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Everything posted by bob

  1. But what am I going to do with all this Thanks I've collected? It effectively becomes useless!
  2. Meh. I enjoyed playing through it, but i really have no desire to go back. It's a pity because i wish I had these options when i played it the first time.
  3. I was wondering when they were going to announce who the official timekeeper was. I can rest easy now.
  4. He'll be back. They aaaaaaaalways come back. (Please ignore long list of users who left and never came back)
  5. I'll fight anyone who steals my name.
  6. I think you mean The Lost World?
  7. I just remembered that I have a £30 gift card for Game unused from Christmas...
  8. I think I might get this as my current game.
  9. Glad I'm not the only one then.
  10. Browsing through the User Review on Metacritic is my new favourite pastime.
  11. I assumed you'd just mashed your fists on the number pad. That's much easier to remember though!
  12. If that's the only reason you're watching....you're going to be disappointed. But you should keep watching anyway, GOT is GOAT. Incidentally, Sansa is from the town where I live. True story. So they're so utterly bland because David can't think up good make believe friends?
  13. Both Argoses (Argi?) near me have grey Switches in stock, but are all out of Neon.
  14. I've seen the first two, and it's pretty good so far. The way a lot of the plot seems to happen in his head is quite new and interesting, so I'll definitely keep watching. None of the other characters are particularly memorable though right now.
  15. That's incredibly specific and vague at the same time. How bizarre.
  16. I don't know if anyone else has been keeping up with this show, but this latest season has been blowing it out of the water (figuratively). I usually watch this show as a kind of comfort thing. It gets by - it's not brilliant, but it's fun. The plots are usually fairly predictable, and the writing is a bit cheesy. The latter half of this season though - whew! Every time i think i know where the show is going, they swerve, they twist, usually two or three times an episode! It just keeps getting better and better!
  17. It's a rad way to browse the forums on your phone, or mobile device.
  18. Have a separate thread, but put spoiler tags in it, and mention where in the game you are, so people know they can peek or not.
  19. Just seen the trailer for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt season 3, and really looking forward to it. Thing is, I can't work out if it's actually really good, or if I only like it because I'm weird? Does anyone else watch it? What's the general consensus?
  20. Mate, do you have any idea how long it took for me to log in?
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