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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I'm not a Bond fan and haven't seen any of the newer movies with Craig, but that is a damn good trailer and makes me want to actually watch it.
  2. Sorry, that's right. I forgot Animal Crossing. Might as well count PMD as it's probably more of an effort to make than Paper Mario was...
  3. Saleswise, right? Because gamewise... not so much. A price drop and a good, new game for Christmas would at the very least sell something opposed to no new games. For Wii U owners, there has been 1 game this year. 1 game! That makes me sad - I want to play a good Nintendo game this year. So I really hope they have a new game for November.
  4. Yeah. But still kind of reminds me of it. Having all 35 in one screen would have been fun as well, though...
  5. I hope they have something for November / December for the holidays. Otherwise, they are not going to be able to do anything about PS5 and XSX. I believe it's because they already had the HD upgrade for Galaxy 1 through the release on NVidia Shield, while Galaxy 2 is not on that (as far as I know?).
  6. To play multiplayer, you need two cars, obviously. But surely just one Switch, right? RIght??
  7. This could prove to be really fun for me and my son (3 years old). He loves remote controlled cars.
  8. Shines are suns are stars, though. I'd have loved a true remake of SM64 with modern day graphics and controls. Wod have bought that instantly. This, though, is not for me. I've played and still own all the games and didn't enjoy Sunshine that much. And they just updated the resolution? That's a tad lazy. Are they 60 fps? Have they updated the textures at least?
  9. Ugh, my running has really suffered from not running for a longer period. Did a 4.33 km run yesterday in 18:41 - a pace of 4:20 - on a route I usually make in 17:30-ish. This decline is a combination of both 5 weeks of less exercise due to vacation and generally not having the energy for it (illness, mental stress due to baby-problems) and pain in my foot (below and in the ankle). Also gained 0.8 kg in the same period. I think my vacation can take credit for that, though.
  10. Yeah, Gods & Monsters is going to be interesting to see again. I'm not hooked on the new name but hopefully I like what I see of the game.
  11. Well, at least I get the chance to catch up with some of the older indie games that I missed for the rest of the year.
  12. Pre-orders can now be cancelled up to a week before release. Account Information -> Your Pre-Orders -> Cancel Pre-Order.
  13. The first couple of seasons of The Flash are great and it really is one of the best DC series out there. And the first couple of seasons of Arrow are really good as well. But be warned, the quality drops a lot as they progress. Unfortunately, CW thinks that they need 23 episodes for each season which means a lot of filler content that doesn't progress the story. If they just boiled it down to 10 episodes per season, it would be a lot better. Oh well, enjoy it!
  14. Very spot on to my own view on the movie. I didn't care for the characters, and yeah, the mechanics were not explained very well. It was postulated as a movie that would require you to really think but I think it was fairly straightforward.
  15. Shy Guy? If so, yeah, that's quite understandable. There should be some strategies to get through it, though.
  16. First gameplay from the recently announced remake of Wonder Boy IV, Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World: Looks really rough and requires a significant amount of polish to look decent. Yikes.
  17. I can also recommend 10 burpees on the minute for 30 minutes. That was draining! Or going down from 20 with at most 1 minute rest between sets. So do 20 burpees, take a small break, do 19, break, 18, break,... Also something that leaves you tired!
  18. Ah, so you did x burpees on minute 1, then x+1 on minute 2 and so on? Sure way to die, yeah. As a movement, I love burpees. They are so effective and use every muscle in the body as well as builds cardio. But they sure are hard.
  19. Mega evolutions are live! But they killed it. Completely. Raid about 5 times to Mega-evolve 1 Pokémon for a duration of 4 hours - want more? Raid more! But the raids require at least 5-6 people to complete. They should have made it free to Mega-evolve after collecting the initial 200 Mega energy at least and then have some cooldown period on it instead. I really hope I don't have to bother about Megas in GBL, though. That would be a pain in the ass. Last season I got to rank 8 just before it stopped, as I'm doing quite well in Master League Premier Cup.
  20. It does look good, yeah. I've never played any of the games (never owned a PS-console so that's why). Spellbreak looks good and is a great concept but I don't do MOBA.
  21. I know. But it's out now. That's new.
  22. The Last Campfire out now: Looks quite good!
  23. So it's a monthly show? Then I can accept the lacklustre content
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