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Everything posted by bob

  1. What the hell is an oil sphere? It sounds revolting.
  2. Yeah, it's fine. We'll be out soon. More on topic, I got a cool Nintendo festive jumper and a Pokemon Ash hat.
  3. I got a trip to A&E with my asthmatic wife. Yaaaay!
  4. bob


    Just finished the 2nd season of the Crown. Pretty good. Better than the first season. Great music. Very Queen-y.
  5. @Hero-of-Time you don't look anything like your Mii.
  6. Bought, and added to the list of games I'll never get around to playing.
  7. @Glen-i clearly saw this coming and bailed early.
  8. This is still my jam, however many years later:
  9. I used to get scared by the skeletons that appeared in Hyrule field at night, so I doubt I'll find enjoyment in this.
  10. Everyone knows Londoners have huge doors and need even bigger doorstops to hold them open.
  11. Two or three games ago, I was saying that I didn't think Man City would go the whole season unbeaten. It's looking scarily likely now though. However, I think some scrappy, park the bus team might sneak a 1-0 against them. The title is nailed on though.
  12. The Paris level is free to download today only on PS4, XBONE and PC.
  13. Day 14 of my Pokemon advent calendar, and they've apparently run out of Pokemon already...they've resorted to just printing the logo and having pictures of Pokeball.
  14. Is there like a special way of dealing with Wraiths/Spirits etc? I've tried trapping them in the purple ring, but they seem to take devastating amounts of health off every time they hit. Do you need special armour or something? Is there a potion?
  15. Pfff, us true fans knew all about that ages ago.
  16. Someone ban this man until Sunday please.
  17. That's what he said.
  18. Comrade Snow!
  19. That's the one. The actual sanctuary was closed when we went there, but the surrounding area is filled with super friendly stray cats everywhere you look.
  20. Fuck this game is just too long. Not that it is dragging at all, every second is amazing, but I thought if I put a concentrated effort in, I might be able to finish it in time for Christmas when I'll be getting a couple of new games. Just finishing up the last few story lines in Novigrad it seems (about to do these final Dandelion and Triss ones I think), and the consensus is that I'm not even halfway!
  21. Anyone watched The Punisher? It was pretty good. Felt nothing like a Marvel show, more like a long CIA thriller film or something like that, but it was pretty well written and the pacing was good. I'd say it was better than Luke Cage and Iron Fist, but not as good as Daredevil or JJ.
  22. That's fine, if that's what people prefer. As I said it doesn't affect me as I don't even realise what boards each thread is on half the time. I do think that we might have more discussion if we rolled everything into one though. People who normally would only go to the Nintendo board, as you say, might be curious to read and comment in a Other Consoles thread, and vice versa. As long as we had obvious format tags for game specific threads so people didn't get confused.
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