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Everything posted by bob

  1. What's the deal with spoilers in this thread? We doing them for Season 7 only? Or not at all? (Not having a dig, Flink, just trying to sort it out before I go on holiday and end up several episodes behind and have to abandon thread.)
  2. It probably went something like: It wouldn't make for a very exciting episode...
  3. They obviously got bored with that storyline/House. It had run its course and they wanted rid. I'm sure the books will dedicate several chapters to it. My only problem with Ed, is that his face was too damn shiny. It was like the cleanest thing in the episode after Sams bedpans. They needed to dirty him up a bit and scraggle his hair, make him look like a tired, beleaguered soldier.
  4. Did not like the music. Should have got Elfman to do it.
  5. Soooooo.....anyone else watch this? Honestly I thought this thread would be buzzing. First episode was pretty good, I thought. Surprisingly slow considering how many episodes they have left, and they decided to include a 10 minutes montage of Sam emptying bedpans... I didn't mind the Sheeran cameo. Sure he stood out a bit, but I think that's only because I was expecting him. If you didn't know who he was, it was a fairly bland bit of acting. To be honest that whole scene was a bit weird.
  6. Best Spoderman game evar.
  7. I've got an pretty quick Internet connection, so when I put Overwatch in and it required an update, I thought this shouldn't take long. But then it spent about 20 minutes 'preparing for update'. What does that even mean? The actual download only took 5 minutes!
  8. I'm pretty easily convinced. This film is gonna rock!
  9. Did I just read a reaction to a review for a trailer for a film? Should I form my opinion of the whole film based on this?
  10. bob


    Well I kept getting the option at the end of the match to 'stay with my team', which I thought was weird, seeing as one team of bots would be the same as another. But I assumed they added it in, so it would be similar to when you actually were playing against humans...
  11. bob


    Oooooooh, I didn't realise that. I thought my team were acting really weirdly...
  12. Guys, can we keep this thread on topic please?
  13. bob


    What the hell? I was kicked out of a game against AI for not having enough players?
  14. Actually, DCubed is actually me. I won those races. Give me the points.
  15. My wife made the point that it seems odd that WW believed that man was being controlled by Aries to go to war, and yet had no problem with murdering all those therefore innocent Germans throughout the film. I thought the film was OK. Loved the beginning, liked the middle, thought the ending was crap.
  16. Oh man, I'd forgotten about AC: Origins! When does that come out? I am hyped.
  17. Yeah, I was very lucky. I had no tactics, just shot the two disc launchers off, and then went at it, using the shield weave armour to do its thing. I wonder if the DLC is just going to be a new area with a short story, or if we're going to get any new machines with it?
  18. Aaaaaaand I've done it! Very satisfying platinum! Very well presented game. Can't wait for a sequel/DLC. Also, this was me getting a blazing sun in one of the trials by the skin of Aloy's teeth. You had to destroy the two Ravagers using the minigun, within 2 minutes, while a T-Rex presided: https://streamable.com/h54xp
  19. I took the IELTS exam last October. Absolutely nailed it. *brushes imaginary dust off shoulder
  20. Yeah, I know you can knock them off, but after the first one, the whole forest is usually alerted and steams in to fuck up your shit. Trying to hit a second one once they're all shielded up and pissed off is hard. All the videos I've seen online, there are three conveniently placed crates on the floor to begin with. I'll do it eventually, I'm sure.
  21. I've managed all of them now but the damn Shell Walker one. Apparently it's entirely random how many loose barrels there are on the floor, and you can only get the blazing sun if you randomly get a setup where there are multiple loose ones. It's infuriating! The one thing holding me back from my platinum!
  22. I cannot do the 19th I'm afraid, I'm in Korea.
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