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Everything posted by bob

  1. They could have called it Dawn Zero: Horizon and it wouldn't make just as much sense.
  2. Dun gone and bought me a second PS4 controller (fuck those things are expensive) so me and my chum can play the coop mode of this. We had a go at the weekend, and they are great fun! We mainly did the Survival mode, which was great. Did them all on normal, and halfway through doing them on hard now. Can you play the other single player modes on coop? Might try venturing online next time, but he's not much of an online gamer and he'll most likely get destroyed and have a miserable experience.
  3. Saw The Jungle Book last night. Really enjoyed it, but ended up having to see it in 3D due to film times and....fuck 3D. I don't think I've seen one for a few years, but this one was awful. The whole second half of the film was so dark, I could barely make out what was going on! Why don't they crank the brightness up for 3D showings?! Anywho, 3D aside, the film was good. Mowgli was great, and the CGI was stunning (from what I could see). The only thing I didn't like was King Louis song. I don't think it fit with his menacing feel. They should have dropped it, and just had it in the end credits.
  4. This has the most generically boring title of a game, I've ever seen.
  5. Make sure you eat lots, and stay hydrated. Don't forget the foreplay either.
  6. Sorry, who is Colin Moriarty?
  7. Look pretty good. Hopefully she'll ham it up to the eyeballs as it should be.
  8. I might get one in a few years if it (as i suspect it might be) ends up being the cheapest way to play 4k films.
  9. Ok i got the aubergine and the turnip, and i can get behind the cherries, but the starfish? That just looks painful.
  10. I'll probably wait for a box set....or ask for it for Christmas. Probably the latter - it's hard finding stuff for family to get me these days.
  11. As far as I know they don't show films at Millennium point in Birmingham any more, which is a shame. Saw Avatar there and it was incredible. Seeing the Jungle Book on Tuesday, which should be good. Really looking forward to it!
  12. I loved the first game. Hopefully I'll find time to play the second. Do we know if it's going to be the same kind of game, i.e. RPG?
  13. Try reasoning with the bees, and maybe get them to move on their own terms.
  14. Mate, you couldn't buy a shoebox in London for that.
  15. I meant that Shorty was telling people to continue filling in the spreadsheet, even though the date had been chosen.
  16. What's the point in filling in the spreadsheet if a date has already been chosen? Also what's the point in filling in the spreadsheet if some sneaky sneakerton is going to change your input anyway.
  17. Well I took the comment 'you pay for the best' to mean his broadband.
  18. Actually no, sorry. I checked a set list, and apparently it wasn't Mountains. Sorry brah. Still, it was a bit like that. So, you're kind of good, no?
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