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Everything posted by bob

  1. Did you eat the wrong end?
  2. I've not seen or heard of Mega Mindy...is it good?
  3. Speaking to Flink made me realise that not enough people have seen Megamind. It's brill, one of my favourite animated films. It came out the same week as Despicable Me, and I feel it was overlooked a bit because of it. I feel it's a travesty that DM got two sequels and Megamind got nothing. It features a great cast: Will Ferrell, David Cross, Tina Fey, Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and has some classic lines. Me and the wife are always quoting it. Also, and most importantly, Hans Zimmer. It has an amazing score with some quality tunes. I used to listen to it on repeat when writing up my PhD, and it got me through the hard times. Aaaaaah. Grand.
  4. Mmmmm, non-specific ambient noise.
  5. Ooh yeah. Crank it up loud and put that speaker on your crotch.
  6. Clearly you are. Ashley is going to enjoy that aubergine on holiday, and may try other similar vegetables in that range.
  7. I'm thinking about upping my fitness game. I was thinking I could do something like 100 pressups, 100 situps and 100 squats in the morning, then go for a 10km run in the evening when I get home from work. Quite tough, but I reckon if I did that every day, I'd start to see the benefit pretty soon.
  8. I wonder if they're just going to phase out the free games eventually. As someone mentioned, there's no incentive to give away anything really good, as most people pay for Plus anyway.
  9. I quite liked some of the set pieces they had in the original trilogy, but yeah all the stuff in between felt very samey. All the environments and level design were very good I though. Some very memorable moments.
  10. When I went to Birmingham Comic Con a few weeks ago, there were loads of people dressed as characters from this, and I'd never heard of it! Looking at that trailer, it looks....insane. Is the whole anime based on attacking giant naked zombies? Or is that just one element to a complex story?
  11. Bizarrely FPS are actually quite hard to do in VR. The running forward often leaves people feeling queasy, as it doesn't move forward in the same way we do (and at ridiculous speeds). Also, you need to worry about moving three different things rather than two; your head, your gun, and your body. It hard to develop a game that manages this without losing immersion. Most VR games either try to limit moving around, or they slow you down to help with the weird feeling that gliding along the floor at 30mph does to your brain.
  12. I suspect you might be talking out of your bottom.
  13. Just saw this ad on the telly, and found it strangely hilarious
  14. I heard good things about What we do in the shadows (namely that it is one of the films that are laugh out loud funny) and decided to watch it tonight. It wasn't that good though. I only laughed once (at the rising out of the coffin gag in the first minute). It wasn't bad, just not in the same league as other hilarious films.
  15. Well the PS4 is wired, it's just my laptop that's wireless. Our internet is 100-150Mbps so i doubt it's that... It's bad when i'm sitting right next to the router, so there's no point me even trying it in the bedroom. Ho hum, never mind.
  16. I can't work out how to change the settings on the remote play program? I've set it up, and was trying to play some Battlefront, but it kept going all squirmy, so i thought i'd lower the settings to see if it sped up at all - but i can't work out how to change the settings? EDIT: You have to restart the program and change the settings before connecting apparently. But even then, it does not like playing through a wireless connection - skips horribly.
  17. Maybe I am... ¬_¬
  18. Yeah but what about CoD, FIFA and Assassins Creed? Hmm? HMMMMMMMM?!
  19. I think Chris Moyles used to harp on about Hayseed Dixie back when he was on the afternoon slot. They did sound great though.
  20. I've not seen it, but I've been to the place it was filmed. Does that count?
  21. Hmm, I was the first and only person to vote, and I still clicked 'see results'. I'm an idiot.
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