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Everything posted by bob

  1. Where's that famous Liverpool fan confidence? I mean, you're one of the four teams that have beaten them this season.
  2. Annoying that one of the English teams has to get eliminated at this stage. Would have been nice to see how both of them could go.
  3. Come on now. Who amongst us can say that we haven't, from time to time, spat on a 14 year old girl while driving? No one is a saint.
  4. Was itching to buy another game for my Switch since I finished Mario earlier this month, but haven't found anything that interested me. However, I finally bought Minecraft today, since it seems like a good game to pop in a do and bit of crafting here and there. It's really odd playing it on a handheld though, almost a bit illness inducing playing a first-person game on a tiny screen. I'm sure I'll get used to it though.
  5. Were you two giving off some kind of pheromones or something?
  6. Might edit this later with more guesses, but I'm going for Waluigi. To be honest if he isn't in it, I'm going to riot.
  7. Did you hear it first and just assume it was called Fractured Butthole? Or read it and never say it out loud?
  8. Oh I haven't watched the trailer. I know literally nothing about the game other than [mention=16048]Glen-i[/mention] likes it.
  9. I got really excited for this until I realised it's not on Switch. Lame with a capital L.
  10. Well I wouldn't go that far. I still thought it was a fantastic game, but the pacing of the story was a bit off, and it went on for too long. It could have almost filled two normal games worth of story; I just didn't want to play two similar games back-to-back. I almost never play rpg games, so I can't compare the combat, but it felt a bit dull. However, it might have got better with a different skill tree? I don't know.
  11. Wow what an awful looking game. What is that, some sort of mongoose Crash Bandicoot rip-off? Absolutely terrible.
  12. Mario looking very Federer there.
  13. Well the credits finally rolled tonight. Really enjoyed it, but i'm glad it's over. It really seemed to drag near the end; there was always 'just one more quest' you had to do. Just let me kill the evil ice elf dammit! Anyway, I really enjoyed the story, and the side quests - it genuinely felt you were in a fantasy novel, but one in which you controlled the plot-line in some way. I did not like the combat - man that got boring. Especially some of the later fights where it was just dancing around in circles, then thwack them with your sword a couple of times, then repeat. Not sure I want to start on the DLC any time soon, think i might wait and see if I get the urge somewhere down the line. My final play time was around 48 hours, and that seems enough for the time being. EDIT: Some of my favourite moments - Bizarre snowball fight with Ciri Performing in a play Being betrayed by a creepy talking hive tree root Dressing up in Yennefer's clothes while drunk and prank calling a mage via a magic mirror Fucking shit up as Ciri while fighting the Wild Hunt The whole scene with the boat on the mountain-top
  14. You work 5 x 7hr 24min days? That seems oddly specific.
  15. Maybe this requires a Thrrrrrriiiiiiiiiip?
  16. You're telling me! I had a tenner on Tottenham, Liverpool and Arsenal wins this weekend. Should have known to bet on Arsenal by now...
  17. I ummed and aahed about getting one, eventually deciding not to, as I still had two or three games to play on PS4. Then, my wife bought me one for my birthday in January as a total surprise, which was nice. The hardware itself I am incredibly impressed with. It's completely changed how I game, meaning I can have it in the kitchen, and play for 10 minutes while I'm waiting for something, or play a short while before I go to bed. Because of this, I've managed more gaming in the month since I've got it, than I had for the six months previous, and managed to complete Mario Odyssey. Since completing Mario, I admit I haven't really touched it in two weeks. That's mainly because I don't have any other games for it though, and there aren't any that interest me right now. I do wish I'd got LA Noire for the Switch rather than the PS4 though, since it would be a lot easier to play.
  18. What are the current laws regarding people under 18? Is it the parents decision? What about when it becomes opt out? Will the parents still have their final say I wonder?
  19. It saves them a lot more money to cancel everything for a couple of days a year than it does to spend £15 million a year on snow equipment (that £15 million was for a city of 3 million, so scale up or down depending on talking about an airport, or an entire rail network.)
  20. These tweets help explain why we're so shit at snow: Not sure how Russia compares to Canada, but I would guess they are far better setup to deal with it, as they have a lot more than we do!
  21. Only three of us at work today, and it's blimmin' freezing in the office. I literally had to walk through foot high snow drifts to get in.
  22. Will it be D3 or a port/remake of D1? D3 was pretty fun in coop, but I doubt I'd buy it again.
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