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Everything posted by bob

  1. Haven't we all googled naughty Dragonite images once in our lives?
  2. Maybe 100% of that 2.2% decrease came from your waist?
  3. I think the problem is that the left wing in this country is split into 4 smaller parties, whereas there is only really one right wing party (UKIP are basically dead now). So the Conservatives basically only have to pit themselves against left wing ideologies, whereas any of the left wing parties are fighting amongst themselves for votes.
  4. Isn't it essentially a fist up the bum?
  5. I think I enjoy these videos more than actually playing the games.
  6. Oh absolutely. I have no issues with the route they've taken, it's what I would have done as well. I just meant that most neutrals will be rooting for Ajax because it would be hilarious to see Mourinho put all his eggs in one basket and then drop said basket disastrously on the floor, ending up with egg all over his shoes.
  7. I don't remember ever seeing something like this where a team has publicly declared that they're ignoring the league and only trying to win a cup instead. I know that there are going to be a fair few more Ajax fans about because of it though...
  8. Yes. Yeeeeeeeeees. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Looks good.
  9. Life will never get any better than this...
  10. bob

    Injustice 2

    That's a lot of megs!
  11. Got my name on my first patent, which is pretty cool. Probably won't happy again as my company aren't really into taking out patents on everything we do, but the client we did some work for was taking out the patent on the finished product, and offered to list me as a joint inventor, which was nice of them.
  12. The word is 'whet', just for future usage. I do think Nintendo fall slightly on the 'overly secretive' side a bit. But I suppose it works with Apple, and it worked with the Switch, so maybe that's what they're going for?
  13. Actually bomberman bombs quite a lot. He's pretty much known for it at this point.
  14. Saw this picture on Reddit. Thought it was amuseballs.
  15. I don't think Peeps posts in this thread?
  16. Are you going to award yourself a little platinum trophy when you're done?
  17. Really enjoying Steins;Gate cheers @drahkon! Love a bit of microwave based time travel.
  18. Or indeed, any batum that you care to mention.
  19. How much they want for it? I might put a bid in.
  20. They are looking ominous. I had written them off a week or so ago, but it could happen. Surely Liverpool can win their last two games though right?
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