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Everything posted by bob

  1. I bet the only reason Schteve is still around, is that they need a unanimous board decision to sack him, and Schteve's on the board...
  2. Yeah, it's annoying when people are exclusively dicks online, but I think the reason this is so funny is that the designers overlooked the fact that you can be trapped in the FIRST room of the game by someone standing in the doorway. Just my sense of humour.
  3. To be honest, that sounds hilarious.
  4. Mother fucking Chris Isaak! I watched the first couple of minutes of that thinking 'I don't remember that...' before I realised that they've gone beyond the books! This season is going to be so weird...
  5. That's the most German sentence ever. But awesome! I'm seeing them in April. Can't wait! Did they have the revolving stage?
  6. Been exclusively playing Just Cause 3 when I can. I've still got the final mission to go, but I've been doing some general liberating and challenges before I tackle it. I can't see me 100%ing the game as there's just too much to do, but I'll keep going while I'm still enjoying it. I did want to move on and play some Battlefront, but the JC3 DLC is about to hit and it looks awesome, so I'm not sure which to do first...
  7. Who's that sexy guy you're with?
  8. Ah, so essentially you could sum that up as: not my type of game at all.
  9. Well he's always going on about them, but never explaining what they are. So you can only play the game once?
  10. What is a rogue-like anyway? I've literally never heard of them.
  11. I feel Monday morning commute is really noticeable from just two days off, I can't imagine how I'd feel after a month.
  12. I'll be waiting to see what the game is like before spunking loads of money on special editions.
  13. Mate, I can't believe you are actually saying those Toads all look the same. We can't be having this kind of Toad racism on this forum.
  14. I'm glad I cancelled my Unblock.us subscription a while back, as I doubt I'd get a refund for when they stopped working.
  15. Ah yeah, buying the coins outright. That's what I did.
  16. I'm pretty sure there is another way to get Porygon...can't remember how though.
  17. Yeah i was ready to give this the benefit of the doubt... but it really wasn't that great.
  18. As hilarious as I find Man U missing out on Champions League, I think it would be even more hilarious if they beat Man City to 4th place just as Guardiola arrives to find his new team aren't in the CL. Of course I could have my cake and eat it too if West Ham keep up this sort of form.
  19. I've never seen anything that suggested sweeteners were worse than sugar. Here is a link to an NHS article suggesting they are fine. Here is a paper which showed that test subjects who had sweetener put on less weight, had lower blood pressure, and had less fat mass than subjects who had sucrose. Obviously drinking tea with neither is probably the best bet though. Have you tried using filtered water to get rid of the hard taste?
  20. Try an artificial sweetener instead maybe?
  21. Wait, you're not going to play a free game because it doesn't have a platinum trophy? Why?
  22. I don't think it's possible to be any younger. You're already a whippersnapper!
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