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Everything posted by bob

  1. He's 17 though, so it'd probably be for a cheeky Nandos rather than dinner (I believe).
  2. I don't think i've ever seen an FA cup match in which an upset is so.....expected. It's a League One side! Man U should be brushing them aside and yet the everyone i've seen is either expecting an upset or worried about one.
  3. He may be a dick, but you can't ignore his girth.
  4. I'm fairly sure you've got something stuffed up your t-shirt in the first photo, which you then removed for the second. If not, that's a pretty good show.
  5. Crap, man, i'm not sure what to say. That really sucks. You are seriously one of the strongest people i know for dealing with all this shit.
  6. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it' overpriced for everyone. Like you said, if you played that many games in one month, it would be a bargain. For me however, who barely manages to complete one game every six months...
  7. Well you've just drawn them in the FA cup (if you get past the mighty Shrewsbury)...
  8. Netflix seems like good value to me, as it's £7 a month, so all you have to do is watch a couple of films or TV shows that month and it's worth it. I wish PS Now had tiered pricing somehow, so i could pay £5 a month and get access to one or two at a time perhaps...
  9. Wow the number of games you get in that is pretty good....but i think $20 a month is too much. It would be good if i was likely to play an complete a game per month or more, but i know i just won't.
  10. I'm also strangely absent from this thread recently. I know how to fix that.
  11. I'm sorry for calling you the worst thing ever. That was rather rude of me, and i didn't mean it. I've had a rather stressful day at work, and it affected my judgement.
  12. bob

    Just Cause 3

    I didn't actually think it was possible for this game to get anymore batshit insane. But here it goes:
  13. Well that's literally the worst thing that anyone has ever done. Ever.
  14. And then some people told what features they wanted and were shat on from a great height for their opinions.
  15. I used to dislike Adele because of some comments she made a while ago, but damn if her songs aren't catchy.
  16. What's rest mode? How do you do that? Sounds useful.
  17. Who the hell makes tea at 12.00am on a Wednesday?! Bloody half term teachers...
  18. I've only played 2 games so far on my PS4, so the rest of my recently played games is full of wank. It would be nice to be able to delete that, or put it in a folder and forget about it.
  19. Maybe get two or three presenters and have them do a segment each? Break it up a bit and allow different styles?
  20. While we're criticising, there was no mention of me at all. Could do better on that front.
  21. Good video. Enjoyed it. Presenter (not going to attempt typing your nickname from memory) was great and enthusiastic, and Serebii was good too.
  22. This is why I'm not friends with any of you on Facebook. Can't be risking dem spoilers.
  23. Well there's no info on Episode VIII, what did you expect? I'm the opposite Flink, I found using Chrome really fiddley, but Tapatalk to be really easy etc. No spoiler tags is irritating though, and something which I thought they would have implemented by now...
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