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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Played it for an hour with a friend. It's one of those games that makes you happy, although I fear I might get a bit bored by it if I play it alone. It's also one of those games I think I can play with my girl friend. I like that.
  2. White because the Pokémon on the cover looks the coolest - just as with Diamond. That has always been my principle regarding Pokémon. Hehe.
  3. Just found out that a local gamestore has a Celebi-event going on so I'm gonna get that little critter tomorrow. Awww. Didn't get it as the shop wanted me to pre-order the game there in order to get Celebi but it's more expensive plus I'd have to cycle the 7 km to get the game.
  4. I loved episode 15! It was done in such a cool way. Desperation day was good too and I agree with The_Peeps on Ep 17. We're getting nearer and nearer to the season finale. Wonder what it'll bring?
  5. I am right-handed and I have no problems using the DS stylus with my left hand. Also, until the Wii came out, I have been steering every single game with my left hand (and still does, by the way) and have never had any problems. So I don't really understand the issue here. Of course it might not feel natural at first but with some practice I guess you'll be as good as any right-handed gamer.
  6. Oooh. I feel an explicable urge to buy this sweet monster on day one but I feel that I shouldn't because I hardly use my DS as it is, and it is so expensive - even if I give my DS and some older games in, it would cost me about £160.
  7. In Silver, I got quite a few up to level 100 but that was because I needed them in Stadium for the N64. Other than that, I have a level 91 Empoleon on Diamond - it got that high because it is a trade hence it's growing faster.
  8. That actually looks very good!
  9. It's not really anything you can see but I've kinda ripped my knee cap apart by exercising too hard too fast. Did some gymnastics on a tramboline at the time. Basically, my knee cap goes like this: http://img248.imageshack.us/f/kneecap2.png/ It's no biggy. At the time, it hurt like hell but I gave it a good rest and started exercising in a gym. Now I've started running and do a lot of exercise again but now my knees are properly trained so it's no problem. I do feel sore at times but nothing to worry about. Oh, forgot about my biggest scar: On the back of my hand from a cat claw. My cat saw a dog, I picked up my cat to close the door leading to the dog, my cat took leap from my hand with all its might and claws. It tore a hole in my shirt too!
  10. Antichrist is the best movie I'll never see again. It was terrifying and horrifible but shockingly good. The actors do their parts so well. I saw it in the cinema and although it's been almost two year since I saw it (well, one and a half years to be exact), I still remember how I felt after having watched it. I own it on DVD but haven't got the guts to see it again. But seriously, watch it! It's a great movie.
  11. So, couldn't resist. I've preordered Pokémon White (White because it has the cooler Pokémon on the cover).
  12. Well, this counts as classic platformer like NSMBWii so I don't think it will broaden her horizon much further. However, go look for the 3D-platformers like Super Mario Galaxy. That might do the trick.
  13. I did this yesterday and it gives you the "Mystery Gift" menu: http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/mysterygift.shtml Edit: Nevermind, it seems to already be there in HG/SS unlike my Diamond.
  14. Not quite what I meant. But I think the answer is yes, in one game you can get all three dogs and not just one of them. Cool, just got my DS online again. I have moved and got a new wireless router with WPA-security, which the DS does not support. Just had to dig my old LAN-cable forth and set my computer up as a router and now it works so I may receive the dogs. Yay!
  15. About the legendary dogs-event; do you get all three of them, or do you have to choose one?
  16. I'm at the Archives-level now, just completed it. It was awesome as well! I really enjoy this game, even though I play it on a too hard difficulty for my skills (007, I think). I die a lot especially one levels with big, open spaces where enemies hide. It took me ages completing the Russian outdoors stage, the bit before going into the bunker. After several tries I discovered a silenced sniper which helped me A LOT! Finally did that level then. Bunker was hard too in the beginning but sneaking around is nearly always the better option. And it's fun! I haven't really played any multiplayer on this game but I like the little online I've played. The local is rather boring, though. I've played it against a friend and we were heavily disappointed with the "no bots"-thing. Going 1vs1 is rather boring after 5 minutes.
  17. He might be turning his head to the right (his) and hence we only see the back of the mask.
  18. I actually like the "new" costume, because, yes, it reminds me of the cooler Ben Reilly version. Also, I liked the Scarlet Spider-costume: Maybe it's because of the utility belt...
  19. There is one serious flaw with this game: I CAN ONLY PLAY IT IN DANISH!? Why can't I even choose to play it in English? It ruins it quite a lot for me, actually. Other than that, I find myself a little bored when I play it. It's too easy and the camera is too slow to turn. Also, Mickey doesn't control very well but it's okay. I'm about an hour in, btw, so I hope it'll get better.
  20. That seems like it isn't worth the trouble at all. Haha! Yeah, I remember those days too; God knows how many hours I've spent trying to get the Triforce in Ocarina of Time! There was a rumour that you had to circle a butterfly with a stick ten times on a certain place outside Zelda's castle.
  21. There is also a rumour going around that you can play as Diddy Kong in singleplayer if you get 200 %, is that true too then? Haven't found it on Gamefaqs.
  22. I don't particularly hate the waggling as it actually works pretty well, and when it doesn't work it's because you are not moving DK enough - he hasn't gained momentum. That has killed me a fair few times but I wouldn't blame that on the waggle. On time trials, though, after long session I found that my wrists hurt because of it. However, I don't understand why they have left the B-button untouched outside menues. Is it too hard to first press B and then A to jump? I fully agree on the run-thing, though; there is no need for a run-button when using analogue stick and that is the proper use of it. Besides, I have not even once caught myself walking in the game so I don't think it would be a catastrophe (to me at least) to assign running to the d-pad alone.
  23. I defeated the final boss yesterday and I must say:
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