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Everything posted by Nolan
Honestly from day 1 this has been the best thread I've read in a long time.
You told someone to fuck right off. There is no point to that statement beyond being abrasive. What Rummy just said had a point despite being abrasive.
Nah, it's a nice cool 23 degrees here, perfect weather.
Serebii forums, Most users ever online 5,805 total members 291,116. Totally unscientific, but he obviously does run a popular site. He may be arrogant at times, but there is high traffic. Hell I've used the site to find out random shit while playing pokemon. It's the best knowledge base on random shit I've seen. Edit: saw your reply that you believe it for pokemon.
I'd like to see two things to upgrade. A non XL varient. Having used both original sizes, I think I prefer the smaller design. Secondly, more software. The 3D improvement doesn't concern me and the speed of loading doesn't bother me currently.
Are you sure about those load times? Because I downloaded Donkey Kong and promptly quit playing because of the load times. No disc involved no external HD. Video Chat does have to do with hardware. Not much, frankly I doubt the hardware is holding back the chat (it could be possible) but there is more overhead added with voice chat. Audio does get processed.
I'll say right now that that is the exact reason I won't post on the SomethingAwful forums. The mods have a power trip and will ban for the silliest thing. A catch phrase they didn't like, abbreviations like lol (which is against the rules) in some cases just trying to ask a question. It's shit place and thousands love it but I can't stand it. Eh, all besides the point of the thread at the moment really. Editing this to say I doubt anyone here would be that bad as it's an extreme example of totalitarian moderation.
Think about that statement for a minute please. The SNES specs are good enough. Mario Kart wouldn't be a better game with anything better for instance. The N64 specs are good enough. Mario Kart 64 wouldn't be a better game with anything better for instance. The GC specs are good enough. Mario Kart Double Dash wouldn't be a better game with anything better for instance. The Wii specs are good enough. Mario Kart Wii wouldn't be a better game with anything better for instance. It can easily be applied to any console, and most games within a series. For the most part, I think it holds false. Everyone is going to have their favorites, but it's easily arguable that with each leap a better game was produced, and not just graphically but in ways that effect the gameplay. I can't and won't say that if the Wii U was more powerful MK8 would be a better game. It might have even been worse, or 100% the same. Don't know it doesn't matter, parallel universe talk. The point is just that more power always opens up more options to the developer. A different but similar parallel would be storage space. The jump from Carts-CDs-DVDs-BluRay has allowed much larger and more detailed games than before. (Not really applicable to Mario Kart as the detail isn't why we play it)
This isn't the thread for that discussion, this is the thread for discussing why the fuck we can't put that and other arguments to rest and keep from shitting up other threads.
Posting from my phone, the silly rumor was more memory bandwidth does not mean more RAM. The amount of RAM is independent from the bandwidth. The type and the bus width are what make the bandwidth. E.G. 1Gb GDDR3 with a 512bit bus is slower than 1Gb GDDR5 with 256bit bus.
But....I don't want your shoes.
It was fucking Gizmo. Now go look @Gizmo's signature. Also I was about 2 minutes slow in being able to post this before Rummy locked it....
Possible yes, but I will mention two things. One is graphical fidelity, because while it doesn't make a game (Shit The Order 1886 is beautiful for all its faults) it's a nice thing to have. Just a happy bonus. The second is storage size. The more features added the more capacity is needed. And power can allow certain things to become more sophisticated. (Weather for instance).
No one buys a Nintendo console for multiplatform ports because we can reasonably expect that 3rd parties will ignore Nintendo. The Wii had great games, but it was a gimmick that allowed it to sell so well. For me to play other games like DMC, Bayonetta, Demons Souls ect. I had to go elsewhere. No More Heroes and Mad World weren't enough. If the games game to it I'd happily play things like Bloodborne or Diablo 3 or Destiny on the Wii U. As it is that's not going to happen. It's not entirely about the power, but it partly is. If people could get away with just buying a single system and getting all (most) the games they want, they would. That goes for Nintendo systems too, but it's been so long that buying Nintendo is like saying you don't want multiplat.
It'd be nice if the religious did so little as just disapprove. Many are capable of spewing just as much hate and vitriol, and using their religion to hide behind. With some groups its not uncommon to see them holding "God Hates Fags" signs and more extreme examples from Westboro Baptist Church. Tolerance can be hard when dealing with some people that are so intolerant. Not all, but plenty are. I've read a fair amount of stories from people that have been disowned by their families as well. It's a sad state, but the world is getting better. @Agent Gibbs The first quote makes total sense, but only because I think a persons sexuality should be such non issue, and hopefully it will be one day. Like the C&H comic.
I agree with Ronnie on this. Nintendo will find a way to make money on their product Personally I'd love if Nintendo was as powerful and gained some of the games that the other consoles have. I'd buy them on the Wii U instead of my PS4 or PC (with exceptions regarding games with obscenely awesome graphics on PC or certain online focus) That's just me though and I can't speak for everyone. I think you're right that the industry has moved on to the other consoles. They moved on though because that's where players and the hardware has gone. If Nintendo has the market base it will get 3rd party support, but if it doesn't have the hardware it could be another Wii situation (though as I said in my last post the hardware jumps are getting smaller) where 3rd parties don't want to cut games down to port them. The first Dead Rising is the best-worst example. It was a shadow of itself on the Wii. Dead Space and Resident Evil fared better in making a different style of game with the setting, which was great....but not exactly what you'd want if you wanted to play the games in the main franchise. Not being better than a PS4 wouldn't mean it's DOA, but it poses an issue with developers possibly not wanting to put forth the extra effort for console. And there are definitely still people out there that want the objectively best console. When the XBO and PS4 were being announced there were plenty of comparisons floating about as to which was the stronger machine and gonna push the most pixels. Capturing some of that could be beneficial....and/or costly.
I agree. It always seems Nintendo has talked to 3rd parties early on and then it gets dropped by the wayside. Capcom 5 is a great example, a wonderful showing of a partnership, and then it fell apart. I remember the Wii having talks and good 3rd party support that waned with time as well. Finally the Wii U, strong start with things like Zombi U, ME3, AC4 Black Flag, Batman, Deus Ex, Rayman. But now, no Dragon Age Inquisition, ME4 is unlikely, no Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and no Arkham Knight...which even got Linux and OSX releases. They had the support and then it just falls away, maybe it's not Nintendo's fault but I feel they could be more proactive in enticing more 3rd parties. Edit: Fucking forgot Bayonetta 2. That was a great example of Nintendo being proactive taking a sequel to a well received game that people liked and loved and publishing it when no one else would. Same with The Devils Third....though that doesn't look stellar but it doesn't have to be. Not everything is a winner. You're not wrong that they can make stunning games on the hardware they have. However, to say that matching the other consoles would mean something too expensive is plain wrong. The decidedly middling hardware in the PS4 is now 2 years old, and launched at $399 (£349). There effectively hasn't been a price drop, but with the way technology moves the AMD APUs powering them are invariably cheaper to produce now than they were. And in the same original price point are now more sophisticated APUs. The real cost comes in the development of the custom silicon since no one wants to just drop stock PC parts in and call it a day (hence things like the PS4/XBO having unified system and graphics RAM). Regardless my educated guess is they could have a as powerful system at a similar or lower price. Then their problem is threefold I think. Regaining market loss, not leaving Wii U owners feeling jaded (ala the 3DS original price drop and the ambassador program), and that once again they're upgrading hardware rather out of sync than the others. Creating an odd leapfrog methodology to their releases. Though, graphical leaps are going to continue being smaller in scale so that last point may not be too detrimental. Might help in the long run of getting matured hardware slightly less expensive. Well that was a bit of a ramble, tldr I think Nintendo can release as powerful but still affordable. I'm kind of over UE after what seemed like every other game using it, but that's just great looking. Gah, I started this post an hour ago and got sidetracked talking with my mom.
I have Paper Mario and definitely have not noticed this issue. Doesn't mean it's not there but it wasn't something I noticed. Though, I am NTSC completely.
So, a landmark decision in the US not being ass backward. Today June 6th 2015 SCOTUS ruled same-sex marriage ban as being unconstitutional overturning and effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states. I just realized it hadn't posted here at all, and figured I'd make the thread. A random news article for the sake of it. (CNN) :yay::yay: It is rather sad though that it was a 5-4 win. It may be legal now but it shows people are very much against it still... Shit...maybe I really should make my mohawk a rainbow now. Probably not seems expensive.
You should be able to hook up the old harddrive and back up files. Though depending on boot orders in the bios it might not play nice. Turning it into an external is possible, typically just by buying and putting it into an enclosure kit.
You could get by with AMD, but they don't save money for performance like they use to. Intel in the same and lower price bracket will outperform AMD every time pretty much. Working photoshop and rare video work, definitely go with Intel. The Lenovo (at curry's, the John Lewis PC is AMD) looks to be your best deal. It has newer components than the PC on Amazon and for the same price. Bonus is that you should be able to easily remove your previous GPU and install it into the new PC. Even if you don't game it'll be better regardless.
On that note of things not changing...I'm quoted in your signature! I don't even know or remember. Well....that was off topic as shit.
Get over yourself please. I just looked at the whole sordid exchange myself. Happenstance said they were gorgeous but he can see where variety complaints could come from. You choose to become very defensive at this, to the point where even now you're acting as though he said there is no variety. There is a difference in there, or maybe you just read between the lines better than I. No you didn't. You singled out the PS4. The PS4 does not in any way represent the rest of the industry. So taking offense at what Goafer said is silly because it essentially what you did. Which is likely why most people in that thread jumped on you after that exchange. I haven't seen anyone broach the idea that the Wii U only has platformers except you and your defense against the notion. You're just a bit overzealous in the defense. For what it's worth I liked both pictures you posted. While biased and not representative of the full spectrum of either console (christ they both look pretty samey in genre's and color palatte), they both show some pretty games.
And now Ashley is calling us all dweeby! We totally are
Pretty sure admins can read those (Just pretend his hat is tinfoil) I have never noticed the lick before this.... Can't say I have much to add to this thread. I've read the whole thing (post 154) but I just don't post nearly as much these days as I use to. (3 times in 2014...) I stay out of the Nintendo board thread for the most part because they do feel toxic. Less discussion and more arguing. It makes it hard to even want to join in and post anything in an established thread. I definitely disagree with some of the attitude I've seen here, such as the suggestion that people who don't own (or have played) a console or game can't discuss it or be critical of it. Isn't that essentially what we all do pre-release especially during the E3 time of the year? Post-release, we can still make informed posts without having played. However shit-posting shouldn't be allowed and it's a fine line. Start throwing out infractions, and when those don't work switch to infarctions. (I'm so punny)