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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I envision someone jumping from a ship on to a surf board. And then someone on the ship yells do a sweet flip.
  2. I had half a mind to make a joke about the left boob being bigger. As a man, vaginas all the way. Wait, that's not what you meant? To finally be serious. I agree with Goafer, couples should have discussions about things affecting their future. Of course, the implant being nearly as simple to stop (just need to go and get it removed as opposed to not taking it) as the pill I don't see the big deal in this case. Him being drunk and perhaps her choice of words combined and made this into something larger than it ever was. That said, an amusing anecdote about here in the States. A married man can not get a vasectomy without his wife being present for the consult and signing a piece of paper to allow it. A married woman can at any time go and have her tubes tied without ever even mentioning it to her husband much less him being present.
  3. I love LPs when I have the time. Even reading them or screenshot LPs if I'm at work instead of a video. I'm picky about who I watch though. With rare occasion can I be arsed to pay attention to a single player. (Chip Cheezum does it well as he tries to be very informative, but usually he has a guest to help conversations along. Typically I just go to LParchive.org and see what strikes my fancy. Dwarf Fortress is a great read, anything by Chip Cheezum (and general ironicus) is normally good for a watch. And TheDarkId did a FANTASTIC hybrid LP of the Drakengard series plus Nier. Highly recommend reading those. There are a few others but it's late and I'm not going to list everything I'd recommend (unless someone is actually interested) otherwise I'd sound like more of a prat than I already do. And yes, I do watch LPs of games I've played and beaten when the LPer is particularly good/entertaining. Or just nostalgia.
  4. Coming up on 2 months now. So it seems like it.
  5. I disagree with that. Certain modes and maps are more suited (I.e. Balanced) to each other. I'm fairly certain the original release had mode restricted maps.
  6. Granted, to be fair, on my phone so I can't exactly watch it. Also of note that I do love Splatoons' 4v4 multiplayer.
  7. Another 5v5 class based. As of yet I've had no interest in any of the rest, so this would have to do something special to change that. Really, I'm more likely to just go back to TF2
  8. Add in a healthy binge of *tv show of choice* and good food you'll feel better.
  9. The game never really clicked for me, but I can still tell you that typically in an openworld game you aren't going to limit yourself or accidentally buy an upgrade and be unable to fix the issue. Like wise all (or very unlikely just most) events are unmissable. You should always have another chance. If you find yourself liking the Open World style give Infamous Second Son a look as well, or Assassin's Creed series (3&4 are on the Wii U also) Just beware starting too many at once. Thats overwhelming.
  10. Excuses excuses, but a decent one. Everytime I've taken mine out my pasty glowinthedark ass gets sun burnt. Long weekend coming up so I'm sure I'll be out tearing it up. I still have an itch to buy things, (on that note you never got back to me on international shipping for the cunt destroyer item) I'm currently eyeballing a 3 speed road bike, the frame of which is 100% Detroit made.
  11. A freakin' Dune Buggy
  12. Hearing that it's enjoyable from SCG makes me happy. It's a game I wanted to turn out well.........now here's hoping it doesn't get cut from coming to the U.S.
  13. I'm late, but I to did a head shavey thing. So for the first time ever, posting in this thread. I just want to fit in.
  14. 1. Stop being a piece of shit 2. Uhhhhhh
  15. I think I'd have fun with this. One to keep an eye on.
  16. Better than me. I went back to work today after being off and all I unwrapped was a cooking mixer.
  17. You know why..... Fairly certain I don't have infractions. Typically it's good form for the issuer(that the word you were looking for Jay?) to notify the user when and why they received it correct? I recall getting a joke one once on a different site and by just not deleting the PM you can keep track of them. I don't remember if the UCP kept track.
  18. I still maintain that she looks like an alien mantis creature, and I'm not fond of her singing. Shake it off was horrifically catchy though...Except her goofy giggle. That's just cringe.
  19. The absolute wurst unless you have some nice Puns to put them in.
  20. Happy Birthday @Goafer. I'm posting at work on my phone so no gifs. I'm surprised actually that I am posting and no one else has what with me being 5 hours behind.
  21. Heard it right from @Cube, @Ashley doesn't mind meat wands in his PM box.
  22. @Daft, I can believe it. What kind of spam meat product was it? Did you at least cook it or just let it squelch out of the can and call it a sammich.
  23. Does @rhymeswithfanfare know that laptops are in fact not tea bags?
  24. What even is Travel Insurance? I've never bothered with it personally. I have full coverage car insurance, which is required by law, and health insurance....also now required by law. Thanks Obama! (I had it prior to that through work though.
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