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Everything posted by bob

  1. That sucks. How long had you been together? Did you feel similarly, or was it completely one way?
  2. Er...you're very yummy Rummy?
  3. I'm down for a change. I feel like the forums have been very buggy and unstable recently, and there don't seem to be many negatives to the move.
  4. Ain't nothing wrong with my username. Just a simple 12 digit friend code. I have actually seen loads of Labour signs and posters, more than for any other election, but I'm not sure it means anything. It's just a very vocal minority I reckon, and the Tory voters will come out in droves on the 8th.
  5. What a bellend.
  6. OK, so this one caught my eye. Is it?
  7. Well, I think that's a bit strong...
  8. Taken from here: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/228227/2017-UKPGE-Week-3-Pre-poll-donations-and-loans-summary-document.pdf It's quite interesting in that it names each person or company who has donated more than £7500 during that week. For example Greg Dyke donated to the Lib Dems. It's worrying how much more the Conservatives are getting though.
  9. Yeah but their new phone is now 0.15mm thinner as a result!
  10. Yeah, as I said, it's still very watchable so I'm not too fussed. I do love how overly dramatic everything is, it's ridiculous.
  11. It's pretty bad in some places. I suspect they cheaped out in some scenes in order to make better ones. The scenes of two Titans fighting looked great, but in others they just looked crap. Like when the characters are travelling via ODM, and they are just flying stationary while chatting. Also in one shot, a guy is running in one direction, and the scenery is moving in the other. Anyhow, I finished this last night. It's still got ropey dialogue, but something about it is just so watchable. They didn't really clear up much at the end of season 1 though, and just introduced more questions. I hope it's not one of those shows that just makes things up as they go. I might wait until Season 2 is complete and on Netflix before I watch it though.
  12. Found and defeated my first
  13. Did you just fuse together the UKIP and Lib Dem leadership?
  14. I literally must have skipped past the scene they added aliens. Which game was that?! The present day stuff was always arse. I never understood it. Most people bought the game to do cool assassin stuff in a historic setting. Being pulled out of it to wander around offices was just dull. Maybe it added to the story, but apparently I wasn't paying attention to that anyway...
  15. I was of course interpolating, assuming you gradually slowed down over the two km.... ...yes.
  16. Should have just stopped after 1km.
  17. I probably won't come whenever you choose to do it, as I just don't like any of you.
  18. I still think the Conservatives will win come June 8th, but I really wish that when Teresa May wakes up on Friday morning, she regrets calling the election. I hope she realises what a mistake it was to try and make a grab for a larger majority and it has backfired in her face.
  19. I miss the old Kanye...
  20. It's on one of the t-shirts on that website. It's from Pokemon presumably, when all the Pokemon are taken already because Ash is late, and the only one left is Pikachu.
  21. Y'know, i've heard that song hundreds of times, and i always thought Scatman John was black...
  22. Do you not have Hellmanns over there? They got the recipe right and always put the oil in slow.
  23. "Oh hello, my name is Ashley. Excuse me while I put another Blu tablet down the back of my toilet cisteeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn." No.
  24. What is Ultimate team?
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