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Everything posted by bob

  1. bob


    I occasionally gamble on sports. But i only place bets on sure things and reap the tiny profits. So far I've never lost, but only made about £4...
  2. Maybe we should change the thread title...
  3. The best one was the banana, tv, cupboard combo. Some of them though......i almost expected one of them to be 'let's shoot a guy in a foot, it'll be a hilarious way to wake someone up!'
  4. Yeah i know, i just meant it just looked ridiculous in terms of 'oh, and this thing is hunting him. And this thing. Also this. That bird? Trying to kill him'.
  5. I heard all it would take would be a simple mod rewrite. Anywho, i've got the new Facebook yet, has anyone?
  6. That looks pretty good, i laughed though when he threw himself off that mountain and that eagle appeared and started to chase him. Ridiculous. Also the line 'He has found you' was a bit mirth provoking.
  7. Actually, mine was the Pontcysyllte aqueduct near Llangollen, and it does have a river underneath it too, but i'll admit, neither the canel or the river are as wide as the one in Germany. My point was, canals over rivers are not that new (even Wales has a few!). If your mind boggled at the German one, you should try going over one in a canal boat. Suddenly having a sheer 100ft drop appear by the side of your boat is pantscrappingly terrifying.
  8. Guys we're supposed to be bashing Facebook here, not Serebii.
  9. I don't see what's so amazing about that.....they've been around since the Romans..
  10. "Now the best parts of Facebook Mobile are on the web" Like there were any good parts of that steaming turd....
  11. (naturally, but this thread is about tapedeck let's not forget.)
  12. >>why The bald and not excessively bald and not excessively smart hamster obeyed a terrified and not excessively terrified hamster. >> wat. EDIT: >> for n = 1:1000; why(n); end cheating, i know, but it was going to take up my entire day otherwise....
  13. True fact: I don't allow tape decks in my household for fear of the 80's coming back into fashion - something that should never be allowed to happen. Unfortunately, i was so focussed on preventing the 80's, i overlooked the 90's, and yesterday i saw a girl in the library put a denim jacket over a denim shirt whilst wearing denim jeans. The horrors. Anyway, long story short; Happy Birthday.
  14. Just solved a particularly tricky problem i was having in Matlab which took up half of my day yesterday. *read: i'm a moron, it was really easy and should never have taken me half a day* This is good stuff.
  15. Did Iun just post from 1970?
  16. It probably comes from being a Liverpool fan...
  17. I think we can expect a Dragooooooooo win, but only just: 2-1. And i think his midfield will have a skill rating of 7.
  18. What the hell is going on this week! Apparently due to the FA cup and other fixtures, it's all going tits up. I've only got 5 players eligible this week - so i'm going to have some low low scores methinks. Just have to hope everyone else has the same problems. if not, maybe i can claw my way back when all my other players have double game weeks.
  19. But.....how? Er..... ....You mean bend over backwards?
  20. Actually it only became a cracking match after the red card - for the neutral obviously. I thought it was pretty boring up until then.
  21. It seems everyone here is assuming that Caville Superman is going to be a success. Not that i think otherwise, but if it bombs a Bale/Caville united film might not seem like such a good idea for Chief Executives etc.
  22. There's a 4-2-4 formation?! Yeeeeeessssssssssss.....
  23. This game makes no sense whatsoever.....but i'm liking it again!
  24. Either you are a lot older than you make out, or the person taking that picture used a camera from the '20s.
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