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Everything posted by bob

  1. Yeah, it's fully my fault for using Tapatalk; it's shit. But sometimes it's hard not to read the first line by accident as Kounan said. The week after Episode VII came out I stopped using the forums because I couldn't risk it. Does the forum have a mobile site?
  2. Dude, that shit shows up as the latest message in the thread on Tapatalk.
  3. Well I'm not. But yeah, whatever, I don't care. Serebii, you should shut your website and go get a job selling insurance. You'll be much happier. You might even get some poon.
  4. And that's fine, but he didn't ask for advice, so everyone should calm down if he chooses not to take heed.
  5. It's the monthly 'Shit on Serebii' thread! Leave him alone, he can do what the fuck he pleases; he's the Pokemon master.
  6. I thought that was Bullseye! Apparently, it's not...
  7. What? Money is the only reason I have a job. Surely no one goes and gets a job just to meet women?
  8. My parents (well, mostly Mum) are always pleading for me to visit them at home, but i don't often get around to it (they live 4 hours away). When i do however, they don't do anything! They just carry on with their own lives and pretty much ignore me. I think it's like Ashley said, they want it to go back to when i was a teenager and they would weed the garden/ potter around the house, and i'd watch TV etc, then meet in the evening to eat dinner/ watch TV. That's what they remember, and that's what they expect. I don't want to drive for 4 hours to go and do that though, its annoying. I don't find myself acting like a child though...if that's what the thread was about?
  9. Well he did say a million at least. That means it could be 1.04 million times better or something.
  10. Well he was innocent until proven guilty (or admitting guilt), so there was no reason to stop playing him until then.
  11. I might go. Last year's was pretty good, although the queues ending up being prohibitively bad, and I went on a weekday. I'm already going to Comic Con and possibly the Gadget Show at the NEC, so maybe I'll miss this one.
  12. Saw it last night also. Twas brillig. The only negative thing about it was that it seemed very low budget at times, but then it probably was. Hopefully the sequel will have more money to spend.
  13. I would just use your PS4 controller.
  14. It's funny because the fourth one was widely considered bad, so he's pretending it didn't exist.
  15. I didn't realise Ashley worked here? Anyway, Happy Birthday.
  16. But you could just post it on here and everybody would see it.
  17. Have you tried the green tea flavoured ones? My wife brought some back from Japan, and they were surprisingly good.
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