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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. 1-2 Switch would have to be - 90 %for me to pick that up!
  2. Yeah. And later, it gets even more obvious.
  3. Oh, just saw someone mention that games can have multiple lead producers. They would probably just like to have another one.
  4. It's really hard to compare two different devices as they could measure distance differently. They could use a different algorithm or method to compute the distance as it's relatively arbitrary to measure distance on a static machine. Also, you say that the wheel is larger? That could mean quite a lot if that isn't taken enough into consideration.
  5. So - an update is due. They finally finished analysing on Wednesday and they found three things: One line of cells with totally normal chromosomes (for a boy, XY). One with another X chromosome (Klinefelter, XXY). And one line with another Y chromosome (XYY). When they see this combination of cells, they know from research that 87 % of the fetuses that have this are completely normal. So the case was that the placenta has some chromosomes and cells different from the fetus itself (and the mother, which is seen in 1-2 % of the cases they analyse). On Wednesday, the doctors will take a sample directly from the fetus (or rather, the amniotic fluid it swims in) and hopefully, we are in the 87 % with a normal baby. While this wasn't quite the answer we hoped or expected, it was a relief. 87 % is quite a lot so our hopes are rather high. It will hurt if we fall into the 13 % and we shall see to what extent the condition amounts to (i.e. Klinefelter or double Y syndrome or just a small mosaic which doesn't mean much). We'll get the final answer to that in about 3 weeks - meaning that my wife will be halfway through her pregnancy at that point.
  6. (Why isn't this in the Metroid Prime 4-thread, by the way?) There is a number of reasons that a previous Lead Producer could resign that don't have to be due to bad development - pension, moving away, wanting to try something new, better offer, etc. I agree, it's not an overly good sign, just something that is a possibility that I haven¨t seen anyone mention at all. It is also very reasonable to hire someone from the outside as a good project leader will easily be able to facilitate any project within a domain that they are familiar with. I've met several of them in my work (IT development on large projects, both small scale and large scale). They do wish for someone with 10+ years of experience with the role so that would entail that they need someone who can step in relatively quickly, and give such a person a month or two and they should be quite as capable as the previous lead. I do think that the game was completely restarted with none of Namco's assets being reused. Reusing them could actually take longer than just making new ones I'm not saying that all of this has to be the case but it very well could be nothing to worry about. It could also mean that we are in for another delay.
  7. To be fair, the current Lead Producer could have resigned so they need to get a new one. And that this doesn't mean that the game is not in development. What is the role of a lead producer? As I read it, it's a project leader or supervisor that ensures that production is going well but development can easily be continued for some time without one.
  8. It's funny to use Mario as an example here. Look at all the Mario goodness we've got so far...
  9. That is a truly great intro. However, I'm just not that interested in the games from the arcades and the high score battles at the time so will probably not watch it.
  10. I'm unsure if I actually own Braid on Xbox 360 or if I just played it elsewhere. But that must mean that I'm ready to play it again.
  11. I get them as well and have not visited any naughty sites (at least only as incognito :D)
  12. Damn, stocks rose 3 % after these news. Had my eyes on them for some time but hesitated as they are generally high now. Now they are even higher.
  13. Good to finally know that something is on the way but yeah, another remaster, and another game that I have already played on Wii U. It's a good game but not one I need to replay. Only two original games in a year, and both are more or less similar to earlier entries in their respective series. That's crazy.
  14. The Umbrella Chronicles season 2 has been released. Looking forward to seeing it but I don't have high expectations.
  15. Recently, we got a trailer for Season 2 of His Dark Materials, airing this autumn: Very glad they shot season 1 and 2 back to back. Otherwise, we'd probably have to wait a bit more for it.
  16. Recently, we got a trailer for Season 2 of His Dark Materials, airing this autumn: Very glad they shot season 1 and 2 back to back. Otherwise, we'd probably have to wait a bit more for it.
  17. Just cleared the fourth streamer and on to the next. I think the game gets better and better as we go, but it was quite dull in the beginning and everything was just... easy. Now the battles are getting tougher and if you don't line them up, it's always 20-30 damage as a minimum. And lining them up correctly is really hard sometimes, especially within the timeframe.Could do with more times to try out different things. I do find the platforming a bit hard, though, as it seems hard to gauge distance correctly sometimes due to weird angles and characters being paper. The dialogue is not as good as previous games, however, I really enjoy what the Toads say when I find them and Olivia is funny because she is so naive and unexperienced in life. Her remarks are really funny at times.
  18. My wife is pregnant. Now, why am I posting this here? Some might recall that three years ago, I got a son with a disease that he got from me, without me knowing about my having it. It's called Hirschsprung's disorder and affects the colon, making it unable to pass through shit to speak bluntly. He was operated thrice and is now a happy toddler, three years old and doing very well. He will live a life with a bit more visits to the loo than a usual human but we're speaking 5-6 times a day if today's standard is something to go by. However, I didn't wish for this kind of situation for another child, so my wife and I went through genetic diagnostics to find the genes responsible for the disease. It went well - albeit a bit slow - and in May, my wife was declared pregnant. We were offered a genetic screening of the fetus to check that the gene was not there and we accepted that. The day after, we got went for a scan (in Denmark, pregnant women are offered a scan of the fetus at week 12 and again at week 20 to check that everything is alright) and here we were told that there was a relatively high risk of Down syndrome - 1:163. So they would check for that as well with the sample they got from the screening the day before. As it turns out, the fetus does not have Down syndrome. However, it has an X chromosome too much. That's not good. If it's a girl it is called Triple X and for boys it's called Klinefelter syndrome. It's worse for boys, making them infertile or completely sterile, giving them boobs, and generally feminine looks because of a lack of testosterone - and lower than average IQ. For girls, it's better but they may also have a lower than average IQ and some other, less clear problems. On paper, it doesn't sound that bad but well, reading up on it it's really not without problems and it's just... frustrating. Here we are, trying to rid the world of one disease only to get another? Why can't we just like.. have a normal pregnancy without all those worries? We got worried with out son because he lacks one of his kidneys which we found out during the pregnancy. This time, we just wanted everything to be OK but no... Now, we need to wait for another analysis - there is the possibility that the genetic samples have been contaninated with some of my wife's tissue (https://www.mayocliniclabs.com/test-catalog/Clinical+and+Interpretive/35479) and thus, nothing to worry about, the baby is fine. But I just don't believe in it as it's just the less likely scenario, I've been hit so many times and have been trying to be optimistic about all of this. If I weren't an atheist, I would have sworn that we were being bullied by some higher powers.
  19. I really dislike that the game makes its puzzles easier without a choice if you fail them twice. At least just ask me if I want it to be easier. I could have just misstep or something.
  20. Just wait till you get to a fight with 3 groups....
  21. OK, who the f*** thought the gimmick with the boos in this game was a good idea?? Nearly got me my first death yesterday, they did.
  22. Push-ups are super-hard if you do them correctly. But it's not "wrong" todo push-ups with a wide grip. It just hits a bit differently and uses more muscles in the chest.
  23. Blue streamer destroyed and a touching moment of parting. Enjoying the game a bit more after But I'm also feeling that it may be a tad too long for its own sake.
  24. Yeah. Emotions aren't our strongest trait. I'd recommend Borgen (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1526318/) if you are into Scandinavian stuff. It's a really good show that Netflix has just picked up on and will release a fifth season of. Sidse Babett Knudsen is the lead actress along with Pilou Asbæk and Birgitte Hjort, three really good actors / actresses.
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