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Everything posted by bob

  1. The part of the body where they take blood from is called the 'cubital fossa'. I looked this up a while ago because it annoyed me that the other side of your arm from the elbow didn't have a name, and elbow doesn't really describe it. Similarly, the other side of your knee is called the 'popliteal fossa'. Go and impress all your friends with this new fact!
  2. bob

    Destiny 2

    Any time is prime time somewhere!
  3. I follow a couple of the artists on Facebook, and their comics are always consistently very good. It impresses me how they manage to pump out good content so often. Not sure how well this will translate into a game though...
  4. We only looked at one house. Put an offer in at the second viewing of it. Knew it was the one we wanted!
  5. I'm sure you'll find a spare 15 minutes to complete and 100% it.
  6. Apparently I lost half a stone while on holiday. Not sure how as we were eating out loads and having snacks and treats all the time.
  7. bob

    Knack 2

    The reviews are in, it's a MAAASTERPIECE!
  8. Probably closer to a mourner mystery than Garnd Theft Auto, so you're golden.
  9. I always found it weird that they had three different directors for a trilogy. I know the original Star Wars trilogy did it, but surely it must make it hard to keep the films on track?
  10. Hahaha when I read about the Guillemot family I like to think about a family of Guillemots ahahaha!
  11. Started Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry since I enjoyed Black Flag so much (which I originally played on the 360). So far it seems reeeeeally buggy. Dude keeps getting stuck in places, character animations keep going squiffy, and buttons aren't working when they're supposed to. I don't remember any issues with BF, is it a porting issue with the PS4?
  12. We've not done any decorating yet and we've been in for almost three months. Not fully decided what work we're going to do on which rooms, and it seems pointless to start anything until we know. Also, laziness.
  13. The pace did seem a bit rushed, which I wouldn't have minded if they were trying to cram content into the usual 10 episodes, but I felt they could have stretched that season out by 30% and it wouldn't have felt slow. I wonder why they didn't?
  14. My name suggestions are Svetolina and Joe.
  15. I'm pretty sure that in this instance we blame drahkon.
  16. Do you wear suits for work? Or are they for social occasions?
  17. One for the homegrown quota, innit.
  18. Not sure where else to post this as it doesn't deserve its own thread, but I learned today that only men (and boys) get the 'wee shiver'; a sudden shiver that runs down the body like someone walking over their grave, at the end of a long satisfying wee. Woman don't ever get it, and many have never even heard of it. Quite interesting, I thought.
  19. I quite enjoyed both, but having not seen Defenders yet, I can't say if you'll need to see them. I concede that both were quite slow and plodsome though.
  20. Currently sat in the airport waiting to go to South Korea. Really hoping Donnie doesn't start anything while I'm there.
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