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Everything posted by bob

  1. Poor little Banjo...its horrible having to say goodbye to a good pug, but as you say, you have to think about what his quality of life is like.
  2. Well you should have been keeping a tally, dammit!
  3. That's a relief. I thought you meant the bad kind of 9/10. The one reserved for really dross games.
  4. Presumably he's worried about his Nintendo account getting locked or something because of it being linked to a non official apk? I have no idea, but also quick Google should tell you if anyone else has tried it and experienced problems.
  5. bob

    Destiny 2

    I don't think bromance is the right word assuming he knows nothing of your existence.
  6. Oh so it's good enough for us plebs, but not enough for you, is that it?
  7. I decided to take on three Bellowbacks at once last night (it appears I am indeed a Bellowback girl). Used some ruins to protect myself while sniping with freeze balls and normal arrows, then dodging out and stabbing with my spear. Once all three were dead, I realised that having torched the surrounding countryside, the place was littered with dead animals! Gathered all those up and had enough animal bits to completely enlarge my resource backpack.
  8. Does anyone else find Aloy really annoying? Like, when she's talking she's just irritatingly...sincere the whole time. I don't know how else to describe it but she just seems really dull.
  9. Is Spiderman now officially part of Phase 3?
  10. I bought a pair of cheap headphones at the gadget show and they stopped working after a year.
  11. Won't it still charge it, as long as you aren't using it at the same time though?
  12. Grass or concrete? Sounds nasty either way, but at least in your current state you should be able to post in the Splatoon 2 thread and fit right in.
  13. I know the rest of the game often received fair criticism, but I always thought Just Cause 3 was incredible at creating vistas and amazing views. I would often just hang in the parachute and enjoy looking to the horizon.
  14. I came across a couple of new types of machines yesterday. Looked huge. noped out of the first pair, and took a potshot at some others from safety across a river. Then it started firing homing balls at me from miles away and I had to nope away from those too.
  15. Have they announced an AC game? That sounds awesome. I tried FE and Super Mario Run, and wasn't really taken with either, but an AC game could float my boat very well indeed.
  16. I'm inclined to agree with you. I know Arsenal usually embark on their annual two month unbeaten streak now there's nothing to play for, but the way they've been playing, I can't see them doing it this time.
  17. I had the same problem (although I'm not playing on hard, do the time limits change?). In the end I picked the alley with the most log piles and kept restarting until they stampeded down that one.
  18. Annoying they aren't wearing colour codes ties. Also, blue ranger is old!
  19. Looks like there has been some sort of terror attack at Westminster, or at least they're treating it as one for now. Some people hit by a car, the driver of which then stabs a woman, and is shot by police. One woman is confirmed dead. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-39355505
  20. Cool. Awful name aside, let me know what you think of it - the company I work for helped design it (the real one, not the virtual one).
  21. Has anyone here downloaded the free Tamo Racemo?
  22. May also include a early midlife crisis when all your friends start having babies and you panic and try to move to Canada.
  23. Climbed my first Robo-giraffe last night. Does anyone else find them really creepy? I think it's a combination of the stomping noise they make and the fact that they walk, but in a zombie like dead manner. All the other machines seem alive, but the tall ones just plod around in a circle...
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