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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Maybe you could feel free to exercise your right to blow me.
  2. Don't make me laugh.
  3. No shit Kate, she can't blame anyone else [she could blame Pete but she must claim she's independant.]
  4. Andy Peter's is my main homie.
  5. Poor Paul, but sadly it needed to be done.
  6. That's all well and good, but I don't arsebang my doctor all the time. What a twist, Sawyer not having the inhalers. That's 20+ minutes I'm not getting back. I'm just wondering what they'll fill 45 minutes with once they've finished with everyone's [because they've all got them] gripping back stories.
  7. Might wanna get rid of that ugly bugger from your signature then.
  8. Drew dying was one of the most unexpected things I've ever seen from a soap.
  9. With the weather knocking seven shades of shit out of them I think there may be a more crucial use of such a large amount of money right now.
  10. YES! I've been meaning to mention that. In both adverts the women have resorted to theft in order to get that product.
  11. I'm now in shock we can't say t wat...
  12. The Rimmel ads with Kate Moss giving the impression that nail varnish will give you the ability to crack glass. Tart.
  13. I want Rimmel [Haha. Rim] to drop her too, I'm sick of those shitty ads with her in them... Ooh, they blow.
  14. The news has been rumoured to buying extra kleenex to mop up what they've been knocking out this week as Kate Moss's career takes [what I think is long overdue] a nosedive as her apparent drug indulgence fucks up her career. http://media.guardian.co.uk/advertising/story/0,7492,1575184,00.html After being dropped from H & M, and rightly so, you can't have a druggie as the face of a company with a strong anti-drug thing going. Chanel and Burberry has now dropped the bitch. I know they need to make an example of her but do they really need to make so much coverage? Why hasn't Pete "****" Doherty been locked up for his blatent use? You see him swagger on to sing craply with Elton John [Who isn't crap] obviously under the influence and nothing gets done. What's more, the fashion industry is still "backing her". Because leading a models life is stressful. No shit. Simply a case of "If you can't stand the heat..." EDIT: We can't say T-Wat now?
  15. You've never noticed? EDIT: Education time children. Here's a picture of me in negative funness. The picture is negative for two reasons. 1] I changed it and saved it without making a copy of the original [Which looked nothing special and I could easily revert it in Picture it] 2] I fucking love the way my eyes look, more EEVIL. Look at how far that forehead goes!
  16. The Beano. Fucking hair.. I got to keep picking it out my keyboard.
  17. It appears you have not been paying attention Goon.
  18. Changing his name by Depol was one thing, the public thought Jimmy White had gone one step too far this time.
  19. That's the one with that [most likely] French [urgh] woman pissing around with a kite. Who obviously has some sort of hand problem which rivals Jeremy Beadle because she couldn't catch it when it was in her grasp.
  20. Update, the slimbrowser thing has gone but has been replaced by the menu bar from my snes emulator, which I only played for around 10-20 minutes. Wah.
  21. Venus Fly Trap.
  22. You're not. Exactly. I like to think I've been watching it the longest. But I couldn't tell you how long exactly as it's been for as long as I can remember.
  23. I also wish to lead the cause of Summer being shot. She's been the downfall of the Hoyland family from the beginning. And her recent behaviour involving the baby is just plain annoying.
  24. This is exactly the kind of shizzle we're looking for.
  25. Stingray has gone back to being a prick for me. He asked for what he got but poor Dylan I say. Just when it looks like Lynne would contemplate suicide. Summer chimes in with a poorly executed ending note and says "You can sing along if you like" which makes everyone burst into a fit of laughter. What the fuck?
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