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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Precisely, I enjoyed that too. I just didn't get the overall negative opinion of this part of the game. It wasn't like you were told to fetch things in areas you already had explored 100 % anyway.
  2. Yeah, third boss was a bit "meh" but I personally enjoyed the fourth boss very much!
  3. Yeah, I find that a bit frustrating as well and it means that I often end up waggling for the most part. I think you actually have to bluff the enemies in some way but I haven't found out how. Mainly, I sneak up behind them and beat 'em before they turn around. Btw., people, try bowling or throwing a bomb toward an enemy and watch their reactions!
  4. What I don't like about this game (after third dungeon):
  5. I just won this game but haven't got the time to try it out yet. Will have a friend over some time and play it though. I like the good impressions you guys have. It seems worth my while.
  6. Wow, she's cute! And awesome music too.
  7. Damn that! I ordered at the Danish department of Elkjøp and they haven't sent it yet.
  8. On page 672 or what? Seriously though, 7.5? I read the parts about control (there aren't any spoilers in that part, it's on the first page; just skip down to the third paragraph). They seem fair enough but the IR-thing is just plain stupid as the game doesn't use it as aforementioned. Furthermore, they complain that fighting takes time but they seem to think that waggling works in this game. On top of this, they mention a relatively fixed camera as negative which can be a point of issue sometimes, I agree. They seem harsh but I look forward to judging it myself.
  9. I cancelled my ShopTo-order because I'm too afraid they won't deliver internationally on release day. So I'd rather pay ~£7 extra to get the game in time. I'll try out ShopTo for a less important game later. Perhaps with Rayman Origins. But damn, four days to go! I have to work Friday for a couple of hours but after that it's Zelda-loving until Sunday only to be paused for Crossfit and eating! It's gonna be a great weekend!
  10. Really? I think it's out the 24th but the original date was 18th, yeah. I think it looks bloody awesome! I think I'll really enjoy this game and it will be a nice break from Zelda.
  11. I can't find anywhere on that site that it will be out tomorrow in Switzerland. It says that they will send it on the 17th and that it comes out the 18th. But yeah, one week to go! Actually, I don't know why I've stayed spoiler free for this game after E3 this year. I think it might be because I want the surprises like everybody else and also like everyone else I saw too much of TP before it was out.
  12. Had a go at the demo today. It seems okay so the game goes on my wish list for Christmas. Won't be too bothered if I don't get it, I might pick it up myself when the price falls. Still have to complete Sonic Colours at some time.
  13. Ah, the key word was OUTSIDE the GCPD-building. Gotta read 'em all! That one is easy enough. Go to the building behind the room and look at the room. You should then see an open windows where you can make your hacker device lock on to the box. There, problem solved! Hehe.
  14. A demo for this (or an equivalent game) is up tonight for Xbox Live and PSN. I don't know if it is for Gold-members of Live only but at least some get a taste of this magic. Here's to hoping it's available for all Xbox-users: X Edit: It's up now, but only available for Gold-members, sadly.
  15. You need an electrified remote controlled batarang to get that one (hit the fuse box with it). There is a place in the police department with electricity. I got the last Riddler Hostage the other day. Can't bother to get the rest of the trophies, though they are all in the Steel Mill so it wouldn't take long.
  16. But platforming IS Mario - exploration is Zelda. NSMBWiiU will most likely be the launch title for the 'casual' crowd - and most of us. Furthermore, there should be one more IP at launch, pleasing the more 'hardcore' crowd. Add to this a strong line-up of third-party games within the first six months and we have a winner launch! I wouldn't mind another Galaxy game, although I would prefer something new. The whole twisted gravity theme has been done and tried now so no need to further explore it.
  17. Whew. Took a rather long playing session this night to get some Riddler challenges done. Only 47 to go (excluding Catwoman's trophies). Had to look some of them up on the Internet, though. Also, I keep forgetting I have that line launcher. I always try to soar to places for quite a few times before remembering that I can just zip line over there.
  18. How do you hit multiple question mark switches at once? Not the ones you have to stand on but the ones on the walls. There is a place with like.. 5 or 6 switches that have to be hit at once but I can't see how to do it.
  19. Same as in NSMBWii; 4 player co-op where players can kill and get in the way of each other.
  20. Aww. Too bad. I read on some other forums that you actually didn't have to get ALL Riddler-challenges seeing as Catwoman's trophies count too. So you "only" need about 400 in total. Honestly, there are too many Riddler challenges.
  21. Just finished the main story today and now I'm getting all the Riddler's hostages - or rather, finding the Riddler trophies and then rescuing the hostages. Having a good time with it although some of them are bitches to get. I'm thinking about the ones that require you to stand on multiple pads without touching the ground between them. They are hard! Hoping I can avoid doing too many of them until I can rescure the last Riddler hostage. I liked the story, although it did feel a bit short. I think I could have done the main story in like 6-8 hours if I didn't do any side missions. The Catwoman-parts were okay but Catwoman is not really suited for this big city; it takes too long for her to get around compared to Batman. Her missions were decent but nothing spectacular.
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