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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Perhaps I'll buy the Nerve Wrecking Pack but the price is way too high, sadly.
  2. It was indeed a good episode but sadly I fear that it was like any other season starter
  3. I just finished reading the comic and it was very good, although I got confused at times so I really want to see this movie. Especially if it's good.
  4. My faith has been restored and I'm tempted to buy the damn console at launch. However, I have promised myself that I can buy it when I have received my master's degree in a year (September next year) so that I won't be distracted by another console during the writing process. (Also, my girlffriend has decided to travel to India for half a year at that time so I have to have something to distract myself. :P ) I'm tired of hearing / seeing people say that this console isn't next-gen. I agree with Serebii, the leap from now to next-gen will be a lot less noticable and the Wii U will not fall far behind so it won't be a Wii-situation all over again in a year.
  5. ... A Danish/Swedish site (CDON.com) is listing the Wii U Premium for the equivalent of £483 (including taxes).... I don't think they'll get many buyers at first!
  6. Yeah, that trailer is quite boring. They should show some of the super-fast precision jumping the game is bound to have.
  7. I yeah, I forgot that this isn't out in the UK yet. It's been out a week here now and the title is still "The Avengers". I had thought of buying the movie in Dublin but seeing that boxart and name on it makes me want to pick it up here instead, even though it's more expensive.
  8. I'm catching up. Finished Xenoblade a couple of weeks ago and have had little time to play games since then but got time to start Wario Land: Shake Dimension. Then I don't know what to play on Wii, although there are some games on Xbox that deserve my attention now. I do know that I'm actively looking for Zack & Wiki, Muramusa, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower, which are all games I mean to play sometime. I'm soon going to Dublin where I hope 2nd hand games are cheaper than here in Denmark so I might pick a few up there. I also have Monster Hunter Tri lying around but I'm seriously thinking about trading that in even before I start it as I can't really see myself having time to play it. As for games I've started but never finished, Kirby's Epic Yarn stands out the most. It just got a bit boring. Then we have Sonic Colours which I never really gave a chance.
  9. Yeah, some parts are a bit harder than usual. I still haven't found a secret exit on a specific level even though I have been looking for it quite a few times. Other levels, though, are rather easy.
  10. I do love achievements most of the time. I think getting a specific achievement is fun if it doesn't involve (too much) grinding. When starting on a new game, I instantly read the "roadmap" to the game on x360a.org to see if any achievements are missable as I usually don't play a game twice and thus want everything in one playthrough. I remember Darksiders had an achievement for riding 150 miles but that was enough riding for two or three playthroughs of the game so it just seems mindless. (I got it, however, by putting a rubber band on the controller so he would ride in a circle by himself for an hour or two while I did some homework - yeah, stupid.) I also just put in a lot of hours (20-25 hours) into Skyrim to get from level 59 to level 78 just for getting to kill a legendary dragon which had an achievement worth 20 points but I enjoyed most of that time I must say. I'm quite pissed that the new expansion, Hearthfire, comes with 50 points as I really enjoyed having 100 % on that game! And even though I haven't got 100 % on many games (three reatil and three arcades) I'm really proud of those 100 %s because it was a joy to get it. If there weren't achievements, I might not have bothered to play the game that much, which is the case of some Wii games. On the other hand, I have only completed one game for getting achievements and that wasn't for the achievements in the first place. I played Splosion Man from start to finish even though I didn't like the game much. I admit: that was stupid. When I look at live.xbox.com and compare my achievements to my friend's I just aim at getting more that 60 % or all achievements in all games. That is actually my main reason for getting them.
  11. As it turned out, me too! So I bought Sonic and played Act 1-3 for now. Seems OK but might be glad that it isn't a long game.
  12. Oh my, Sonic Ep 2 (and Ep 1) is (are) tempting, even though I still have Generations lying around waiting to be played. I want Rayman 3 HD too but I haven't got a Gold subscription so I'll wait for it to go on sale for everyone. Should buy some more MSPoints, though, as I also want Dust and perhaps Deadlight.
  13. I don't play this game much. Just a half hour every now and then which is perfect. I'm in World 2, having grapped every Star Coin for every level I have visited. It took me a while to find the second one in 2-5 but finally found it. I just have to find the secret exit in the mansion (2-4) in World 2 - or at least I believe the secret exit is in that level. I haven't played much Coin Rush, though. Tried it the other night, got to level 3 of the first pack (which was castle 1 in World 2) and had collected about 2000 coins when Mario decided to slide down something, that was sinking into the lava, instead of jumping on it so I died and turned off. Hehe.
  14. Ah, no. It's not really atkins - I find that a bit too strict and too limiting. I just replace my lunch bread by vegetables and replace pasta and other fillers by salads, beans or vegetables like broccoli. Having said that, though, I must say that we're not fanatical. We do eat bread just really try to avoid it mostly, and then we try to find replacements for rice and pasta. For instance, I today made 'pasta' and meatsauce - but the pasta was squash - or we replace rice by quinoa which has more protein and less carbs.
  15. It's funny that this is really something we only do in Denmark. I've had visitors from Spain and they bought some rye bread (which I now know it's called, not rugbread) and eated it like it were a snack. That was very weird to watch but then again, freshly baked rye bread is perhaps somewhat the most delicious thing ever. If you are up to it, there is a recipe in the external links of this Wikipedia article about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugbrød (ø is pronounced somewhat like the e-sound in 'erm'). On topic, my girlfriend and I decidede to try some low carb 'diets'. It's really more of a life style change than a diet. We get inspiration from the paleo diet, of which I am a huge fan, and then just cut back on bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. It's really nice, we both feel more energetic and I think I can tell a difference on her body. My major concern at first was that it was going to be very expensive but it's really ok. I've started going more to the Middle Eastern supermarkets to buy my vegetables and other things because it is quite cheap there, and cutting back on bread and cold cuts (sorry if this isn't the right word for it; the topping you put on bread) actually frees quite a bit of money. So it's all good.
  16. New telly: LG 42LM620T. and also just received
  17. I finally took the game disc out of the Wii now, having completed the game after 96 hours and 36 minutes, and I was level 81.
  18. Some guy sells the game for the equivalent of 26.78 pounds, new. So I bought it off him and look forward to playing this game. It's really weird that there is a limit in Coin Rush, though. Hopefully they might fix that in DLC.
  19. Yeah, gem crafting is kind of lame, and yes, it easily takes up 30 minutes of your play time. (But not just ONE gem.) I'm 85 hours in now. I just spend time doing a lot of minor quests in Colony 9 to raise my affinity and get Shulk's fourth skill tree. Then when I've done that, I'm going to head towards the end of the game. And jeez, the last 10 hours where 5 hours of cutscenes! Or so it felt. But it was great to finally get the truth about all those things earlier. Edit: Got Shulk's last Skill Tree now. I don't want to get the other party members' so I'll just finish the game tomorrow. I think.
  20. Pre-ordered! Amazon don't charge me the money now, do they?
  21. Eat whole grain. In Denmark, we have this fantastic kind of bread called rugbread: It's a lot healthier than any kind of "white" bread you can find, even though it has around the same amount of calories. By white bread I mean something along these lines or a bit better but not still as good: Also, eat some vegetables with that scrambled egg. Some broccoli and some paprika/carrots and tomatoes. By paprika I mean this beast: It does add some calories (perhaps 70 kcal) but also good vitamins and I promise you they won't make you gain weight.
  22. True, perhaps it's more like 2500 I'm aiming at. Whatever it is, though, it works like a charm. I haven't gained nor lost any weight over the last eight years.
  23. No, I'm only 181 cm which is 5.93 feet or 5 feet and 11 inches according to my conversions - and Google's.
  24. I'm not accustomed to the feet-measurement so I wrongly inputted 5 in the feet-box and 93 in the inches-box. That was a bit stupid of me. It's a bit weird that they allow you to input your weight in kilograms but then only allows feet-measurements in the height-options. Well, that's a bit more realistic then. Hehe. And I am 25 so that's fine.
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