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Everything posted by bob

  1. I heard that they destroy and enslave every planet they come across...but give you unlimited trips to the salad bar, so it's not so bad.
  2. And what about Patrick Kielty?!
  3. This bot is very confusing.
  4. This guy gets it.
  5. So Leicester are in the quarter finals of the Champions League. No biggie.
  6. What if I voted remain last time, but I'm not sure? Where's that option?
  7. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
  8. Wow! Dat De Gea save! He's really playing for that lucrative Real Madrid contract.
  9. I came to the realisation ages ago that I just don't have the time to play all the games that look good. At least I stopped buying them anyway and building up a backlog. I think I am going to get HZD, and then later in the year when the fuss has died down I might get a Switch + Zelda.
  10. How do you guys know the play times? Does the PS4 keep count?
  11. Pretty much all of your anecdotes have involved driving or transport to and from missions. Can you do anything else in this game?
  12. I think the forums are a much better place since I put everyone except @Happenstance and @Ronnie on my ignore list. Granted the place is just two people talking to themselves while ignoring each other, but i like it.
  13. Well you might as well cancel it. There'll definitely be stock a couple of months after launch even if there is no price drop, so what benefit are you having in keeping it? Pre-order bonus?
  14. Some achievements are rubbish, it's true. One of the few trophies I couldn't get in AC Syndicate was the one where you had to destroy 5000 items in your carriage. I drove around for about two hours and still didn't unlock it.
  15. That's Cate Blanchett?! I thought it was whasherface from Community!
  16. Oh would you look at that! It's Donald Trumpig!
  17. This is the spoiler thread. He made his choice.
  18. Actually it should keep everyone on the same track.
  19. Ah, I see the difference. Got it.
  20. Maybe you should learn to read faster?
  21. bob


    Oh cool, a new thread.
  22. I'm always serious. I thought that you bought digital console games via the eShop? There was all that hoo-hah about the service not being available at launch, but it seems to be working? If you can't buy console games via the eShop, then what are you buying?
  23. What's the difference?
  24. I thought the Switch didn't have an eShop yet?
  25. Have they announced who the official timekeeper for this game will be yet?
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