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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Fez is frustratingly awesome. Just completed it today, as in I got every cube and anti-cube and I loved it. It gave me a headache sometimes and a specific level was a pain
  2. So after another couple of tries, it seems that I was unloucky get Nightmare as the "end boss" every time. Couldn't for the life of me beat him but then I tried again and got Kilik as end boss which only took me a couple of tries to beat. So now I've done it! It's a really slow game to earn achievements in, though. Surprises me a bit. But it's also the first game (or well, perhaps the second, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes also) that makes me wish I could play online (for free).
  3. That's awesome and sooner than expected. Will definitely get this!
  4. I'm just trying to get the achievement for clearing Arcade on hard. It really pisses me off. I haven't done it but had to turn off the Xbox now because partly I need to do something else, and partly because I got so angry with it. Seriously, the computer should get the "Stale Moves" award! It's so frustrating!
  5. Sorry for bringing an old topic back, but I just want to ask whether every else also notices a steep rise in difficulty when playing Arcade mode (battle 6 opponents), especially around Stage 3-4? I'm trying to beat it on hard and I do okay, win with relative ease, on the first two stages. Then stage 3 gives a challenge and stage four.. well, I've never got past stage 4! I tried so many times with Xiba and Nightmare, my two best characters, and I just couldn't get past Natsu and Ivy respectively. I'm never even really close: I may win 1 round but then they just go bananas on me and kill me within 10 seconds the following rounds. It's frustrating and also one of the reason I gave Street Fighter IV away; it had the same sudden rise in difficulty when battling the last character.
  6. My old MacBook Pro is getting too old for my liking (it's the primo 2008 model) and I'm thinking of ditching the disc drive for my next MacBook, i.e. I'm thinking of getting an Air. But I really want it with a 15" screen so I'm waiting for Apple to show off the new models in the hope for a 15" model, but do any of you have any idea when Apple will show off this year's models of their Macbooks? Isn't it usually around October?
  7. I'm a student so I have lots of freedom but I grudge the day I start working. I am no good in the mornings and if I get off too late, I probably won't make it to the gym.
  8. I know, I know! Hehe. That's why I study math. :P
  9. I've always liked pi. It's not impressive compared to others but I at some time managed to memorize 66 decimals of pi.
  10. I think my resting BPM is like 55 or such. It's definitely below 60 but not much. And I had the blood pressure of a baby when I last got checked (about a year ago). Also, I have to share this: I did a 100 kg squat yesterday! It was fine and dandy, my knees didn't turn inwards during the get-up-phase and I got my thighs parallell to the ground. I even did it twice with some resting in between. Now, though, me right thigh is really aching. I also did some power cleans - they're great for grip and explosive training. Did a 10-8-6-4-2 workout with increasing weight. Ended at 70 kg, which is a little above body weight. I'm actually getting pretty strong. My deadlift max is 125-130. In the summer last year I did two times 134 kg but I haven't been able to do that since.
  11. Rumour has it that (new) Arcade games from June 1st will be worth 400 achievement points rather than 200.
  12. I wouldn't mind it being more of the same. I really liked DKCR for all it was. I also wouldn't mind them dropping 3D in the game. I don't really see the necessity of 3D in a 2D sidescrolling game.
  13. Just got 100 % achievement on this game. Phew. Took 115 hours because of some rather ineffective gaming in the beginning. Had to level up my smithing quite a bit but after I'd done that, the game was way easier. Died a lot less than before. Had I just known that before I reached level 50...
  14. Hehe. If I saw those two at some time and I had to make a move on one of them, I'd pick the default. That's all that matters to me. That's how I pick characters in games. Except when I go for the male option which I actually always do. Oughta shake things up sometime. Hehe.
  15. Well, yeah, you could. But what if you don't really fancy multiplayer? What if you don't want to pay for Live? What if you just want a single player game? I think it's a bad choice, especially if you have to have made ALL the right choices in the previous games, which I'm not sure I have. I really consider buying the game on Thursday but then again; I liked the two first games but they weren't extraordinary to me. I'm not quite so fond of shooting games. Great story, though, and overall fun game. Also, I haven't really got the time for it right away. I think the default one looks happier. And more human. And has prettier hair.
  16. This probably won't be as hard not to get for the 360, as it's scheduled to be out on October 31st so it will probably be near the release of the Wii U. Darksiders II, however, is out in June, right?
  17. The character design is horrible and makes it look like a game for small children. But apart from that it looks fun.
  18. Stan Lee will be a playable (unlockable) character in the game!
  19. Ack, copyright. Seriously... On another note, Dannyboy said what I was thinking about the poster. It looks unsanely unnatural even given the setting. It is very obviously photoshopped. It might be the light around Iron Man's head that makes it seem like it was cut into the picture somehow.
  20. Indeed it does. However, I have just, upon further reading, found out that the game is "old": it's been in development since 2008 where it was first shown. So I'm sorry if this is old news to some. Just couldn't stop myself sharing the awesomeness of that trailer.
  21. This game has just gone through Microsoft for approval or something. The rumoured release date is 2/5 2012 but that is not set in stone. Anyway, it looks absolutely awesome and clever. Enjoy! (direct link: )
  22. I recently started getting trouble with the game. I just did the Thieves' Guild second mission (shadow the lizard) and afterwards my game has been very laggy. Not while walking around, but when I want to look into my inventory or other's or chests. It takes ages to load, about 10 seconds, and when in, it also takes some time to equip or drop items. I play the Xbox-version, and I have tried clearing the cache. It helped, but not as much as I had hoped. Any of you experienced the same, or do you have any ideas? Edit: Nevermind, I think I found the problem now: Somehow, I suddenly had 31589 copies of the same letter in my inventory. I can see how that may cause a slight slowdown when looking at the inventory! I'm trying to drop them now but that will take some time.
  23. ... Of course. I had only chosen Wireless, not Nintendo WFC. Mewtwo's downloaded now. Thanks.
  24. Erm, how do I get Mewtwo? Is Mewtwo even available outside England? I checked Mystery Gift but there was nothing. I think that was how I got my other event Pok?mon but I'm not sure. It's been quite long since I did that last time.
  25. I suddenly got a present when I booted my 3DS today. "Nintendo Letter Box"-ish. Had to download it from the eShop but I don't know what it is. Alright, had a go with it now. It's a letter program for the 3DS, where you can write and draw things which can be sent via SpotPass or will be traded through StreetPass. It's a bit like the DS-drawings.
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