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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I have a few questions which I haven't looked through the topic so don't know if they've been asked already. Is there, or will there be a darker skin for those who don't want to damage our eyes? And if possible, could the menu on the homepage be brought up a bit, scrolling down to click forum is most troublesome.
  2. This complete flip reverse of Sindi's personality is shit. If she really was this emotionally fragile she wouldn't have been hired to seduce Toadie for Darcy.
  3. I think Nintendo are leaving it too late again. And I'm not sure if this new controller will alienate things as did the cube in some ways, I really aint happy with all these multi-format games which don't come to the cube for whatever reason.
  4. Ford not shown up yet then?
  5. I'm on another forum which has these features, so I'm used to it all. But you kiddies enjoy.
  6. I see. [This is here because it's wanking on about it being more than 10 characters. Character this.]
  7. "Swearing, and .... are prohibited."
  8. No swearing at all?
  9. That's right gringos. The Remix is here. Pauls leg? It just won't be the same :doh:
  10. Damn you. Stealing my University topic. De Montfort Media Studies 24th September Halls.
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