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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Halfway through Season 2 of The Boys (and my free 7 day trail of Amazon Prime just ended, need to extend to a month now) and it's good. It's really good. I hope they wrap it up in season 3, though, as I don't think the plot and end-goal can stand being stretched too far.
  2. Reviews are coming and it averages to 77 on Metacritic at the moment (Switch version). THe combat and story are supposed to be excellent, while the puzzles and environment in general are a bit lacking. Seems like a game where you should wait for the inevitable price drop, unless you just need it now. I just bnought Inside and The Last Campfire and they should last a couple of weeks. Then we'll see. I like the look of this. Also, launch trailer and deep dive trailer:
  3. I do think they could offer some more generous discounts after a few years but then they introduce the Nintendo Selects-series where the older games are sold at what, half price? That at least makes a bit up for it. However, the "generous" pricing from other publishers puts me off buying something at launch because I know that I can just wait 3-4 months and the game is half price already. I'm actually considering waiting for Immortals as I expect it to be half price in March, making me feel stupid for buying it full price, even though I think it'll be perfect for Christmas now that Nintendo don't put out anything. I think that kind of price cutting is unhealthy for the business and for the consumers as well.
  4. Oh, didn't find any deals for Europe the other day so I've been waiting for it. I suppose it's not the full list, is it? 50 % off of The Outer Worlds is the only one on the list that interests me at the moment, though.
  5. Started a free trial of Amazon Prime yesterday and watched the first two episodes of The Boys. Great start, I feel this is something special. As much as I enjoy super hero stuff, I actually prefer learning about society in worlds with superheroes - which is also part of the reason that I enjoyed reading Civil War so much and really liked The Incredibles. It also seems that HBO put up the first two episodes of His Dark Materials last week so I'm not behind you guys after all. (Except that we haven't seen those two episodes yet, of course).
  6. Burpees are really great. And the good thing about them is that when you do enough, you start to learn to do them properly so each of them don't require so much energy. Land with almost straight legs, a bit further apart than shoulder width, will help make them easier. And remember, it's not a push-up, keep the knees on the floor until the jump and bend a bit in the back when getting up.
  7. Just did a 20 minutes row workout followed by a 30 minutes Fitness Boxing 2 (for review purpose) and even though I chose "heavy" workout in FB2, my pulse fell from 150 to 130 over that half-hour. Seriously? My elbows are tired now, though.
  8. I find it hard to believe that this decision has anything to do with performance and troubles with development. Sure, running from cartridge is a little slower than from system memory but I don't think that's the main reason for the decision. They have clearly run into some problems that take longer to solve than anticipated. They won't even announce an estimated release window which says a lot, I think. But at least they have the integrity (and cash) to postpone it until it's good enough to release.
  9. I need to say something that has bothered me. Since Trump is so persistent on saying that there was cheating involved, could he be the one who cheated in the first place? I mean, if I use cheat codes or something in a game and still lose, I also think that my opponent must have cheated - and cheated more than me!
  10. Capcom was recently hit by a ransomware attack and while it may be a bit unethical to use the information coming out of it, we now know of quite a few games coming from Capcom. Source: https://www.resetera.com/threads/capcom-ransomware-leaks-thread-check-op-for-latest-contents.327053/
  11. Still no news on the release date of this, but Bethesda has confirmed that it is still coming but now only digitally for some reason.
  12. Yeah. But I still need 3.6 million EXP to level up. And if I get about 400 EXP from each catch, I need to catch 9000 Pokémon to do that. With about 40 days left that's 225 every day! Since I started in July 2016 (with a one year break until July '17) I have caught 17,562 Pokémon. So yeah, not gonna happen. Of course, I can do raids but still.
  13. There is a thorough guide to this on their blog: https://pokemongolive.com/post/gobeyond-level40 Some of those will definitely take some time. I'm level 39 now, about a quarter to 40. I don't think I'll be able to reach level 40 before the end of the year but then again, I don't care about avataritems or anything. I'm a bit worried about the level increase on certain Pokémon, though, will really make a difference in Master League, I figure. About the other changes, well, let's see if it really changes anything or it's just more of the same.
  14. Oy, that's the boy from Love Actually! Wow. He's grown. My wife saw Queens Gambit while I watched Watchmen. I'm guessing it's not for me, though I acknowledge it's supposed to be quite good.
  15. Done! I think in general, i lost interest during season 3, the plot twist at the end of season 2 kind of ruined it a bit, I think. I liked the ending, couldn't see any other way out of it but I would have wished that it could have been a self-contained ending, i.e. I must say, though, this is how time travel should be treated in general. I really enjoyed how that worked and the discovery of who is who or the parent of whom. Fitting that puzzle was right up my alley.
  16. Cheers. Just spoiler-box stuff for each episode and I'll be happy.
  17. No worries. I get to watch the first episode of HDM season 2 tonight (we're a little behind you guys, it seems). Looking forward to it!
  18. Yes. I'm happy that it isn't getting one.
  19. A Facebook friend of mine did the same, just for a year. +1 burpee every day through the year, starting from 1 naturally. That's insane. Nothing short. Doing 365 burpees would take most people up 45 minutes, I reckon. And just the thought of doing 364 just to know that you have to do 365 the day after. Or even 300 and the 301... Geez.
  20. Ah, System of a Down. Been a while since I've listened to anything from them. I've recently discovered Swedish Eyes Wide Open which I find quite nice to listen to! The video here is a bit meh but it sounds good.
  21. ABZU is 90 % off on the eShop until November 19th.
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