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Everything posted by bob

  1. Just got back from three days in St Petersberg. Amazing city, unlike any other I've been to. So much history and stuff to see. It's bizarre, you'll be walking down the street and see some sort of amazing palace type building that would be a main attraction in any other European city, and it's a post office, or a supermarket or some shit. At one point we saw this huge palace that we had to look in the book to name, and it was literally not worth crossing the road to look at because we had palace fatigue.
  2. Didn't @Jamba warn against doing stuff like this?
  3. I still haven't played the DLC for the last one, but goodness me this looks tempting. I like the sound of the single player though, sometimes you just want to mess about on your own and not feel like you're impinging some professional who can headshot the enemy from the other side of the map.
  4. I have always wondered how graphics in car games always seems to look better than other games, but I suppose it's because they have very few moving parts and so you can just concentrate on getting the lighting and other things right.
  5. Not that I own the Switch, but I'd love for them to make a new Wario Ware game for it. I feel like it is perfect for it.
  6. That is so sad, I'm really sorry. If it helps, it sounds like he did have the best life, and you just have to remember that he was probably happy the entire time he was with you!
  7. One of our pigs somehow launched a poo about five feet across the living room and it hit me on the leg. I don't know how I feel about this.
  8. Plus, Horizon has those bitchin' robot dinosaurs.
  9. When did this fascination with FPS start? I swear it's only a recent thing. Certainly nobody cared at what FPS goldeneye or OOT was running at back in the day, but now if something drops below 60 it's absolute garbage and unplayable. I can't even remember people being that bothered about it 5 or 10 years back?
  10. That is weird. Considering it's a completely pointless system anyway (sorry), why should it matter if a short indie game has one or not.
  11. It's surprising when there's no platinum trophy. You'd think it would just be an automatic one for when you get all the others.
  12. What do you mean by shoddy list? Too short, too long?
  13. That latest episode. This show just gets better and better! It's all over the place and over the top but it's so good.
  14. So who watched this all the way through? Finished it last night. Loved the style and the way it was shot, but the characters were pretty bland. Felt a bit let down by the ending too. Didn't mind the way they left I open for season 2, but thought the finale could have been a bit bigger/more epic. Shows just how low budget this show is. When exactly was it supposed to be set? It was kind of vague the whole way through - maybe late 70's?
  15. bob


    I really want to watch the Defenders because I like the DD and JJ characters, but haven't watched LC and IF. I wonder if I'll be too disadvantaged...
  16. bob


    Every time I venture into this thread, I come out humming the Treasure Trove Cove theme in my head. No idea why.
  17. Actual the phrase is that you could care less, seeing as you cared enough to post that.
  18. That white Gamecube is so sexy I might just have sex with it.
  19. Is he actually called Ash-hat Pikachu and if not, why not?
  20. I thought it was the long-awaited Countdown video game, originally announced on the MegaDrive and featuring Richard Whitely and Carol Vorderman as playable characters.
  21. Are we supposed to believe this will happen this time? I'm no mug.
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