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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Well, I agree you should go play Chrono Trigger, I disagree that it is of utmost importance. It's an extremely solid game I just wasn't personally enthralled by it.... I say as I'm currently replaying it again (on the DS for the first time though), while simultaneously reading an LP of the game. Actually the LP is interesting. It's a low level run, Crono at level 1 and everyone else strategically being killed and or switched out of the party to earn as little XP as possible. A certain boss took him 3 hours to beat....
  2. Now I'm not exactly well versed in languages, but I'm pretty sure that is not how you translate Homo Ludens. Homo is suppose to be Man (or maybe people) correct? Bugs me a bit but whatever, good news all the same.
  3. Nolan


    I take offense from that pun @Sheikah
  4. Good for him. I wish he could pull MGS out of Konami's ghastly grip, but if he did his psychotic fans would demand more. The poor man has wanted to move away from that series for a while and unable to. It'll be nice to hopefully see his name attached to more varied games again. ZoE, hopefully a quiet knolls (most definitely not silent hills) game, Snatcher still has a following. Games along those lines. He's a pretty big name, gamers will follow him rather than the studio. The same as Clover to Platinum.
  5. Do want. Makes me think of Little Big Planet, but with more purpose.
  6. End of a run, but then the game loops. And gets more difficult I believe. I've never done it either, playing with a controller is far harder than a mouse. Found that out last night.
  7. I'm pretty sure that was Bioshock. The parallels in that game to the originals were numerous. Jokes aside, cool. Hopefully they do the series justice though.
  8. About time this has left early access. Such a great game. Vambleer is a treasure in a way. I'm terrible at it, but I've come across some great videos of playthroughs. Crazy shit like dual wielding double miniguns and setting off nukes and basically the screen effects made it unplayable with every shot. It's great, I recommend the game to everyone. It's incredibly easy to just hop on and play for a run or two and then leave....or play another 40 minutes.
  9. Sound track so far is amazing in my opinion. Love the battle themes. I'd say it take my top spot away from Blue Dragon for soundtracks. I quite enjoyed that one as well with a couple horribly choices they had here and there. Kinda overwhelming so far. I knew things wouldn't be explained well, so it helps the expectations a bit. Their text size is pretty horribly tiny though. Makes off screen gameplay nearly impossible
  10. Nolan


    I'm not really sure if drop rates scale with levels or not. But running the vanguard strike playlist is probably a better idea because you'll have a better chance of legendary drops if you don't get the exotic.
  11. Nolan


    I can usually get a single drop out of about 10 coins. Sometimes a second one.
  12. Is he standing on top of his teleprompter? He looks down and uhhs a lot for a host. Granted I don't watch the shows so I've never seen how he normally hosts, but wow. On topic though, I agree he did the right thing giving a bit of disclosure into why Kojima was unavailable. I almost feel bad about Konami being under such a witch hunt but honestly they seem to thrive off being hated these days. And with how they've treated and blacklisted Jim Sterling out of the blue essentially, I could see them behaving similarly towards Keighly and the VGAs in this instance.
  13. I'm a shut in and have plenty of time to game even with the full time job, but I often find it very hard to convince myself to actually just turn the console on and start a game. I know I'll enjoy it if I do but often I just end up on Netflix and browsing the Internet with my phone. Realistically I should get more done than I do in games, my backlog is insane.
  14. I'll second Sunset Overdrive. It's low priced now and a solid and fun game. Nothing groundbreaking, but that doesn't matter much. Destiny is good if you have others on your list playing it. Forza series is always a solid choice if you like racing sims. Otherwise near as I can tell you've mostly got the best games. Gears of War Ultimate, but if you don't care about multiplayer you can easily still appreciate the original release. I'm a bit biased in a way. I don't care about the majority of the exclusives and get multiplats elsewhere. I literally only have GoS Halo MCC Rare Replay and Sunset Overdrive. I can't bring myself to care about anything else on the system yet. (Ever since D4 got a PC port)
  15. Honestly using an external HDD has been mostly painless and alleviated the headache of space constraints. The only caveat was the one I bought didn't get enough power off the USB and just needed a different cord. I've been staying pretty blind in regards to this game and figured I'd just nab it some point down the line but read Jim Sterlings review and got fairly excited for it again. Same as the original trailers did haha. I'll probably get the downloads started tonight. if it was steam 10 GB would be nothing but any of my consoles download infinitely more slowly than any of my PCs. Wired or wireless.
  16. Nolan


    Neat I'll vaguely keep that in mind if I ever manage to do the heroic strike for my exotic sword.
  17. I swear I'm a mature adult.
  18. Yes I do. For shits and giggles the other day I ran through the Xbone calibration tool. Pretty close to spot on other than the gradient blocks of white and black, I want to say it was the last two blocks that blended. Or my eyes are bad and I couldn't tell. I do find some games will be a hair too dark or light at times, but my TV can switch between light and dark black levels that fix that. My method is to just throw in a vivid game of sorts and fiddlefuck the settings until it looks good. Colors pop and are accurate, blacks are black, sharpness isn't blurry, but not so sharp as to cause white aliased lines on all the edges.
  19. Nolan


    I just do what feels good, then bitch about when I die. Course I was attempting it with Imprecation which is the worst handgun I e used. Seriously bad. But maybe with the ADS accuracy boost I can nail precision shots a bit more. Pretty sure I missed some that were dead on.
  20. Hey I enjoy Alien 3. I like the dynamic of being in the Prison.
  21. Maybe someone played a cruel joke on him and he's only been watching Resurrection?
  22. Nolan


    Guess I know what I'm doing when I get home. After the quests I was waiting on armsday for.
  23. I haven't seen Prometheus yet....
  24. Nolan


    Welcome! We don't bite too hard, don't be afeared to check out other threads. Just noticed that Join Date, you sneaky.
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