn't available on PS3 or that Uncharted isn't available on Xbox360. They are exclusives. That's how it works.
  5. According to the BBC sports feed yesterday, Benitez is ninth on the list of 14 managers that Chelsea have had since the beginning of the Premier League in terms of win/loss ratio. I think he was around 52% or something. That would probably be enough to dislike him i suppose, but most of these 'haters' started before he'd even managed one game...
  6. You're right, that wasn't funny at all. AT ALL!
  7. That sounds like the beginning to a riddle. On his back were seven wives...
  8. Yeah it's true, my gf has the galaxy ace which would be a good little phone, but it only has 512mb of internal memory which limits the entire phone. All the other specs are fine, but it stutters and sticks because it runs out of space so easily.
  9. This one might be even better than the goat version... Also this: I've probably posted this before, but:
  10. I think the middle class watch Master Chef...
  11. Maybe try an external site? Try here? http://www.ticketnet.fr/thematique/genre/SP/billet/Sport
  12. Nah, you're thinking of old people.
  13. He would be fomaing at the mouth with pleasure. But still, i think that even with the repetitiveness i spent enough time with the game to justify it's cost. It terms of messing around ability, i thought it much better than GTA, and felt that after going back to GTA from JC2 that i kept yearning to grapple up to a building top and then throw a civilian off the top. That's why i'm so excited about this new one, hopefully they'll have sorted out the crappy story mode (or at least put some variety in, i really didn't mind the terrible acting etc)
  14. I do not agree with you, but lack the intelligence to argue back. Therefore, I send a slur your way!
  15. The second game suffered a bit from having a huge world and not quite enough to do in it, hopefully that will be something they remedy in the new one. Don't know if this will be for current generation, or next. Would be nice for it to be a launch game for next i suppose. I suppose Wii U would be a no-brainer if that happened.
  16. That gif pretty much sums up everything i love about Just Cause 2. Or it would if he collided with a helicopter, attached that helicopter to a plane, and then flew the plane into a satellite dish. Another blurry shot! http://www.kotaku.com.au/2013/02/a-blurry-tease-for-what-might-be-just-cause-3/ So one thing we know is that this game is going to be blurry.
  17. Yeah Charlie YOU IDIOT!
  18. This is awesome: Wembley Stadium exodus.
  19. Maybe it's because he looks like he should drive a truck around Bradford, and then he comes out with this weird Spanish accent that doesn't fit his face.
  20. Most of the Zelda games you could choose as 'Best Game Ever', but i would not have any of them in my favourites list because i don't like Zelda games. I think Rockstar make some very well made games too, like GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption.
  21. Wasn't sure which board to put this on, so maybe it can be moved later. http://dualpixels.com/2013/02/27/avalanche-studios-founder-outs-just-cause-3-screenshot/ One of the founders of Avalanche Studios just tweeted a photo supposedly of the new Just Cause 3 game. Very excited about this. Just Cause 2 was my favourite game on the 360 and one of my favourites of all time. Can't wait to see what the 3rd one will have in it.
  22. I am the best. Strangely, it turns out that one of the jumpers actually has someone else's name on the invoice, and just got put in a duplicate envelope with her name on.
  23. Random Task?
  24. I power down my mobile phone every night, it works better when i do that. Resets all the programs and i get far better battery life that way.
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