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Everything posted by bob

  1. Yeah it was pretty similar to that set-list. Can't remember exactly how different, especially because it's quite hard to tell which songs they're doing when they mix them up into a songtage. He did one song from Interstellar - i think it was Mountains. Was good. My favourite bits were Sherlock, Lion King, Inception, Gladiator, and most of all - Pirate of the Caribbean. The one criticism i had (other than the slightly crappy seats we had) was the lighting. It was a bit over the top; they had far too much strobing and flashing lights that it kind of ruined some of the songs. I had to look away at some points because it was painful to look at! I'm jealous that you have yet to see it!
  2. Went to see Hans Zimmer in concert last night. It. Was. AWESOME. Absolutely fantastic - i got goosebumps several times. Hans is just a god. Quite a camp god, but a god, nonetheless. @Fierce_LiNk Proper Hhhnnnnnnnnnnnng moments all the way through! You're gonna love it!
  3. bob

    Drive Club

    Poop poop! Mr. Toad's Drive Club.
  4. If you're taking longer than a year to run 5k, you might be a slug. Cut down on your salt intake and try and keep somewhere dark and wet.
  5. Probably No Man's Sky is the only game I'm considering buying this year. Unless something fantastic gets shown off at E3 or if I suddenly get gifted a Vive and a PC to run it on the...
  6. It's a shame that ticket touts are getting hold of the last home game tickets for Leicester and selling them for thousands. People who have cheered them on for every other game this season, now won't get to celebrate if they win it.
  7. I'll take it. Best give me the PIN too just in case. I'll keep it safe and sound.
  8. I don't mind paying for an online service, since the money goes to maintaining the service and keeping the servers up and running. What I do mind is when you pay that money, and the service keeps going down. (Looking at you PSN...)
  9. Cube grew to level 28! What?? Cube is evolving! Cube evolved into Wii! Wii was banned for inflammatory remarks. Sorry about that. Happy birthday though.
  10. Don't really have anything original to say... Welcome back SOAG.
  11. It depends on their game offering, they would need to have a stand-out game i wanted to play online. I bought Xbox Live to play Halo Reach, and i bought PS Plus to play Battlefront. If they made a really good online game for the NX then i would consider it. I'm not fussed about the online infrastructure too much, or free games (i don't use party chat, or any of the free games on PS4). However, of Nintendo's current online offerings, i never played Smash online, and only ventured once or twice with Mario Kart, so they would have to offer something a bit more tempting for me. Pokemon MMORPG would do.
  12. I've not seen or heard of Mega Mindy...is it good?
  13. Speaking to Flink made me realise that not enough people have seen Megamind. It's brill, one of my favourite animated films. It came out the same week as Despicable Me, and I feel it was overlooked a bit because of it. I feel it's a travesty that DM got two sequels and Megamind got nothing. It features a great cast: Will Ferrell, David Cross, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and has some classic lines. Me and the wife are always quoting it. Also, and most importantly, Hans Zimmer. It has an amazing score with some quality tunes. I used to listen to it on repeat when writing up my PhD, and it got me through the hard times. Aaaaaah. Grand.
  14. Mmmmm, non-specific ambient noise.
  15. Ooh yeah. Crank it up loud and put that speaker on your crotch.
  16. Clearly you are. Ashley is going to enjoy that aubergine on holiday, and may try other similar vegetables in that range.
  17. I'm thinking about upping my fitness game. I was thinking I could do something like 100 pressups, 100 situps and 100 squats in the morning, then go for a 10km run in the evening when I get home from work. Quite tough, but I reckon if I did that every day, I'd start to see the benefit pretty soon.
  18. I wonder if they're just going to phase out the free games eventually. As someone mentioned, there's no incentive to give away anything really good, as most people pay for Plus anyway.
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