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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed in all of you.
  2. Tried to do this whilst I was in Tokyo, but it was sold out. Mega-sad.
  3. I could conceivably buy, and indeed enjoy that game.
  4. Twas my wedding anniversary today. Celebrated by going to a 24 hour karaoke place in Tokyo at 9am, then going and watching the latest Pokemon film in Japanese, understanding none of the dialogue. We then went shopping for random crap at Sunshine City (including tiny baseball caps for our guinea pigs) and then finishing off the day at the planetarium. A good day was had by all.
  5. Currently staying in a capsule hotel in Tokyo, and it's been great. Until tonight, when a load of LADS have appeared and are being very loud and arseholey. One loud American dude proclaimed, 'Yeah, they turn the lights off after 10pm to get us to be quiet. We don't have to though.' I'm tutting silently in my capsule.
  6. Currently on a 6 week trip of Singapore, Australia, Japan and South Korea! (Last stop subject to the absence of nuclear war)
  7. Was there supposed to be a video link here? Or is this in the wrong thread?
  8. How about Mathias? Or Matthusular?
  9. At the Pokemon centre in Tokyo!
  10. Happy birthday! Sorry I'm a bit late, *excuse goes here*
  11. Been on a few long haul flights, so been watching all few films. Saw Lego Batman, which was alright, not as good as The Lego Movie, but quite funny. Saw Kong: Skull Island, which was surprisingly enjoyable. Pretty much a mindless animal disaster movie like many in the 90's. Good fun. Finally, saw Arrival which I've been wanting to see since it came out. It was pretty good. Loved the music, and the ending.
  12. Just because it isn't on their website doesn't mean they won't be telling people about it. Often things only make it onto Rightmove etc. once a load of people have already refused it.
  13. Now thems are some nice looking posters!
  14. That poster looks like a group of comic con attendees. I honestly thought it was a spoof at first.
  15. I don't really mind if the TV shows and the films don't link up. The gap in budgets would make it really awkward either way. As long as the TV shows are consistently good, I'm happy.
  16. bob

    Want Face

    I'm not a fan of motorcycles. It's like they took the worst parts of cyclists and cars and put them in one machine. However, they are less polluting than cars, so they do have that going for them. Plus motorcyclists make great organ donors.
  17. Or, you could not live in Scotland? Seriously though, what's to stop you getting a mortgage in England to buy a house in Scotland?
  18. I can post on here AND toot my own horn at the same time, so I guess you'd say I'm pretty good at multitasking.
  19. Dammit Flink made the same joke fractionally before me. I am so embarrassed.
  20. Yes, that was probably it actually. I only played that mode once.
  21. Isn't there a Tie Silencer in Battlefront? The Rogue One DLC? I don't think you see it though, it's just mentioned.
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