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Everything posted by bob

  2. Yeah, what does he know anyway.
  3. It's pronounced Kevan De Braw-ing right?
  4. Yeah, that's fine. Do you want to PM me your address?
  5. Is this where we advertise stuff for sale now then? Or is there a dedicated thread I can't find? I've got a couple of games that I'm looking to get rid of, and I thought I'd see if anyone on here wanted them before I try and flog them on eBay. I've got an opened copy of PS4 Overwatch, and an unopened copy of PS4 Far Cry 4. I don't know how much they'd go for on ebay, but I was thinking around £10 each? Or £30 for both? Is that reasonable?
  6. New Pokemon animations added.
  7. Is that so they can somehow check for fake Pokemon? How do they check for modded Pokemon?
  8. It was stored in a text file on my laptop, but I've since turned it into a proper, cold storage paper wallet. I still don't understand so much about Bitcoin, so I thought I'd better secure it a bit better seeing as it seems to be taking off! I didn't cash out. In fact, I bought another £50 worth, which is now worth £64!
  9. Bizarrely, it's cheaper to buy a Switch and a physical copy of this game from Amazon than it is to buy the bundle with a download code...
  10. It seems to be working fine now.
  11. I didn't mind Kali, I thought that finding out about some more of Elevens cohort from the lab made sense, and she was reasonably interesting. But the rest of them? Like some sort of generic 80s stereotype gang members? It seemed like their only purpose was so when Eleven decided to dress up as the lost member of Spandau Ballet, she didn't look like the most stupid person there.
  12. Finished it last night. What the hell even was episode 7? There's a reason why season 2 is nine episodes rather than eight, and it's because they slid in a whole episode of bullshit rubbish. The rest of the season was *kisses forefinger and thumb* exquisite though.
  13. I got so confused at this comment. Couldn't work out why HoT had flipped and now wasn't finding the game as good as before. One of you shave, or put on a hat or something.
  14. I thought I was going crazy, seeing that game again.
  15. Woohoo!
  16. What happens if you buy a game in a sale with Plus, and then your Plus runs out? Can you no longer play the game? Do you have to pay the extra?
  17. Even better!
  18. I actually agree with most of your points, just none of them detracted from me having a good time watching the film. Regarding Loki though, he is the God of Mischief, so I guess he doesn't really have an end game. He seems to struggle through most of the previous films, not knowing whether to be good or bad, and it seems that when he does follow through with a plan, he doesn't really know what to do next.
  19. Ah, Day One then.
  20. That figure must be an estimate or copies shipped right? Could they get an accurate figure for sales after just three days?
  21. Looks pretty, and it's cool they appear to have something resembling a story, but c'mon. No one plays Spiderman games for the story. Show us the web swinging.
  22. You heard the guy, ring the alarm bells!
  23. You know you're at the top of a steep, downward slope when you start googling bundles...
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