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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. As opposed to Cloud, Dark Pit, Paluntena, Duck Hunt Duo, Ice Climbers, dem Mii things, Zero Suit Samus, Wii Fit Trainer*, who have all appeared in at least 5 GOTY award winning titles each. *I'm sure there's more.
  2. I was bought this for my birthday and to be honest I'm not that impressed. I agree with the review that Funky should be something that isn't locked. I hadn't played the Wii U version but am playing it normal to see what it is like. I'm hoping I can get it sent back and maybe get Hyrule Warriors instead but I fear it may be too late. Just done the second boss. Unnecessarily hard.
  3. That's one of the only things I enjoyed about the last season. It had a nice Tarratino-esque feel that characters were affected by others and no one knew.
  4. There were about 5ish TCG sets which came out which still had the e-reader scanner things on them, which I think only gave poke-dex entries. Look at this sexy Crystal Nidoking Majestic. I still have my EON Ticket, never been used Never bothered getting an E-Reader, as you said, they bombed
  5. All work and no play means you pretend to have a seizure/stroke?!
  6. I'm sure I remember job hunting being more fluid, have had only 2 rejections. Today marks my third agency sign up in two weeks. The first gave me more sign up forms than I've ever seen in one go. I hate it that they ask you write out your CV despite being sent it. They contacted me every day afterwards about a position at the Council- first they wanted two references, then they wanted all of them, then they wanted a personal reference, then 5 hours after giving them the details they ring me back saying they're having trouble getting in touch with her (because she works) but have since gone quiet. Despite dancing through all their hoops I think they've given up. Second I went to earlier this week at first sounded optimistic about me and the opportunities were plentiful, but towards the end of the meeting, suddenly admin jobs were "like gold dust" and they'll have a look and get back to me. Uh-huh. Third today, which I applied for about 4-5 positions through them yesterday morning. Got one interview lined up next week at the County Court, and separately to register with them and introduce me to a manager of the building behind them which seems to rent out its office rooms for meetings and shit. Let us hope thrice times be thy charm. Either way I'm going to be getting drunk at Warhammer World later playing Shadespire.
  7. I'm concerned that this will be like the shite that was Civil War*, with the first half plus being talking and explanations, with actual action happening right at the end. *Or Fantastic Four, or the new Power Rangers etc.
  8. Is £40ish for a bench good value? Saw one in Cash Converters and was tempted but feel less inclined due to lack of employment
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 3 finally on the Netflix. I never watched this season when I was young.
  10. I tried the demo last night. After the first initial investigation and getting to the fountain felt like it took so long I stopped playing. It felt like it was trying to be a very slow Professor Layton with none of the charm.
  11. I has one of these
  12. Completed this last night. Most enjoyable. Once again they pull the stunt of having the final boss a piece of piss. Although I had pretty much done all the side quests (bar the arena/chariot/elephant things) and pimpsmacked every location.
  13. Well I saw it coming but didn't think it would be cut short. I failed my probation and as such am once again without employment. Too much fuck ups basically. Gonna get 4 weeks pay in lieu of notice which isn't bad I guess. Got enough to hold off dem bills for a coupla months whilst I try to get on the job bandwagon again. At least it wasn't the Tesco dismissal which foiled me. I held that one off nicely.
  14. It's like he's having a stroke whilst having a gobstopper and also feeling smug that someone else has been blamed for one of his farts.
  15. Since it won't seem to let me put this at the bottom of my post because editing around these quotes are irritating. Looking forward to the movie though, is it going to be Masked Saiyan?
  16. Having checked da Zen Oh on some Wiki it confirms your story as their "alternative/secret" motive. Which I don't think has been revealed in the anime at this time? Otherwise there isn't much point in battling at this moment.
  17. And have they been painted Cube?!
  18. I felt that. I just don't get why Zen-Oh seemed to "miss" them during their mass extinction. [Maybe they explained it, I watched it subbed at 1.5x speed]
  19. I wanna know why some of the Kais and Gods of Destruction have stayed. In earlier Universe eliminations they've been erased.
  20. I shall say this naow - I shall be out this week for I shall be at Warhammer World playing Shadespire.
  21. I do own up to them if I made them. It's just getting beyond annoying that I am making so many after so long.
  22. Absolutely buttfucked thoroughly tonight. I think they randomly decide what items will actually work when you use them. I had 2 Golden Mushrooms in a row and gained nothing. Someone in front of me got a Star and I managed to keep pace with them with no items. I remember now why I wasn't a fan of this
  23. This is ia sucking so much ass. Falling back from 2nd to 8th so many times.
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