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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Drunk as I am I don't think I ever implied that the EU was a European State. Regardless, US state rights are 100% superceded by federal laws. An example is maurijuan, regardless that some states decided it was legal any person(s) can still be tried and punished federally for possession, use and distribution of marijuana. I'm going to bed now. I nearly went on a rant about how shitty Apple is because their autocorrect tried faaaaar too many times to change superceded as if I didn't fucking know the word I wanted to use. Actually as if that word literally didn't exist. Basically fuck Apple. Edit: I very much like what Eenuh had to say.
  2. I feel as though I can mention something in relation to a portion of this post. The US has 50 states. I suppose in theory we could be independent. That is somewhat neither here nor there though. What this post most made me think of is missouris and Arkansas. Missouri by bias and Arkansas by fact. Missouri is somewhat low income and intellect as a state. Arkansas is literally so low income that my payment from unemployment is close to their poverty line. Shit. I'm drunkenly rambling. Drunkenly has the emphasis. Essentially I'm just trying to say that as a union (which is what the US is. A union of states, some of us are breaking ourselves for those with less to work with. They deserve just as much of a life and work hard as well but can earn less and are sometimes given more. Simultaneously though....sometimes we break ourselves and have everything taken with such little gain. You can earn so much through hard work that suddenly you don't deserve as much as you worked for. Fuck I'm drunk. Fuck capitalism. Fuck socialism. Tuck the other ones. The U.K. Needs to consider more than just trade benefits I've heard mentioned. It needs to look at what jobs might be lost and what jobs might be gained by full participation. What's the point of joining if suddenly no one can afford to make a purchase.
  3. Being from the US I'm pretty much ignorant on all aspects of this, soooo... My belly button is an innie, and outies are weird.
  4. I'm enjoying this actually. Not as taken with the DZ as some people, but I enjoy the setting and the gunplay feels tight to me. The cover is a little clunky at first but seems to have more thought than most cover based games. My biggest complaint is audio balancing. I turned down (to 0) every setting I could in the Audio menu and still couldn't hear my friends in Party Chat over the gunfire. But, hopping on with 3 friends certainly makes the game feel fun. On that note, one of my friends says the Xbox version runs so much better for him. I tried both consoles and don't feel a difference, but he made a video showing that on his PS4 he has a very large and noticeable input lag. Has anyone else experienced anything of that sort? I played for 2 hours on the Xbox and 9 on the PS4 and don't feel a difference.
  5. He has the right outlook on life. 52 and overweight, time to just have fun.
  6. I feel like I could expand on this and just say Hollywood in general.
  7. I just started doing random combinations and got it...... :| I haven't even touched this in a while. I should go back to it.
  8. He's not ad supported, but it's still cool to throw out a link http://www.thejimquisition.com/2016/02/gametrailers-was-a-victim-of-itself/ Like many others said I haven't gone to the website in years. I use to post on the forums there and got into a community that spun off to its own website (which has now basically died) and kinda quit going to GT after that...that was about 8 years ago...wow. I'd occasionally go back and check HAWP, at least until Anthony left to work on Borderlands 2.
  9. Odd, I thought it received mostly positive reviews. Though I mostly only checked Hardocp, and Jim Sterling. News to me that some people were paid to review a genre they apparently don't understand.
  10. I'm unaware of this debacle, my curiosity is piqued. Definitely looking forward to this still, but not sure when I'll pick it up.
  11. I'm wondering if she could introduce me to that member of her family. Happy birthday.
  12. What's different between this and the original release? Is this a sequel or just another remaster with a bit more content? I'm not sure if I should get it if I already have it on PC is all.
  13. Played the Alpha a while back and just did not have fun. On the other hand it was gorgeous and ran very nicely. Nice to see idTech5 finally running well. So I'm sure single player will still be fast paced and great.
  14. I'm around 280. And getting stuck more oft than not.
  15. This game makes me feel like the dumb. Very satisfying when something clicks and you figure it out, and quite frustrating staring at a 4x4 grid for 20 minutes not getting anywhere.
  16. Digimom you say? Does it involving breast feeding your Digimon to give them nutrients?
  17. I've spent a good portion of yesterday and today playing Digimon Story CS. Fucking fun game. It plays very similarly to a SMT title. But it's light hearted. Also got Gravity Rush (since my Vita took a shit and won't turn on or charge anymore). So that'll be nice.
  18. I tried to post this this morning but database errors said fuck you Nolan. So here it is now instead. I remember liking Squall back when it was cool to be "whatever" about everything. But then I went through puberty and my tastes changed a bit. Squall is stoic with extra stoic on the side, he does change and has a bit of a character arc. He eventually considers the others to be at least his friends. Of course I don't care for any of them either, or the story. Terra is frankly about equal to Squall I think similar closed attitude and opens up. She speaks plenty though, that argument doesn't really have legs. Her main thing is just being half esper. I find Locke, Celes, or Cyan to be far more interesting. Really though we all know that the Onion Knight is the true hero of the series.
  19. Nolan


    Woah what, Crota drops year 2 gear now? Or did you get my hopes up for nothing and meant to say Kings Fall?
  20. I do it randomly at all times throughout play and during battles. And trying not to use cheats (because why use them, and trophies) it's a small hassle
  21. I knew it. Fucking knew it. I FUCKING KNEW IT. Randomly out of boredom clicking in the sticks turned on cheats. I have clicked in sticks from boredom since the fucking PlayStation had analog sticks and now I'm not allowed. I can't not do that. Imma play rouge galaxy now instead.
  22. Hmm. So as I thought. I didn't know 3ds had restore points then.
  23. Isn't the restore/suspended point created when you stop play, and destroyed when you resume? The way it works on Wii and Wii U VC? Or is it different on 3DS and more like traditional PC emulation with save slots? It's been a while since I've done 3DS VC. Because if it's the normal quit and come back suspended point I can't see how that could affect trading. Especially since you save before any trading.
  24. Since it seems (with luck) that the problem should be solved I shall offer the most obscene solution. Just run a new line from the circuit breaker that runs at 220 Mains going into US homes are usually 220 or 230 and just split into 110 lines to provide regular power throughout the home with a few 220 mains that run appliances. Such as a large AC unit, or Stove. Obviously new lines is the solution for your weird European electronics.
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