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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. This from the missus Some nice Jean Paul G and a Venom t-shirt from Daddy, Glitter lamp from step sisters/brother in law Some random beers from the partner I worked for during the maternity cover. Few other bits, a rather quiet Christmas as they go.
  2. Remix of an old Noise Marine. Loved these back in the day but never had them.
  3. Travelers is back with a third season if any have dem feelz.
  4. Any reason for the reappearance? Kind hasn't reared its head for some years now thankfully. Whenever I go out and I know alcohol will be consumed in excess I double my meds before and after. Which also seems to benefit by dulling the effects of a hangover.
  5. Awesome thanks, I might invest when it goes down in price. Then play catch up to try and be good with at least one character for online action
  6. Holy shit no sandbag?! So what kinda challenges are there? I've always been down for some sidequest-esque action
  7. I probably would try all the challenges, I wouldn't be bothered in "platinum"-ing them (if such a concept exists in this) as I just think that kind of thing is a waste of time for me personally. If they got stuff like the target smash, that was nice. And I assume Yoshi is still the best character to do the bag guy smash thing?
  8. How would this game fare for the person who isn't all that bothered about online play? Bar the original Smash Bros I got every incarnation and went through it all, but never really played it with other people. Now the time has come where shizzle like this is geared towards online play and I don't know how bothered I would be. I'm sure I would play online with it, but it wouldn't be the bulk of my experience with it.
  9. A terrible attitude on the whole? I would have to disagree but cannae argue if those are your feels. A most troubling opinion though. I have another personality setting for employment though, which has no swearing and an eagerness to help. It's what you must do to survive in retail and saw me through a decade of it with only one complaint at the beginning. This is what is used in jobs and interviews. The position I'm in at the moment is maternity cover, which is why it's ending. There is no problem with my work.
  10. One week left at my current position. Began looking for alternatives a couple of months ago, had a couple of interviews but nothing has panned out yet. Had one yesterday which I think went well. Shall hear back next week if I'm getting called back for a second interview. I think that the fact I'm going to be out of work before Christmas is a little to my advantage as they want someone starting in the new year straight away. I have another interview in January for something as well. And have applied for a legal assistant role at Games Workshop, due to their not-so-great (as I've failed previously) I've utilised my contacts there and contacted the head of the legal department to express my interest further. RANT A COMIN' My main gripe this week has come from an agency, which I had forgotten I had registered with, as I've registered with nearly all of the ones in Nottingham centre. Applied for a legal secretary and was emailed by them on Monday to arrange a call, called at the time agreed. Dude was in another call. OK, previous call overran, understandable. Call back in ten minutes "Hi it's Dwayne how can I help you?" and had to pull up my file, it felt like he'd forgotten all about the appointment. Said I wasn't on the system and arranged to come in next day on my lunch break to register. Came in, and as I walked in I knew I'd been here before. I went there in April and I believe met this Dwayne dude then, they didn't have anything for me then and naturally promised to keep in touch. Never did. Dwayne appeared to be running late again, as he took someone else who had been waiting at EEVIL time. The patience begins to wear thin... I pointed this out and that I was on my lunch break so someone else saw me. Was told that they didn't have my details on file because they now have a new system, a few days old, so it's not as if my details disappeared months ago. Patience gets thinner, rage increasing... Was told about a secretary role at an accountancy firm that Dwayne was recruiting for, which was "temp to perm", this was not what we had discussed in our emails and telephone calls... starting to get quite pissed off now... Thar be the email exchange between Dwayne and myself, I think I should get an award for the restraint I employed. Hi Dwayne It was disappointing that I was unable to see you this week. I believe we had spoken previously in the year and you said you were going to get in touch with me should any roles become available and I note you did not do so. Is there any specific reason for this? Hi Derek Sorry, I missed you on Tuesday, but I know you met with my colleague Clare instead. The reason we have not contacted you is that currently, we do not have any roles suitable for your experience. Hi Dwayne Thank you for getting back to me. Could you tell me more about the positions available please? You contacted me in relation to a legal secretary role, but Clare said you were going to put me forward for a temp to perm role in an accountancy company? Hi Derek, That is correct, the role that I did have in mind to discuss with you was filled very quickly, unfortunately. Do keep your eye on our website and apply for any other positions that you feel might be aligned with your current skills and we can discuss further. Hi Dwayne I find this very hard to believe. I registered with you in April and there was not a single role you thought I was suitable for? Now two positions appear in the space of a week, one being a role I applied for which disappeared in a matter of days, but you thought I was suitable for a role that I did not apply for, and based on what you have previously said roles like this accountancy role have not cropped up over the past nine months either. Otherwise you would have surely been in contact with me. The only explanation that appears to fit is that after our initial meeting in April, you may have looked for a position for me - if I recall correctly you said you were going to pass my details on to the department that deals with permanent work, as you are primarily temp work, so they may have had a quick look around the time - not found anything and then simply gave up considering me for work. As for your suggestion to keep my eye on your website for other positions that I feel might be aligned with my current skills, why do I have to do your job for you? If you do not feel that there is anything suitable enough for me for you to actually contact me, why should I go on your website and look at roles you clearly do not consider me suitable for? Because if you did think me suitable you would have contacted me, making your suggestion irrelevant. I look forward to hearing from you with your response. Hi Derek, Thank you for your email, I have tried to call you on your mobile to discuss however I was unable to reach you. Please do get in touch with me here on the office number on 0115 XXXXXXX. Hi Dwayne I am currently at work so cannot take calls but I can access my emails. However, I am sure you can address my concerns in your reply to this email. Hi Derek, I am not going to get into a confrontation with you over email, the best way forward, in my opinion, is for me to have my manager give you a call tomorrow. Hi Dwayne, I do not intend to get into a confrontation with you. I believe I have raised some reasonable concerns which I think it is reasonable for you to respond to. You have either been intentionally deceitful at worst in saying you would look for positions and did not, or incompetent at best by just not bothering to do your job at all. Since we may not always be available when one calls, I don't see how it is unreasonable for you to respond to this email what you intend to say over the phone. You can pass this on to your manager if you like, but I find this evasive passive aggressiveness quite disturbing. I hope to hear from you in your response to this email. Or your manager can email me. The above email was sent Thursday evening, Friday morning they attempted to call me but I didn't answer. The manager left me a voicemail saying Dwayne had passed on the email chain and was "quite concerned" about what I had said to Dwayne and to call her back. Hi Dwayne I received a message from your manager yesterday, however I did not have the time for a conversation, as previously mentioned. Also as previously requested I would like you to (or your manager) to address my concerns via email, as I do not believe it is something a telephone discussion will provide a satisfactory answer to them all. If you (or your manager) do not wish to respond to my concerns in writing could you please respond to this email confirming your refusal to do so and setting out your reasons for the same. I look forward to your response.
  11. Because it's a waste. The effort going into impress some judges to get some ribbons could've been spent doing something better.
  12. HUMBLE RPG GAME DEV BUNDLE https://www.humblebundle.com/software/rpg-game-dev-bundle?hmb_source=navbar&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=tile_index_2 I might finally get round to making a game I've had in my head for ages.
  13. Do these have to be 2 player minimum games then? If you want something which builds up in front of you, you can't go wrong with Mouse Trap (original, not the watered down remake) Or something more serious, Pandemic sounds like something you may enjoy. Tsuro is good and simple too. Warhammer route: Space Hulk, Shadespire/Nightvault and Blood Bowl. @Cube - Let's help a homie out.
  14. Aaaah, I'd rather they tone down on some of the "extras" they've started putting in, Battle Chateau, fashion competitions and the other random stuff.
  15. Not sure if I'm reading your formula correctly, but you think this has all the bells and whistles we expect?
  16. Back in the day the mantra meant "Get one of each so you can cross it off your list", now you literally have to catch 'EM ALL. Otherwise you won't get strong enough if you don't enslave every Rattata you see, I could see how this would appeal in Pokémon Go, but using it as the core amount of effort in a console game, especially if you like to play it on a TV you're forced to flick your wrist every time, is just something I won't be investing in (the missus has though, so Nintendo can be happy). The music is nice, it's colourful (although I saw a Drowzee win a battle with a black underbelly, was not impressed) but I only nipped into the Safari Zone in the older games for short time for a reason.
  17. Is there a way to have the Switch docked and not have motion controls? Watching the missus play and she makes the throwing motion the same way but the ball goes all over the place. If we pair two joy-cons up in the settings, when you go back into the game it splits them apart.
  18. Well the violence isn't that senseless, as it saves you money on buying mini prisons. They've just made everyone tamer in the Go games so the whole world is just the Safari Zone.
  19. As opposed to beating the shit out of them in the mainstream games, this is a blessing. I loved the Ranger games, never understood why Mystery Dungeon got more traction. Tried one and I felt nothing. NOTHING I TELL YOU.
  20. Refresh your sprite action on da Humbles... https://www.humblebundle.com/software/rpg-game-dev-bundle
  21. I wouldn't say it's anywhere near the level of violence that you would see in Deadpool. It's a little more than most, but it is more dark than the majority of Marvel films. Which is understandable given the character. I think when Carnage comes out it'll get a bit more gory, or at least heavy implications thereof.
  22. Saw this yesterday, had some good humour in it. I think they heard the people on this, as they changed it to Sim-Bee-Oat. Which pleased me greatly as that's how I pronounce it too.
  23. Me too. I can finally get my wish. Which is a bit of a shame as I doubt I'll buy it. Link for those who dare... https://wccftech.com/super-smash-bros-ultimate-leak-characters/
  24. Went to another one last week. Was Ancient Egyptian theme (I was wearing a magnetic bracelet - Mummy Returns stylie), which appealed to me nicely as I love the period, but some of the things were not that good looking. You wouldn't see this sort of shit on Art Attack. It was (at one point) the most technicalogically advanced escape room in da hood. Which it did have a lot of clever triggers, which apparently if we took something out which we put something in previously, the system would think we were still back at that point and stuff which would advance you after that wouldn't activate because it thought you were still at the previous stage. We did get stuck at a few points and we did have a walkie-talkie which we could ask for some hints. Some of the puzzles seemed a little silly, one in particular we had to ask where part of the solution was, as we guessed the last part of it. But we escaped, which was the main thing.
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