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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Just finished watching it. It was way more awesome than I had thought it would be. It was perfect for a day like today. Glad I watched it, might actually do it again if someone asks me to.
  2. Had squat day today apparently. First as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of goblet squat with a 16 kg KB. Did 104 and was a bit tired. Then we had to do 10*10 reps of back squats with 30 kg. Would have done 40 kg but my partner couldn't take it. But in retrospect I am glad I only did 30 kg as the next part of the workout was: 3*5 minutes of AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) where the rounds in each of the 5 minutes periods consisted of 10 back squat (25 kg) and 5 burpees, (did 6 full rounds) 10 front squat (25 kg) and 10 sit-ups, (again, 6 rounds) 10 overhead squats (only did 15 kg here) and 15 mountain climbers (once more, 6 rounds). That brings me up to a total of 384 squats within an hour. My legs and lower back are killing me!
  3. Gay as in happy? I hate running in non-tights so tights make me happy / gay. :P Well, I'll be damned. In the gym, not many men wear tights, though, just loose shorts, but every girl does (which is nice as they are usually a bit transparent when stretched...) but if you look out on the streets at the people jogging, most of them wear tight leggings. It's funny that the culture is so different but I suspect that we're perhaps more concerned with exercise here in Denmark. When I was in Dublin, I hardly saw anyone jogging but a day in Copenhagen will easily amount to 50 joggers if you count them.
  4. Now I finally completed Dust: An Elysian Tail. Good game, although a bit chaotic at times so it depends on a bit of luck and quick button mashing. Some enemies are frustrating as they one-shot you when you aren't aware of their being there. The stats are also ridiculously high (I ended up with an attack stat of 1800 and assistant attack of over 4000). Apart from these minor things, though, it was an enjoyable game. It took me about 20 hours of gaming to complete 100 %, or just below 16 hours of game progression (meaning that I spent about 4 hours of trying to get back to a point where I died and then beyond that to a save point...).
  5. What? Here in Denmark EVERYONE running would wear tights. Is that really not the case?
  6. Have you seen this? It looks really cool from a technologically viewpoint but I don't think I would use it personally. Also, I would probably prefer to have my TV surrounded by nothing but white wall if I were to use this. I wonder what projects the image? It almost has to be some sort of projector behind the player.
  7. I completed The Amazing Spider-Man today but not 100 % - I still need 105 G but I refuse to get them as they require me to go through the game again in some sense. The game has A TON of collectibles and most of them are no fun to get at all and you don't get much from getting everything so I stopped at 500 Comic Book Pages so I had all digital comic books. I intend to read them at some point. As for the game itself, it was enjoyable. I have only played Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions before this and this was miles better. It still had some faults, mainly being very repetitive while the combat system is flawed and limited, but the story was somewhat good and the basic mechanics worked. Now I have to decide which game to start on next: Sonic Generations, Dishonored, Dust: An Elysian Tail, The Walking Dead, or Alice: Madness Returns (along with the original Alice). Tough decisions!
  8. I would expect that they are perfectly getable on your first go but some of them are hard, yes. I did most of them on my first go and then did whichever I hadn't done on my NG+ go. In that mode, some of them were extra hard so I would advice you to go for them on the first go.
  9. Well, apart from the standard "you get to keep your equipment", the New Game Plus offers smarter enemies and you can see less of the level (in particular you can't see what's behind you). On top of this, you cannot see how much noise you make by running and such (which is shown by circles in the ordinary game mode). I think that's it.
  10. Got 100 % on Mark of the Ninja yesterday. It was indeed a very good game with solid game mechanics, nice atmosphere, and challenging gameplay. Sometimes it was a bit frustrating to die at the same place many times but the game was quite forgiving in terms of checkpoints. One thing, though, when I died I sometimes spawned at an unfortunate place where I was discovered immediately meaning that I had to restart the level. This was only a problem on New Game Plus, though. Also not a hard game to get 100 % on but it took me about 15 hours to complete it twice and get every seal.
  11. (We need either a new thread or a new thread title?) Well, that was 2012. I have logged every single exercise session on Endomondo to see my activity level and this is the result: I have also added every kilometer that I have ridden on my bike as transport each week, and I'm surprised that it actually amounts to a lot of hours (the yellow part of the bars) over a week. The pinkish parts are crossfit (or actually cross training which I until recently thought was crossfit but it was, in fact, time on cross trainers ) and weight training, and purple is walking, while blue is swimming (not done much of that).
  12. You can buy Live-games from live.xbox.com so the last thing isn't a problem. I think I should just go ahead and buy them without having played the first.
  13. When do you work out? One should be done with the work out at least 3 hours before going to sleep or else it could disrupt one's sleep.
  14. Oh my. Then I have to complete Ep 1 today to see if I want to play the games.
  15. Seems like they are 400 points per game. But the first's free so I got that.
  16. So, just got this for Christmas. Going through it the first time, how do you recommend I play it?
  17. Who says that cardio doesn't involve weights? Kettlebells are actually more cardio-based weights than anything and if you just move them the farthest (not furthest, right?) distance in the smallest amount of time possible, you will automatically get a HBR worthy of a cardio-workout, if not more even. And many people have enjoyed great results from this kind of cardio as it's simply not as 'boring' as ordinary "run 5 miles"-cardio workouts and they are better at pushing themselves. Personally, I enjoy switching between these kind of workouts. For instance, I went indoor cycling the other day, 20 minutes of hard cardio, then the day after that I did a "Fight gone bad", 3 sets of 1 minute work at five different exercises (here it was rowing, KB swings, atomic sit-ups, wallballs, and push-ups) which was very cardio-ish and it pushed your muscles.
  18. The first episode's free on 25th, the rest are 200 MSPoints - or so I've heard anyway. Got started on Mark of the Ninja. It seems really awesome, deep, and it's rather enjoyable.
  19. Heh, right you are. Don't know how I got that word - if anything, I think I wanted it to be 'catastrophical'. But no, I don't mind, thanks!
  20. Ah, had a nice workout today after a "catastrophal" run yesterday - my girlfriend wanted to tag along and while it's good that she wants to run again it's just inefficient for me. I was kind of angry with her for that the entire day - first she spend about 30 minutes getting ready for the run (while I was ready when she started...) and then we spend 30 minutes on 4.7 km! That is just about 10 minutes longer than I would have spend on it alone so I felt that I had wasted my time with that. However, I can't say that I don't want to run with her as she takes that as criticism even though it's just that we are utterly incompatible in this regard. So I decided to go to the gym today. Did my typical 20 minutes of cycling to warm up and have the cardio done with (even though it's hard to compare, I get to about 10 km in that time and having an average of 257 watt) and then did 4x8 reps of backsquat @ 80 kg, with hips below parallel. After that I did my usual pull-up-routine of 5-4-3-2-1 pull-ups, dibs, chin-ups and 2 push-ups (so first 5 of each (10 push-ups), then 4 of each, etc., with resting between sets). So now I'm ready for Christmas shopping!
  21. Picked up Mark of the Ninja for lousy 600 MSPoints. Fits me very well!
  22. I would love to be able to work out at home but living in an urban apartment, I just don't have the space. And frankly, I don't have a problem with going to the gym. I do like it, and here there aren't really any waiting for the equipment as I have three different gyms within a 2 km radius - one for cardio, one for strength (there aren't so many people in that one) and one for crossfit. Furthermore, being a student I have the time during the day to go there so there aren't that many people. Also, I usually shop on my way home so I'll be out anyway. The trick with doing pull-ups with the barbell in the squat rack works. I've done it several times in the gym.
  23. I think I just destroyed my lungs entirely! Did a workout called "Jackie" which is 1000 m row (@ level 7 of 10 for me), 50 thrusters @ 45 pounds (a thruster is a front squat and push press put together in one movement) and then 30 pull-ups. It hurt so much that I couldn't speak. Really not healthy at all, and I'll never do that again! I did it in 11 minutes, the rowing took about 3:30 of the time, the rest was basically breaks to cough. Unfortunately, the training session itself was badly structured as we only had 5 rowing machines available for 26 people meaning that we had to spread out and wait for the first ones to do their 1000 m before starting the work-out. That meant that the ones who rowed first was done with the workout before the last had even started.
  24. Dust and Mark of the Ninja for me! I've been keeping an eye out for those two.
  25. I have the blu-ray but haven't had the time to watch it yet. Won't have time before Christmas I guess but I really want to see it again.
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