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Everything posted by bob

  1. No you didn't. You said they'd struggle against West Brim.
  2. I give one shit about folders. BUT ONLY ONE.
  3. Do you need to have preordered the game, or is this for anyone?
  4. I remember one time when I was pretty young, I was having a sleepover with some mates, and we were playing some OOT late at night. We all drifted off to sleep (we knew how to party) but only after we'd made it to the Lost Woods. So we fell asleep with that damn Saria's Song theme playing while we slept for the entire night. When we woke up, every single one of us had nothing but that song in our heads for about a week afterwards. All it would take was for someone to start humming it in school weeks later, and everyone would throw their school bags at them. Such an annoying song. I still can't hear it without wanting to punch a child. EDIT: Oh my God! Get out of my head! Argh!
  5. I think I threw an embargo in a food fight once...
  6. Oh man, i saw this thread had resurfaced and was hoping for something juicier. Where are the bans?! Where is the shit-flinging?!
  7. bob

    Sky q

    I don't get it. Isn't it just another set top box with on demand service?
  8. Oh my word. Arsenal would lose at Old Trafford even if Man U fielded a team of three-legged llamas.
  9. Happy Birthday to you. Goron_3. The third best Goron on the forums.
  10. It's a sad, sad day, but Tokyo Sexwale has dropped out of the FIFA presidential race. But he did announce, at the age of 62, that he had had another child, so there is at least one more little Sexwale running around. In other news, Man U vs Liverpool in the Europa League. Exciting.
  11. Time is precious Daft. Do you know how much the economy tanked because of that scene?!
  12. Yeah they're going to have to market it heavily as Moon and Sun to avoid S&M acronyms.
  13. I don't think we were that brute. He should try roman around other forums and see how mean they can be.
  14. Maybe they should be called 'Naughty Naughty Dog'? Hat hat hat...
  15. Oh, I apologise then, I thought he'd got banned. I do remember a hoo-haa regarding him coming on a bit strong towards female members...? Maybe I imagined that.
  16. Well we all like to play with...oh I see, you meant the game.
  17. Offerman was the horniest person I've ever seen, and eventually got banned for making inappropriate comments towards the two or three female members that we had at the time. He was also really good with computers if I remember correctly. Wonder what happened to him...
  18. Actually, back then we didn't have a dating thread, we had the 'Hot Girlz (50k warning)' thread, which was presided over by Offerman (remember him?).
  19. You're just not doing the right exercises. I've gained 13mm since November.
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