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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I've never played any of the games but people seem to find them quite enjoyable. If I at any point in time haven't got ANYTHING to play at all, I think I should look at these games then. Edit: Can we get a capitalised M in the title? Anywhere will do.
  2. Reading this, it feels like you are saying that everything in an open world has to be procedurally generated. How about this: the landscapes are generated with guided randomness to make a world that is somewhat easy to build but the towns and placement of these are not random and are carefully crafted? It is totally possible to have a designed city brimming with life and things to see and do and an overworld that is big-ish and littered with reasons to go to some place. Sure, I enjoy a good game design and a guided experience but to me, Pokémon games have become too boring outside the main adventure which itself could do with some new ideas. I enjoy the core game play of Pokémon and really want that to continue but I feel that the shell of the gameplay has become more and more empty to the point where Sword and Shield were even more barren than Dcubed says Hyrule Field in Twilight Princess is, completely void of side quests and caves. There is literally nothing to do but to collect all Pokémon, a rather dull task in itself. And besides, Legends doesn't have to be massive. It could be the size of one or two areas in Breath of the Wild, that would be fine. As long as there is life, stuff to discover, and things to do in the world, that would be great. We have only seen a little footage from the game, it's so hard to judge. And to me, the battles look semi-turnbased. Anyway, I like the idea of what I see in the trailer and I suspect that it won't release early 2022. It really looks like something between an alpha and a beta build, it looks clumsy and stiff. But if Game Freak gets some help with the development, I think they can pull a good adventure out of this. Edit: And I was really surprised that the Pokémon in the title is pronounced Arkeus. Never would have guessed but you learn something every day, I guess.
  3. I can't help but think that this game just looks boring, like @Josh64 above. I didn't play the original so that makes me impervious to nostalgia, and to me, personally, I don't care about high scores anymore so replaying the same level over and over again to get a better score / picture doesn't really appeal to me.
  4. Seeing this video really makes me think this remake is hugely unambitious! Shame but this is a no thank you from me.
  5. It was a very bad trailer, I think. It did nothing to me, looked rather boring and bland. And it should release sooner than late 2021, especially with Legends coming out potentially a few months later.
  6. Launch trailer: Reviews say that the game is overall pretty average and plays it safe but that the battles and battle system are quite good. So - quite what we expected?
  7. New Pixar movie Luca. So, here we go again, "Pixar's movies aren't what they used to be" or "This looks like a return to form! Pixar's back, yeah baby!"
  8. Some people working with data in investments in Denmark's largest bank has told that 75 % of the people investing in GameStop lost money on it. Most made only a little while a few made quite some money out of it.
  9. So... last year we got Pokémon Smile. Wonder if we get Pokémon Push now....
  10. And Scrubs! Might actually rewatch it now (even though I've had it on DVD since the beginning).
  11. I hope they will remake Diamond and Pearl with the newest engine and not make them Let's Go-games (even though I actually enjoyed Let's Go, Pikachu, except that it was Red/Blue - would have preferred some of the later generations), I'm just saying that there is nothing that says that potential Diamond and Pearl remakes wouldn't be in the same style as Let's Go. What has historically happened with remakes is of course indicative but it doesn't guarantee anything.
  12. I agree. But that doesn't mean that Game Freak would remake them in the Sword/Shield-engine.
  13. Nintetndo has released the longer version of the trailer:
  14. And there it was.
  15. Aw, drats! Well, time to start the Master Quest then. I look forward to my son being able to really play with me. At the moment, he can play Mario Kart and enjoys Mario Kart Live but he hasn't really got to grips with buttons yet. He's only 3.5, though, I expect it to come in a year or so. Until then he can watch me play (though I seldom play in front of him as I'd rather give him some attention and play with Lego when we can play together).
  16. So yeah, probably going to happen now.
  17. For some, BotW works that way. A couple of people on my Switch friend list have put over 1600 hours into that game! I have no idea what one would spend that amount of time on.
  18. I've never actually paid attention to Outer Wilds and thus didn't know about the game. It seems interesting, though, and was just about the only game in the Direct that I expect to actually play.
  19. I really appreciated the origin-story in this, how everything came to be what we know now. That was really fascinating and genuinely good stuff. But apart from that the game just didn't stand out, can't remember much of it. I do remember liking each sub-area well enough, and the dungeons were good, but I also felt that something was missing in the game. I'm not going to pick this up again, I simply don't have the need to. However, I played Twilight Princess HD a couple of years ago and enjoyed that once again. I think it's actually a really interesting Zelda-game but the overworld was a tad on the empty side. In BotW, there were empty spaces as well but you knew that any moment you could find something interesting to investigate - a feeling I never got with Twilight Princess. That's why it works with BotW and not with TP, I think.
  20. Announced at BlizzCon, out later in 2021:
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  21. Also coming to Switch so perhaps this thread should be moved to the Nintendo forum?
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