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Everything posted by bob

  1. Oh chap, I completely forgot about Battlefront 2!. That's defo on my list.
  2. So after seeing what all the major players have to offer over the next 12 months, what is everyone thinking about buying? I'm definitely getting Spider-man. I'm a sucker for a good webslinging game, and the gameplay trailer looked excellent. I'll also look at getting Assassin's Creed: Origins. New setting looks interesting, and I think I'll probably end up buying this eventually - probably not 'day one'. Shadow of the Colossus - I've always wanted to play this game, but not had the opportunity. It looks really interesting, even if I've had the twist spoiled. I'm hoping the controls aren't as bad as everyone says, or they've improved them. I think those three should last me a while. What about everyone else?
  3. Tim Farron always looked like a man straining to hold in a fart.
  4. bob


    Yeah, it could easily have been 10 or 11 Reasons Why.
  5. It would be great if they did an Apple style 'one more thing' and then announced Retro's new game and blew the journalism industry into a cocked hat.
  6. I heard whispers it's going to be Knack 2. I think it's a bit early for whispering.
  7. Do I need to play Shadow of the Colossus before I play this then?
  8. I hate it when Nintendo announce games so early on in development.
  9. I don't think the QTEs are that much of a problem when the E is so damn cinematic. Seriously, that crane sequence looked amaze-man! New York looks incredible too! I really hope it's fully open world.
  10. Oooooooooooh. Me likey. Me buyey.
  11. Godammit! Let me finish the main game first!
  12. I think I must be one of the few who actually finds Ashley kind of funny. Sure, it's a different kind of humour, but it still makes me laugh.
  13. I think I must be one of the few who actually find the Rabbids kind of funny. Sure, it's a different kind of humour, but it still makes me laugh.
  14. He's doing the reverse Serebii! This means there will be a mainline Pokemon game on the Vita! You heard it here first!
  15. Is a bottomless party where everyone turns up without trousers on?
  16. The Xbox One was always Xbone. Now we have the Xbones and the Xbonex.
  17. bob


    How does Duolingo teach the hand gestures?
  18. My nan was very upset that she couldn't be with my grandad when he died, but he passed away during the night in hospital. It's sad, but unavoidable really. My condolences to you and your family, Ashley.
  19. Well I got a semi watching that.
  20. Wouldn't it need to download both anyway?
  21. It could be yoooooouuuuuuuuuuu! #giantLotteryfinger
  22. The important thing is that me and @killthenet and @Zell(?) did our job. Incidentally, with a name like 'killthenet' I would have put you down for a Tory, or even Theresa May herself...?
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