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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Ah, the key word was OUTSIDE the GCPD-building. Gotta read 'em all! That one is easy enough. Go to the building behind the room and look at the room. You should then see an open windows where you can make your hacker device lock on to the box. There, problem solved! Hehe.
  2. A demo for this (or an equivalent game) is up tonight for Xbox Live and PSN. I don't know if it is for Gold-members of Live only but at least some get a taste of this magic. Here's to hoping it's available for all Xbox-users: X Edit: It's up now, but only available for Gold-members, sadly.
  3. You need an electrified remote controlled batarang to get that one (hit the fuse box with it). There is a place in the police department with electricity. I got the last Riddler Hostage the other day. Can't bother to get the rest of the trophies, though they are all in the Steel Mill so it wouldn't take long.
  4. But platforming IS Mario - exploration is Zelda. NSMBWiiU will most likely be the launch title for the 'casual' crowd - and most of us. Furthermore, there should be one more IP at launch, pleasing the more 'hardcore' crowd. Add to this a strong line-up of third-party games within the first six months and we have a winner launch! I wouldn't mind another Galaxy game, although I would prefer something new. The whole twisted gravity theme has been done and tried now so no need to further explore it.
  5. Whew. Took a rather long playing session this night to get some Riddler challenges done. Only 47 to go (excluding Catwoman's trophies). Had to look some of them up on the Internet, though. Also, I keep forgetting I have that line launcher. I always try to soar to places for quite a few times before remembering that I can just zip line over there.
  6. How do you hit multiple question mark switches at once? Not the ones you have to stand on but the ones on the walls. There is a place with like.. 5 or 6 switches that have to be hit at once but I can't see how to do it.
  7. Same as in NSMBWii; 4 player co-op where players can kill and get in the way of each other.
  8. Aww. Too bad. I read on some other forums that you actually didn't have to get ALL Riddler-challenges seeing as Catwoman's trophies count too. So you "only" need about 400 in total. Honestly, there are too many Riddler challenges.
  9. Just finished the main story today and now I'm getting all the Riddler's hostages - or rather, finding the Riddler trophies and then rescuing the hostages. Having a good time with it although some of them are bitches to get. I'm thinking about the ones that require you to stand on multiple pads without touching the ground between them. They are hard! Hoping I can avoid doing too many of them until I can rescure the last Riddler hostage. I liked the story, although it did feel a bit short. I think I could have done the main story in like 6-8 hours if I didn't do any side missions. The Catwoman-parts were okay but Catwoman is not really suited for this big city; it takes too long for her to get around compared to Batman. Her missions were decent but nothing spectacular.
  10. I look very much forward to this, and I will buy it on release even though I have Zelda at that time. However, I shall be buying the Xbox-version; the controller's just better than the Wii-mote sideways.
  11. She actually likes it so it's not by force.
  12. I think it looks fun. Also, my girlfriend has never been god at Mario-games but enjoyed them nonetheless, so I hope the general slowness of the game might be a good thing for her. (Yes, I'm trying to turn her into somewhat of a gamer; making her watch Big Bang Theory and watching me play game actually works.)
  13. They should make the next Spider-man-game more like Mirror's Edge in terms of gameplay. Like what we saw from the first (are there more?) trailer for the movie.
  14. Gamereactor's review: http://www.gamereactor.eu/reviews/9076/Batman:+Arkham+City/ Isn't it a bit early for reviews to tick in? It's still a week away, most reviews don't turn up before one or two days prior to launch.
  15. It looks awesome. Bar one thing: 0.54 - I don't want there to be ANY romantic subplot in this movie. Lately I've noticed how every film must have some sort of romantic subplot. It nearly ruined Thor for me.
  16. Impressions of the first three hours are found here: http://www.gamereactor.eu/previews/9031/Skyward+Sword:+the+first+three+hours/ I don't want to read it to avoid spoilers. Or well, I DO want to read it. Badly. But I mustn't. Just thought I'd post it here for you guys to read and drool over.
  17. I watched it and I don't think it spoiled anything about the game. Only mildly about the settings of the game, you know
  18. I don't like the music in that video!
  19. So, I bought DeathSpank the other day and having played it for a couple of hours without unlocking any achievements, I wondered a bit. It seems that my game is glitched so it won't unlock any achievements at all. When I started the game, the Saving-icon wouldn't go away and when I exited the game, my Xbox froze. Have any of you heard of this before, or does anyone know what to do? Edit: It seems to work again if I start a new game but only in the new game. But I have already spent some hours on the game so I don't want to do that for so little.
  20. That is some awesome boxart. But sadly I'll also be postponing this game till Christmas. It doesn't stand a chance at getting my attention away from Zelda: SS. Though I could get it for my girl friend so she has something to do while I play Zelda....
  21. To be honest, I think it looks a bit dull. I know it probably won't be at all and fun to play, and I will end up getting it nonetheless, but it looks slow and easy and not-so-interesting. Hopefully, reviews will tell me otherwise.
  22. If I don't like this game, it'll be my last Sonic-game ever. Didn't really like Sonic the Hedgehog 4 but this looks rather good. Especially the Old Sonic-parts.
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