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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. It's perfectly playable in single player. Coop is just a nice feature if you happen to have a guest once in a while.
  2. Recently I've been put into an area of tasks at work where I have no chance of solving the problems. They are very, very technical from a business point of view (I work with pensions) and they are all about how the money should flow in the system - and I have no idea about that. They also want me to assist making documentation on the area but I have no prior knowledge that makes me suited for that task as well. It makes me feel rather demotivated about work these days... and when I have been ordered to work from home due to Corona, it makes me just want to skip working and play games instead.... I have voiced my thoughts to my manager and she agrees that I shouldn't really be there but for the time being, they need a developer on the tasks if the business side needs to know something about the code. So I guess I'm stuck here for the next couple of weeks.
  3. That's one of the things that put me off the title. I think it played pretty alright before adding horizontal mode (haven't tried that out) but if you wanted a chance of getting 3 stars, you would have to put in an insane amount of time and money to have the chance to get all of the characters and equipment. Also, being able to actually get the three stars even with the right setup would sometimes be up to sheer luck.
  4. Finally hatched an Axew today! Took a while. Now to walk it around for several weeks to evolve it. Except for Cryagonal, which is event only, I've got all that are obtainable without raiding and that are not regional.
  5. A thing that makes me not really wanting to go back to Dead Cells, even though I enjoy it quite much, is how long a run takes (for me). I spent 1-1.5 hours to reach the final boss (that one time I reached it...). I don't want to spend that long in one sitting only to be killed and lose that progress. So if this has shorter runs than that, I'm getting more interested. From the sounds of it, this is a really good game, and I tend to enjoy Supergiant's games so will probably pick this up in the next sale.
  6. Looks interesting. I think I could sell this to my wife. That would be nice.
  7. This is really interesting. I would never have thought that anyone would or could buy Bethesda, they were doing really well on their own. I guess Microsoft doesn't really view Switch as a direct competitor and thus will continue to publish (some of their) games on Switch. Really hope that at least. And give us some Dishonored!
  8. That was actually very, very decent with some good announcements. Ori 2 is the highlight to me, but a sequel to Monster Hunter Stories 2 is quite interesting. I haven't played the first but liked the look of it.
  9. Production of new units has seemingly ended now. https://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-ends-production-on-the-nintendo-3ds-family-of-systems/
  10. I'm playing Metro 2033 at the moment but geez, everything is so dark. Can't see a thing. Looking it up, it seems to be a thing with handheld mode so if I want to complete it, I should play it docked. What a shame. Gyro aiming will be easier then, I guess.
  11. I am impressed. This will most likely be the game for me to play for the rest of the year once it's out. Way more interested in this than any game Nintendo has put out the past year, at least.
  12. Yeah! This was actually a really good game, especially in co-op. And I just love Scott Pilgrim. At one point I almost knew the movie by heart.
  13. Same with me. Got bored after 30 hours as all chapter 2, 3, and 4s were almost identical in the execution. And I couldn't be arsed to complete it for more than a couple of characters after realizing that. Copycat. You stole my answers!
  14. You need a Missing Link as well. It'll be the game where Zelda is the main character. Or a Weakest Link. Where he's just a side-kick.
  15. Same with me. Only know it by name. Trailer didn't do anything to me. Looks like a generic sci-fi fantasy. Looking forward to being proven wrong. But for now, it's not on my radar.
  16. 1) I'm playing Metro 2033 now after abandoning Hellblade a couple of weeks ago. Also managed to play A Short Hike a couple of days last week, 2) BotW 2, I guess, or Hollow Knight: Silksong. Nothing much coming out aside from indies. Will pick up some games from my wishlist in the meantime. 3) Nope. I have or have played the games. 4) If I were to get it, I would probably play SM64 because it's been a while.
  17. Hmm. The only other possible Links being the same I can think of is the one from Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, but I'm not sure that's the case. Anyways... don't we kind of know how this game ends? I got bored by Hyrule Warriors when playing that but I kind of want to play this for the story.
  18. Going physically back to work allowed me to start using the gym at work regularly - I bike to work (7 km) and was therefore warm so went straight for the gym to do some barbell squats, deadlifts, cleans and stuff that I can't do at home due to the lack of a proper barbell. It went really well, got used to doing some heavy lifting again and was happy. Now work has moved to home again due to a new, small, Corona-outbreak so I'll lose that good routine again, at least for 14 days. So back to training at home again.
  19. I guess that about 20 % of those will end on eBoy or similar, asking for a very high price when it's no longer available.
  20. Final update - we got the final answers yesterday. So... We lost the lottery and landed in the 13 % that are not normal. They then continued the analysis and found that most of the cells that they have analyzed have the XXY chromosome disorder (92 cells out of 100 cells randomly picked out). So we have to accept that our baby has Klinefelter to some degree. 75 % of those are only diagnosed when they try to get children themselves so we hope to at least land in that category! Also, now that we know we can take counter measures - give testosterone in pre-puberty to help normal, "manly" development. The doctors tried to make it seem less bad by saying that the cells they analyse come from the skin, urine ways and lungs so the distribution of bad cells may be different around the vital areas (organs, penis, brain) but I just see that as a way to comfort us with some fake hope. Not gonna fall for that. So all in all - it sucks but well, we hope to just have a mild case that wouldn't have been found had we not gone through these things. But naturally, we are sad. We just wanted a normal baby now that we have tried so hard to fight the disease our son suffers from. It just feels incredibly unfair - and everyone around us says that as well. It especially seems unfair since so many people get healthy babies - and by that I mean drug addicts and such. Oh well. Life goes on. But it could probably have been worse.
  21. Got A Short Hike for review the other day. Completed it yesterday with about 2 hours on the clock (8 or 9 golden feathers). I felt that I had seen most of what the game had to offer at that point and went for the top (also thinking that there was more to do after the 7 feathers limit). I enjoyed it a lot, it was very relaxing and had a good vibe. It's just so short that it is hard to judge properly, the concept would wear incredibly thin had it been stretched to 5 hours, I think. Still, it's cheap, it's enjoyable, it's charmning and when you go for the smooth pixels, it's great to look at. 4/5 from me.
  22. No doubt about it, no GC-controller supported: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/switch/avp3a/products/soft.html
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