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Everything posted by bob

  1. Cool. Awful name aside, let me know what you think of it - the company I work for helped design it (the real one, not the virtual one).
  2. Has anyone here downloaded the free Tamo Racemo?
  3. May also include a early midlife crisis when all your friends start having babies and you panic and try to move to Canada.
  4. Climbed my first Robo-giraffe last night. Does anyone else find them really creepy? I think it's a combination of the stomping noise they make and the fact that they walk, but in a zombie like dead manner. All the other machines seem alive, but the tall ones just plod around in a circle...
  5. Share the love, spread the load, leave low hanging fruit for the less fortunate and all that.
  6. Simple question, how much do you spend, on average each month? I've been very conscious recently about only buying new games once I've finished the old ones - trying to keep my backlog low. As such I only tend to buy a new game every couple of months, and usually it's a game that had dropped in price. I reckon I spend about £15 a month. I'd happily spend more, but the guilt starts to set in when the games lay unplayed... How about everyone else? Are you happy with the amount? Would you spend more if you could afford it? Want to cut down?
  7. Well I'm sold. What am I buying again?
  8. It's still really annoying that trophies don't sync unless you view them. While at work, I fancied browsing through the HZD trophies I've gotten since Saturday, but the game doesn't even show up in the PS app, since I haven't opened the trophy screen on my PS4 yet. Couldn't it at least sync once when you turn the PS4 on? Actually, maybe it does, I very rarely turn it off fully...
  9. Just buy another one?
  10. Yeah it was good. Hard to tell whether some things were made up or real footage half the time.
  11. My flat is pretty dusty, I should really have a look inside mine...
  12. Always a controversial subject, but I actually quite like Simon Amstell - he was great on Buzzcocks.
  13. Done the first tutorial, off into the wild to bag me some Striders...
  14. Fair enough, I can't be arsed playing games more than once anyway, let alone to 100%. Just saw the article and thought of you.
  15. In case it makes a difference, I read that one website had datamined the game, and put all the Korok seed locations on a map - I think it was ZeldaMaps or something? I don't own the game so I can't check to see if finding them is any easier.
  16. I don't even know what you guys are arguing for any more.
  17. I'm assuming there's no local coop with this? What about LAN coop on PC?
  18. Imma buy this at the weekend too!
  19. So I finished the main story on this the other night. Quite enjoyed it overall. The story and missions were really good and well scripted, and the missions themselves were really fun. My favourite was when you had to break into the FBI building and download data. I managed to find a storage cupboard with RC vehicle access to the AC ventilation system. Drove my little car right into the server room, downloaded the data and walked out without anybody seeing me or having to knock anyone subconscious. Felt very 007. My one criticism was that the story missions went on for a couple of hours longer than I would have liked. Maybe it's because I don't get a lot of time to play games, but I was ready to end two or three missions from the actually end, but it just kept going! The world they've managed to make was very fleshed out, I thought. I've not played GTAV, but I was impressed at how full the world seemed, with unique dialogue and loads to do. I might go and finish off the few trophies I still have left to do, but Horizon is calling me, and I don't know how much more bullshit I can take regarding certain trophies. I spent about 30 following drunk people, waiting for them to throw up last night, and then spent another 30 driving around wrecking shit, but couldn't get my police rating above 4 stars... EDIT: Nah, fuck that. Didn't realise there were so many multiplayer trophies and ones that relied on random events. I'll leave it.
  20. Surely since it's replacing both, it would need to outsell both?
  21. How do we know for sure though?
  22. What a rollercoaster of emotion.
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