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Everything posted by bob

  1. Does anyone else keep hearing this when they read the title:
  2. I have a feeling this is one of those games where playing half the story will tell you literally nothing. And you'll have to go onto a popular gaming website and read a praise on what the hell you just watched and what did it mean.
  3. I'm fairly confident there'll be at least one big twist that I won't be expecting. Generally I'm just looking forward to the spectacle.
  4. Aww, I was hoping for Danny Devito.
  5. When in Rome, I recommend the Square with all the cats!
  6. So would I be right in saying there are 8 Mega Man X games and 11 Mega Man games? Or is Mega Man X just Mega Man 10? Is it like the iPhone X, did they skip 9? Or are 1-8 called X, and 9,10 and 11 aren't X? Is 1-8 included in the Legacy collection? Because they appear to have a different thread. 11 is a totally brand new game right, not a remake? Are the others remakes or remasters? Or re-releases? Is Mega Man related to Astro Boy?
  7. A Wario Ware game would be well received by me. Maybe a Super Monkey Ball using the Switch as a tilt table thingy? A Mario/Star Wars crossover game. Animal Crossing Switch obvs.
  8. Check the aisles. Is anyone rolling in them? If not, no.
  9. The whole time I was watching the Ball I was thinking "No you don't! Don't you do that to my boy Dustin!" I was all ready to rage, but they saved it at the end.
  10. Watch it! It's only one episode and it's not that bad.
  11. I'm pretty much doing most of the side quests it seems. Most of them are pretty interesting and more than just fetch quests. The ones I can't be bothered with are the fight clubs, the horse racing and the Gwent stuff. Figured that might save me some time.
  12. Really enjoying this so far! I've just reached Novigrad, and done a few quests in and around the town (city?). Prefer this part of the game to Velen, which is really damp, dark and depressing, but I guess that's the point. It's probably the glitchiest game I've ever played on the PS4, which I was surprised about. So many bizarre things going on in cut scenes, but I love shit like that.
  13. Opened the first door of my Pokemon advent calendar today @Glen-i. It was Meowth. So good.
  14. Seeing as I probably won't be getting Battlefront 2 any time soon, I'll probably let my Plus payment lapse as well.
  15. Mate, it's a Nazi dog. It knew what it signed up for.
  16. Wow. That Assassin's Creed bundle is just too good to ignore! 7% off too!
  17. I'd really like to play some of those games, but I don't speak Polish :
  18. All the good scenes I thought were in Ultron turned out to be in Civil War instead. Anywho, I noticed that they've started selling a boxset of Phase 2 in Tesco, which is nice. Not sure why it took them so long to make one though.
  19. My GOTY is probably Horizon: Zero Dawn. Not only was it really good, but I only played two games this year, and the other was released in 2015, so doesn't count.
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