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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I'm really enjoying this game - a lot more than I expected. I'm now at the penultimate level, it seems When I posted the above reply, I had just got through the first level and didn't really feel it but the game has really opened up. It's really polished and paced exceptionally well. It's still old-school in the sense that you must just kill everything that moves and basically have unlimited ammo. I die a lot but it's fine, I never lose any progress. I've encountered a single bug that made me restart the mission. During a fight, the game crashed and once reloaded, I couldn't progress further into the level. Just restarted the mission and got through it no problem. The game runs smoothly on Switch, never experienced a single frame drop. Incredible. However, in handheld, the monsters look like something from a GameCube game up close. It doesn't matter, though. I just chainsaw them to pixels and then I don't notice.
  2. Made it to level 40 with no problem at all - even got about 700,000 XP into it. So now I'm toning down a bit again, no need to catch everything anymore which is a relief. Also - got a Sandile on the day of Christmas eve. Finally. Walking it around to get the candy to evolve it now.
  3. 5 reps for body weight in squat and bench, and 2*bodyweight in deadlift. Those are the big three lifts that are easily measured. Or you could go for a total of 200 kg for 1 rep across all three.
  4. Placeholder seems like the most likely explanation but it's really interesting nonetheless. Given Nintendo's and Microsoft's good relationship over the past couple of years, it's not that farfetched to believe that these titles could find their way to Switch in some form.
  5. I think it's a case of Pixar not being outstanding anymore - meant literally, animation movies over the past two decades have really risen in quality and Pixar started that trend. I think that somewhat flattens the impact of Pixar movies themselves. That Rabbit hole short movie was fun, though.
  6. I watched the stand-up show Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic on Netflix the other day. That was frigging hilarious, very well-written material and a great performance. I don't usually watch stand-up in foreign languages as I think stand-up is mostly best when it displays the culture that I know of but this was great. Recommended.
  7. My 3 year old liked watching it. It had a lot of colour and a cat. Also, it's emotionally light (even with the heavy topic of death and birth) and there is next to no sinister or sad part of it. I think children will like it. I also found the funny parts very visual all in all. Overall, I found it quite one-dimensional, which is unusual from a Pixar movie. It was clear from after the meeting with 22 what was going to happen and that they were looking at life in a wrong way. I think that makes me less likely to watch it again, even though I enjoyed watching it.
  8. Gorgeous cover. Looking forward to getting the information!
  9. Yeah, I bought the game for my wife but she doesn't really play it. She probably will now that she has started maternity leave.
  10. Is there a way to view this in the browser or is it only via email? Not really surprised by the numbers here, seem to match pretty well. Surprised to see XCom2 there, though. Didn't spend much time on that - I think my playtime on Doom Eternal has surpassed it now.
  11. Watched the first two episodes of The Undoing yesterday, had it on my radar for a bit but my wife got a recommendation for it from someone else which sparked her interest (I had told her several times that we should watch it...!). It's good, really interesting crime plot and a very good cast. Looking forward to finishing it.
  12. I did that as well.... Perhaps because the K is capitalised? Anyways. Hard to disagree with Miyamoto - a world where people are kind would be vastly different and - I imagine - a better place.
  13. I never use a spotter when benching. I just don't put on the clips in the end of the bar so I can slide the weights off if I fail.
  14. Yeah, a Danish chain for electronics. At one time they were great with offers for games but over the past few years they have become worse and only stocks the best-selling games for each console. I decided to not pick up Immortals right now even though it's a great price. I am playing Doom Eternal for review and when I'm done with that, I'll go through Inside and The Last Campfire and then Horace. That'll keep me occopied until this drops to this price permanently.
  15. Oh, the 50 % discount on Monday was an indication of an offer that store is running this weekend. The price equivalent in pounds is about £26 so I think that's a good price and it won't go much lower than that in the very near future. Need to finish Doom Eternal and then I shall go on with this.
  16. Howlongtobeat.com says 13 hours on average! That's rather long but it's supposed to be super hard so that extends the lifespan a bit, I guess.
  17. Yeah, found it for 50 % off the other day though that was perhaps just an error as it only lasted an hour. It's sad that it plummels that fast but it's stupid to buy it now. So, a crossover event is out now:
  18. Horace, The Next Penelope, Syberia-games, Gear.Club Unlimited, and Cat Quest are all heavily discounted.
  19. Alright. Well, at that price it can't go wrong.
  20. It reviewed well but... I have no clue what's going on in that trailer! What is this game?
  21. Festive offers 2020 are up Too many games to get a good overview and the list from Nintendo is too small. First world problem.
  22. Still need to start watching the second season! We've just been busy and tired the past month so we haven't actually seen anything together.
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