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Everything posted by bob

  1. bob


    Did anyone used to play the boxing mini game in Super Monkey Ball 2? The four player mode in that was hilarious. I can only imagine how brilliant an 8 player mode would be.
  2. Just spent the most money I've ever spent in one transaction. House deposit baby!
  3. Does anyone know the name of the song that is playing when Peter goes all badass at the end?
  4. What's the backwards compatibility like on these? I've actually kind of lost track of the generations of DSs. Can this play DS games?
  5. Babuk buk buk, buk buk buk, buk buk bukka bukka buk buk buk.
  6. That's because Terrorism doesn't take breaks Ashley.
  7. What is the smiley splat thing on that limited edition one?
  8. Nintendo shill hard at work, obviously.
  9. You guys can come and explore my flat if you like. It's not very big, but there are some cupboards that haven't been cleared out in years and I'll make you a cup of tea when you're done.
  10. Can't tell if Cockney Rhyming Slang or autocorrect...
  11. It's like they just glossed over the first three games in the series as well, like they never happened.
  12. Yeah it's crashing into that police car in the first picture.
  13. Bizarre that you only short by 3 hearts after maxing everything. Why not allow you to max both?
  14. I looked this up and it seems to be the second season? Do I need to watch the first first? I have actually heard of Death Note, and it sounds like an interesting premise. I might check it out. This one. I'm going to start this one first. Time travel = cool.
  15. Estate Agents are arse. Especially ones called Hannah. However, we've signed the contract now. Just waiting on a final gas and electricity check and then we wait for the exchange to get a date!
  16. Could you just leave it spoilered? Make us all feel better about ourselves.
  17. I've actually never seen a Fast and Furious film because cars. But if they stop being about cars and start being about blowing cool shit up, I might be interested! At which point would you say they switch?
  18. Just finished Cowboy Bebop. Need something else to watch. Can anyone recommend something which isn't too long (no more than 3 or four seasons if possible)? I don't really want to commit to something that goes on for years.
  19. Macron is about 30 points ahead of Le Pen, so it's unlikely she'll win, but it's scary that the NF will be the official opposition party.
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