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Everything posted by bob

  1. The Kav-fatigue! It's spreading!
  2. bob

    Tomb Raider

    Damn you @Shorty!
  3. I do think it's a problem that the Academy is 70% old white men, but this doesn't mean the awards are racist. I saw someone add up the number of black winners for the four acting Oscars since 1995, and the result was about 13% of winners were black. This is the same as the proportion of black people in the US. It's the other minorities that don't get a look in.
  4. Yep, you're lazy.
  5. You now have the dubious accolade of being champions of the world's most popular sport and the world's least popular. Well done.
  6. Really want to see that, along with the one about the banking crisis, but neither have come to my cinema yet!
  7. It'll be DrUncle bob, I'm sure.
  8. Aaaah, I'm finally filled in and up to date. In other news, sister pregnant, going to be an uncle. Uncle bob!
  9. The power to do so is YOURS!
  10. Is Serebii related to him then, or have I missed something?
  11. What are you two on about?
  12. I'm starting to see why you moved to China.
  13. I was going to play some more Just Cause 3 tonight, but The Dark Knight is on ITV2 and that film has to be watched. No matter what.
  14. Did...did you just become a meme?
  15. Didn't Tom Clancy die? How is he still making games?
  16. Isn't that Minecraft?
  17. Yeah sorry, you were making a perfectly valid point to do with the discussion topic. I on the other hand was making a crappy joke at the expense of Flink and Eenuh. Ignore me and carry on!
  18. Surely no one would be stupid enough to buy two consoles to play the same game locally in the same house? Surely...
  19. I'm hoping it's Tanooki Leia.
  20. As I then replied:
  21. I think one of the differences is that you never used to hear people trying out 3D tvs for the first time, and saying how incredible it was. All the hype seemed to be coming from the industry side of things. With VR seemingly everyone who has tried it, is blown away. Hopefully they can use that momentum to push the technology through until it gets cheaper and more universal.
  22. And they shall get them.
  23. I think every two years is reasonable for such a huge film. I don't mind waiting.
  24. Yeah that looks really good. Much better than the first teaser/trailer/leaked thingy.
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