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Everything posted by bob

  1. That latest episode. This show just gets better and better! It's all over the place and over the top but it's so good.
  2. So who watched this all the way through? Finished it last night. Loved the style and the way it was shot, but the characters were pretty bland. Felt a bit let down by the ending too. Didn't mind the way they left I open for season 2, but thought the finale could have been a bit bigger/more epic. Shows just how low budget this show is. When exactly was it supposed to be set? It was kind of vague the whole way through - maybe late 70's?
  3. bob


    I really want to watch the Defenders because I like the DD and JJ characters, but haven't watched LC and IF. I wonder if I'll be too disadvantaged...
  4. bob


    Every time I venture into this thread, I come out humming the Treasure Trove Cove theme in my head. No idea why.
  5. Actual the phrase is that you could care less, seeing as you cared enough to post that.
  6. That white Gamecube is so sexy I might just have sex with it.
  7. Is he actually called Ash-hat Pikachu and if not, why not?
  8. How soon? ___
  9. I thought it was the long-awaited Countdown video game, originally announced on the MegaDrive and featuring Richard Whitely and Carol Vorderman as playable characters.
  10. Are we supposed to believe this will happen this time? I'm no mug.
  11. bob


    To be honest Ashley, the way Jonnas explains it, it sounds easy. Not sure what you're struggling with or why you're so confusing?
  12. I've tried a few different types and the resolution doesn't matter that much I don't think. As long as you have very low lag and a good field of view, it doesn't take long to really feel presence, and then you don't care about the low res. Once you feel like you're 'there' you see past the graphics.
  13. Going to Berlin tomorrow for the weekend! I don't like beer and my wife is vegetarian, but we'll see how we get on.
  14. Billy 'Crams-ton'? Me neither.
  15. That city is a deathtrap! So much random stuff falling from the sky! Seriously though, i just like watching the first half and pretending they're all arseholes.
  16. Fair dooooooooooos!
  17. Don't get me wrong I'm still loving it, just always feels empty when I get to a town when it feels like there should be more to do. The rest of the game is fire tho.
  18. You bought a sniper game and didn't like it because it had stealth in it?
  19. Got to Meridian last night. Some awesome views on the road towards it. Also, spotted my first Thunderjaw. Noped out of there as fast as I could. Not sure how you ever get strong enough to defeat one of those. Scrolling down the list of scanned weapons be like whaaaaaaaaaa?! I am finding the towns and villages to be a bit bare though. I thought Meridian would be different but it's more of the same. You can only speak to a couple of people in each place, and beyond the merchants, there nothing to actually do in town. They don't really feel alive at all. I remember coming across a small shack on a mountain side and thinking there would be something cool inside, but nope, you couldn't even enter the shack. No scannable objects or anything. It's disappointing because I the wilderness part feels great, it's just the inhabited areas feel like they're a Hollywood style front with extras standing around rather than real towns.
  20. Wow, it's really easy to become a qualified train driver these days.
  21. It is pretty terrifying spending so much money on something you've only seen once or twice...
  22. Rumpy Pumpy Room?
  23. Oh yeah, my grievance is that they didn't just give him a Mastodon. They gave him beetlebot. It's such a bizarre decision...
  24. Yeah but what about when they run out of the 151 Pokemon?
  25. I managed to take out a Trampler really easily the first time I saw one. I was standing on an outcrop, and decided to just take pot shots at it from afar. It couldn't attack me from below, so I just kept going until it died. Felt really smug until a flock of Glinthawks descended and fucked my shit up badly.
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