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Everything posted by bob

  1. I didn't even think it was that bad before. It just seems so much worse after playing a platformer. I agree about the world and the characters though. It's like taking part in a really good fantasy novel.
  2. Played an hour of this after playing nothing but Mario Odyssey for a month. Geralt handles like a damn barge after Mario. It's like trying to herd a single cat to get him where you want to go. Playing Mario has kind of sucked any enthusiasm I had for this game though. I really just want to finish it and move on. I still haven't even opened the two other PS4 games I got for Christmas!
  3. How bizarre. We call ours a Sméagol.
  4. I'm a high-functioning alcoholic.
  5. A lot of the Discworld novels are standalone anyway, you don't have to read all the others to enjoy it. It won't feel like you have to slog through 30 books just to get anywhere. Small Gods is a good standalone book. As is Pyramids. Moving Pictures is another. You might miss some of the jokes and references if you haven't read the others, but I think you'll still enjoy them.
  6. Sunglasses? In the snow? At night?
  7. It's basically the same if you're good at pretending and make all the right noises.
  8. It tastes like mouthwash. It's pretty grim.
  9. See above. Was eating, and my tongue just seemed so tasty, I just had to have a bite. I instantly regretted my decision.
  10. Bit my tongue...
  11. I think we can probably just call that a fact.
  13. It's like Tesco Clubcard vouchers all over again!
  14. Just buy the game if you want it that badly.
  15. I got something 3D printed at work for a client once. It was pretty cool actually, they sold you boxes of 3D space, and anything you could cram into that 3D box, they would print out for you. The more you could fit in, the more you got for your money. We were designing an attachment to go on a JCB at the time, and the client wanted tiny models of it that he could attach to a Matchbox model of a JCB and demonstrate with, so I had to shrink down the CAD model we had and simplify it so that the resolution of the 3D printer wouldn't break anything. It turned out really well in the end - I still have one of the spare ones on my desk. I'll upload a picture if I can find one. EDIT: Found it
  16. Happy birthday Ashley!
  17. Something I didn't realise until my boss pointed it out: it's called the Falcon Heavy rocket because it's 'falcon' heavy. Similarly, the next rocket they plan to use is called the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket).
  18. Happy birthday D. Nuh!
  19. Before 1918, no women could vote, and only older men could (I don't know what the age limit was before this). After 1918, women older than 30 could vote, and they lowered the male voting age to 21. I think that pretty much agrees with Jimbob? We're basically the same person anyway. We're both a bob.
  20. No, before that no women could vote. When they allowed them the vote, they set the limit to be 30 and older, while men could be 21 and older. So not completely equal, but a large step in the right direction. And the voting age is now 18 (perhaps 16 in Scotland for council elections?)
  21. That's.....an odd way to commemorate something. Still, 100 years eh? Awesome.
  22. And the singer, they do the words and stuff.
  23. At least you have public toilets up in Scotland, silver linings and all that.
  24. Trying to eat less, but it's so hard when your house is full of snacks you got for Christmas. I want to get rid of them, but I can't bring myself to throw them away.
  25. How much does the raw material cost? E.g, how much would it cost to print a small figurine?
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